Holy shit imaginary genders have ruined the dating pool even further, now you have to pretend you're a neutral fluid super spiritual intellectual pan-anti-omni-mono-duo-sex-unsexual flip flop who only flops flippies, if you even want to have a chance with these snowflake attack helicopters everyone seems to be these days since it's the next depression
Holy shit imaginary genders have ruined the dating pool even further...
If their gender isn't male, female or trans you know they're a major red flag. I think it helps.
>If their gender isn't male or female you know they're a major red flag. I think it helps.
fixed senpai
I suppose. I threw in trans because at least theyre transitioning to an existing gender.
they are transitioning into a chimera. a man is not going to start producing eggs, nor a female sperm.
Trap is a lifestyle not a gender
A man can dream, can he not user?
Other people should not be forced to dream his dreams with him
Notice how I said transgender?
trap =/= transgender
trap is literally a male who can crossdress convincingly enough to make people think theyre a girl. hence "trap" but youre a newfag I couldnt expect you to know
I never said I believed in it. I'm telling you like it is
And this is how you find the pissy trans person in a group, this is why nobody respects trans people and their mental illness
Schizophrenics are just dreaming then. But we don't let them go through with their fantasies.
Yeah well it's still a gigantic red flag, anyone willing to replace a functioning set of genatalia with an open wound is fucking psychotic.
I guess i'm a homosexual too because I don't oppose gays?
No, but you enable their dangerous lifestyle to spread to other members of the popukace via it's normalization.
Transknighting is even worse
I find it somehow weird how I have never met a trans person who does not do weed
Trans people are just whiny mentally ill people who are never satisfied with anything, even after transitioning
Coincidentally I've never met a trans person who hasn't done weed since before their brain had finished developmemt [I.E about 21] HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
How? By not bashing people over the imternet?
just go back to your containment please
Anti-schitzophrenics are apparently able to help with their illness, in terms of it makes them fine with their gender.
Yes, everyone who is not disgusted with dangerous lifestyles like homosexuality is contributing to a larger problem of it's normalization. Once it's normalized gullible people and stupids fall into it.
Trans isn't a gender
You seem like you spend too much energy on something you don't care for and it doesn't directly affect you.
no, you really don't OP
Yes, because I recognize the inherent truth that societies are at their core defined by their people. And by allowing people to engage in self destructive behaviors we are causing a decline in society. And by letting them spread you let the problem get even worse.
nice hero complex
>Realising that humans are a social species who should care about and maintain the health of their collective means I have a "hero complex"
Okay buddy, nice logic there.
What kind of dickhead would date imaginary people
You first originiggerilly
Lol nice degenerate personality.
Stop worrying so much about labels and use them to help define yourself like they're purposed for.
>Cisgender with concious personality spheres and developed emotional spectrum
The more you look for reasons *not* to love another human being, the more reasons you garner for people to not love *you*
this thread makes me sad. be nice to trans ppl