Rate how 2018 has been for you.
1/10. probably one of the worst years of my life.
Rate how 2018 has been for you
every year since my childhood ended has been a 0/10.
one of the best for me. things just got better and better since 2016 and i hope it stays that way.
sorry to hear that yours turned out bad OP
well 2016 was quite horrible 3/10, 2017 and 2018 are probably going to be somewhere around 5/10, 2018 sucks cuz im about to fail uni again
It's been a pretty big change considering uni and everything, but it's been one of the better year in my life. 8/10 Sorry that yours has been shit op
Worst year of my life so far , but I guess it could get better
uh 3-4/10 i guess i haven't fared too bad so far.
Zero out of ten.
Worst year of my life, I've been alone all the time.
Worst year until 2019
5/10. Some really shitty stuff but I have hope.
I miss late 2015 - mid 2017.
been 0/10 my worst year and people that made it the worst year are posting that its been their worst year
Unironically 9/10
This has been the best year of my life and so much better than the flaming pile of self-destructive shit my last three years have been.
I hope your year turns around OP, you still have a few months left.
Turned 30, got crippling depression. Dreams dead. Want to die. No motivation. Lots of small bad things happened to add up.
I was on top of the world working hard making money online had high hopes for the future. Lots of good things happened.
I think it was turning 30 that did it. Whats the point when my youth is gone.
Andy Warski is that you?
relative 5/10
absolute 3/10
nothing special
bored as always
5/10 both good and bad, i finally got a job so i wont have to ask my parents for money when i want to buy vidya, pizza etc... relationship with gf is still good after 2 years. The bad part is that i have fallen into a drug addiction and not even my closest friends or my gf knows about it.
10/10 until day June 24
Holy fucking shit did I love living. I was never so fucking happy in my entire life. This was the best fucking year ever in my fucking life. I have been even happier than when I was a child.
Past June 24 has been an absolute hell though. My wish is to have died that day and relived this year countless times. Best fucking time of my life. Regret nothing up to that point.
Pretty fucking bad like 2/10 at best. I purchased some new art recently so that's a positive though. I also am in a much better place to be saving money so that is good too
2016 and 2017 were pretty good even though they had their shit times too
>most of said shit times were involving or were directly because of women
Read a lot of books, worked a lot of hours, nothing interesting (positive or negative) has yet happened
8/10. Not without its hardships, especially in the beginning of the year, but once March rolled around and I put my foot down, saying Im gonna live for myself and make my own money, get my own place, things magically got better. I finally started to embrace being 21, drinking and smoking weed with friends on a regular basis, losing weight where I can, and my depression has all but vanished.
I finally have a solid base for moving forward. I can finally be free of my parents, for the most part.
The only reason this year hasnt been a 9 is because Im still a virgin with no gf, a fact Im still working on.
Without a doubt my worst. To put it into perspective this is year I'm going to buy my rope.
Her eyes aren't wide enough habib
we are literally the same person.
I turned 25 this year and finally realized that im going to be hikki and neet rest of my life and suicide is only way out. My life is too fucked to be fixed anymore.
For real, even the last part? Those times were really fun to me and I miss them dearly. 2018 is really boring.
Better than 2017. Worse than every year since 2014
It has been pure shit
you stole my exact thoughts on the matter
Same as last year same as every year
0/10. Literally nothing makes me feel happy, I just want to die in my sleep.
>Rating years
It's all the same, time moves on and it's all awful, so life gets a 0/10
Especially when somebody tells me that I just "can't see it" and that life is good and I should shut the fuck up
Developed tinnitus, lost $30,000 in crypto, and been withdrawing from friends and life in general. Pretty jaded dude :c
0/10 would not get on the ride again, hoping i will get some mystic epiphany/motivation on 2019 or I'm probably ending it. However i do say that about every day week and month so it doesn't really mean anything anymore. I wanna wake up and be in 2012 it all feels like a bad dream since then, i want it to end
0/10 worst year I've ever had but also the best.
I'd say 6/10 boring at most but I'm liking uni and getting to play some great vidyas that I've never played before, been getting into d&d too and and actually liking it
non existent
im a grown man posting on a forum for teenagers and havent killed myself
2016 was the worst of my life, 2018 is immediately behind
Moved out on my own.
I'm less anxious by far but I'm more isolated than ever and I get bullied at work which makes me feel like shit.
2017 was 8/10 and 2018 9/10
3/10 so far
Much worse than 2017 so far, but I'm trying to plan a roadtrip to end the year with. So if that comes through, it will automatically bump it up to a 5/10.
>My Mom nearly died and then my Dad actually died
Worst year ever.
