Why do blacks respond to everything with violence?

Why do blacks respond to everything with violence? twitter.com/abeale202/status/1029727340488732672?s=21

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Well what do you expect from literal chimpanzees

When the based Chinese take over, blacks will take their rightful place as a source of meat for superior beings.

What do you expect from literal subhumans?

what the fuck is chocolate city nice quads

White people are pathetic. This is exactly why your own country is being taken from you. There's a reason no black person is afraid to call you cracker.


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this desu. what the fuck, white people? im latino and in school wed call blacks niggers and mayates to their faces, and if they got an attitude about it we stomped the fucking shit out of them. why do you keep letting them punk you out like this?

>There's a reason no black person is afraid to call you cracker.
They'll learn again

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if they keep it up whites wont be afraid to be crackers again

this is a friendly reminder that hollowing out the site and replacing its guts with prog bullshit will just kill it

That looks like a kid? If that's a kid. Then that guy is a quite literally a nigger.

Niggers being niggers, what else is new? It's funny how they lose their shit when they get called what they are. It's like they pretend to be human until someone calls them a nigger.

Just don't understand why whites hate us latinos. Why share a mutual hate for nigs too.

Latino isn't a race, you goober.

Because you live in ghettos, listen to rap and join gangs. It's exactly the same problems as niggers but just slightly less.

>Cacs blame others for being held accountable for once

Whitoids BTFO, ahahahaha

That means nothing, it's a known fact beaners typically outnumber and will jump their opponents. They never fight fair

What else can they do, really? Just sit there?

You're fucking savages, Pedro. Stop acting like you're better. You turn every neighborhood crime riddled. Leave garbage everywhere, party everyday and don't clean up the shit (Goes straight to the "leave garbage everywhere" complaint), have the WORST gang violence I have ever seen, REFUSE to assimilate the culture you are intruding in, dumbing down the educational system, taking even MORE money programs than any else, steal shit the second it's in your line of sight. And you tacofags have the fucking NERVE to act like you're good shit. No, you're fucking not. You "people" fucking disgust me. Get fucking deported off of this planet.

Because if it ain't white, it aint right, you fucking nigger. Why would we give a fuck if minorities beat each other up? Its like caring about which brick is better for a wall.

I always find it funny when hispanics hate blacks and forget that most hispanic nations had african slaves and native low iq indigenous monkeys. I love it when you sub-humans hate each other, it makes it easier for us.

Guaranteed. They always start shit with random people because they know their entire family will jump in if the other person retaliates.

They are genetically predisposed to violence.

Also its because those nations race mixed, and became niggers too.
latinos = niggers. They just don't like to admit it.



>be latina
>call blacks niggers
>be violent like a nigger
>not realize that latinos = niggers
Jeeze Juan, low IQ runs in the genes?

Same bro. Nigga didnt say shit bc id better their skinny asses up. These snowflakes need to take some boxing lessons instead of going to soccer practice. They have no spine.

Go cut some grass and lose the world cup every time...
every fucking time.

Post brown loli sister

We just need to kick all non-whites out and then we can be peaceful by ourselves

That is a woman. Are you really saying our women should be able to defeat hordes of niggers on their own?

>There's a reason no black person is afraid to call you cracker.
Because whites have a lot more to lose than just their pride. This is why niggers attack, the only thing of value they have is their street credit. If it was the same for whites, niggers would be living in the sewer system. Niggers should be thankful whites have money, homes, cars, and so on that blacks could only dream of having.

>They have no spine.
Ironic, since you race never fights anyone 1-on-1.

>Implying Whites are incapable of being poor.

They're in high school. It won't affect their record.

>act like a hateful racist
>surprised it has backlash
>paint minorities as criminals and hope the cops kill them for you

lying white tactics 101

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In the sea of niggers cheering about this, there's luckily one black dude with common sense.


>the person who made this tweet is running for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner
Would you vote for her?

whites can be poor but they aren't poor because they are white.

anyway this is just another shitty white incel bait thread

>Latinos trying to kiss up to white people again.
Why don't you just stop pussyfooting around and jump in chains for them? Black people aren't doing it anymore, might as well take up the job. Cotton-picking and shoe-shinning can come back in style thanks to the latino population.

He doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong in those pictures

Being a racist isn't illegal, attacking someone because they said a no-no word is, so yeah, minorities are the criminals.

>annoy her by playing nigger music
>assault her first when she complains
>bait her into calling them niggers because well they are niggers
>continue to beat up a lady to a pulp because you are a nigger

I wish all niggers die

>I was just being a hateful genocide advocating innocent neo nazi

lmao this old alt right shit excuse is always laughable

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Words don't kill, guns do.

>advocating racial violence isn't violence

lol you faggots are really deluded if you think people are going to give you a free pass


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We live in a culture that promotes violence. Not in the "Oh no, little Jimmy watched a violent movie!" sort of way, but in the case that no one enforces social order anymore. Someone getting hurt, that's not your problem, that's for the police. Back in the day, people would have stopped to help that person, they would have beat the shit out of anyone who did that to a woman. Now? You get arrested for assault if you try to step in, or worse, for a hate crime. It's suicide to try to be a decent person, instead we're told to "tolerate" this sort of violence. All this does it promote more of it.

>advocating x isn't x
Yes, that is a true statement. Advocating good things doesn't make you a hero, advocating bad things doesn't make you a villain.

>promoting something isn't promoting something


I hope your dumb enough to show your nazi face in public

>On a bus full of people
>Complains about the music instead of be quite and ignore it
>Calls them niggers
>On a bus full of niggers
She's no Einstein either.

>>promoting something isn't promoting something
So you ran out of things to say and had to make an absurd jump, huh.
I've obviously won here.

It's true, modern nazis are shameful. We should be forming street gangs and backing our words with punches.

>look in comments to find some hope that people would find this disgusting
>One comment: "No full video needed. Let that American hero remain anonymous and without charges."
Holy shit Russia just needs to nuke us already

Lol fucking faggots, their jokes are weak af too. One talks about a sissy sport instead of a sport like boxing where Mexicans are world renown champions, the other resorts to xenophobia like a beta fag. Tho I should say the majority of whites are spineless, some dude are fucking solid. Normally them being chad and brad

I tried to find some videos of white people attacking black women to post in this thread, but it just can't be done.

It happens every time a white girl dates a black man.

Seriously though, I couldn't find a single one, and I've been looking a while. I don't know if it's because whites just don't commit mob violence on women or if when they do they just don't record it.

Lol Mexico ranks 73 out of 159 on the human rights index and ranks 101 out of 188 on education
For reference the us ranks 17 on human rights and 8 for education
The cartel runs your country more than your actual government
But yeah keep talking shit on white people because they know how to run a fucking country

Whitoids are better off sucking African dicks, it's your future.

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>black """""""""people"""""""" run away from fights where they don't have a gang with them

Attached: the absolute state of niggers.webm (268x480, 1.95M)

Yea by inviting nigger by the boat loads to fuck your women. Fucking genius. Funny how white Americans actually paid to get those niggers across the ocean, set them free and pay for their entire existence.

based and redpilled.
original originalo pups

It's not at all about racial violence

>express your 1st amendment rights
>get beaten up by a gang of niggers
>be nigger
>commit crime
>commit more crime
>get shot/arrested
>whine on national television
>libs campaign to castrate free speech because whitey did stuff in Africa 6700 years ago
More like emotional child tactics

Almost forgot,

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because they aren't beta basedboy bitches like you

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I really don't like Neo-Nazis, yet I feel compelled to defend them here. Expressing an intense disagreement with immigration and being in favour of robust nationalistic policies is not and should not be illegal or shunned from political discourse. By violently assaulting people for expressing political views you disagree with, you legitimize and and give credibility to their positions, while also giving publicity to these otherwise fringe groups. In other words you are bolstering the popularity of Neo-Nazis by attacking them, when their idiotic ideas can be easily defeated with rational discourse.

Remember that replacing meat with basedbeans makes you more of a man

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I don't know what the fuck they are saying but assaulting a dude in a wheelchair is a low move

Man, that's fucked up. I can't think of a single thing a legless man in a wheelchair could say to me that would make me want to attack him.

originally kill yourself, tumblr nigger

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This, what the niggers did was wrong but she's a fucking retard.