10/10 paroled out of prison
lost my grip on drinking, failing uni, I'd be alone if it weren't for my family and pets
at least I cut the booze out of my life and started exercising but I'm still not what I used to be
Isolated myself from friends that I had
Dropped out my study
Became NEET
Got a psychosis
Got better again and began contacting friends again
Got a shitty job as delivery boy for an italian food place
Work accident where I hit my face onto the ground and got knocked out and had to stitch my face
Mr bones wild ride
Up until may 9/10 but than I got paranoid and ruined , 3 /10 currently
This year has meant nothing. It's just an oblique nightmare. having a computer screen in darkness. not dead but never alive.
repeating the same patterns and protocols
believing none of this is real
>good notes at college
>I socialize a lot without alcohol
>health problems
>1 month in a hospital, it was terrible
>shitty summer like always
>I wanna get back to the college
2018 has been good to me i think?
got my first car, L plates and p plates
But had my gf want to return home though..
But i also got my friends back that she didn't want around
The worst year of my life by far
2018 was unironically better than 2014,2015,2016, and 2017. A very comfy yet insightful year.
wasn't complete shit like the last few years, but wasn't that great either
i met a lot of nice people on discord and became close friends with some of them
i also finally started socializing with people instead of staying inside my house all the time
a lot of my mental problems became worse though, so that's not very fun
3/10. Extremely shitty luck in everything I do at home but at least I got to travel to some wonderful new countries this summer.
Met a lot of new people and had fun but work has been stressful.
Been a weird year. Was pretty depressed during spring time but got my thoughts together during the summer and I'm feeling really good right now.
8/10 I say.
a shit year like the last years, but I strangely feel I give less of a fuck even though I'm maneuvering myself in even worse situations
the first ~half was 9/10, and in just 2 months it's become the worst year, about a 2.9/10, i guess this is what i get for making so many mistakes
I was in fucking heaven last year. Now she's gone.
"It's gonna be my year". I said. I have no memories since the beginning of 2018. Literally nothing memorable has happened to me so far. I was excited about entering my adulthood, but if this is how it looks like then I wouldn't mind dying by being 40 y/o. These 8 months so far I'd rate 3/10.
-1/10, literally the worst year of my life. On the cusp of true philosophical death and just becoming one of those zombies you read about
Boring as fuck no friends to go out and play football or basketball or doing anything else got even fatter but trying to lose my fat and i think 2019 will be the same staying at home playing vidya watching movies motogp f1 den Juergen wuergen
super boring
super predicatable
I coming into my own though so I have that going for me
>fell in love with a girl at work
>after several months of talking and spending time together we have sex
2018 is going to be my year
>nah lol I just want to be friends lmao
Now I don't even like going to work anymore. Shit year 1/10
Only because it wasnt as painful as previous years, but i still thought about suicide every day so far
Everything started to go down.
Mostly alone but thats nothing new.
Still have almost half of a year in front of me.
Still have hopes that things will get better
Unironically the worst year of my entire life. Nothing good has happened to me at all. 0/10.
2017 was absolutely horrendously bad as well, and the same applies to 2016.
literally the worst year of all time besides 2016 (in 2016 I permanently ruined my vision with Lasik)
in 2017 i had the dream to make it because of crypto and I also had the hope that there would be a surgeon or lens fitter who could solve my vision problems.
Now its 2018 and all hope is gone, no hope for better vision and no hope for making it with crypto.
its all fucking over. additionally all my fellow students graduated and I am the only one left, i am all alone in this town now and know nobody
started 9/10, found gf, promised a good raise from work
halway trought gf became a bitch and I dumped her, the work raise never happened, another job came up and I was almost signing the contract when I saw that the money they promised me weren't there
so, in the end, mankind still sucks, women are thots, I'd say it's a 3/10 nowadays
Someday, sometimes We will get over it user, last time for me took 2 years, this time I hope I will restart sooner, but we will get over it eventually
I was pretty happy with it for being a year of superheroes and nostalgia. but KH3 got pushed back, and there is a worst case scenario family crisis going on.
>learned to live with myself
>started working out and losing weight, looking better each day
>made some friends I go out and drink with
>gonna start college soon, a thing that seemed impossible with my mental health a while back
Basically having lots of fun, of course bad things happen sometimes but i don't give a fuck anymore, nothing can kill me nao
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm quite content with my life right now
I would say a pretty passible 6/10. Some horrid family shit to deal with but been self employed past year and a bit and I'm not dead yet.
That coupled with a good relationship keeps me hovering around content.
Literally feels like it passed in like 5 minutes. I thought last year was bad in that respect but holy fuck