Should I try these before offing myself?

Should I try these before offing myself?

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They did wonders for my anxiety but you'll have zero libido unless you're super lucky

I took zoloft for a while but weaned myself off cause the side effects sucked. They worked okayish for my depression and only helped a little with anxiety.

Side effects:
>night sweats that were so bad I had to shower and change clothes. This only happened occasionally and stopped after going off

>somewhat hypo-manic behavior even at a low dose. I'm normally shy, but SSRI's turn off my brain to mouth filter for some reason. I said and did some embarrassing shit and I know the meds were responsible.

>increased impulsive behavior

>EXTREME emotional blunting. I felt like a psychopath on zoloft it was kind of cool. I could see someone get hit by a car and die while screaming bloody Mary and it wouldn't phase me in the slightest.

>EXTREME emotional blunting
is this a permanent thing for even after you stop taking it?

Oh shit I forgot one more:

>total lack of libido. I went from jacking off 3-4 times a day to MAYBE 2 times a month. And it usually took me at least 30 mins to finish. Like what the fuck.

It stopped eventually. When going through withdrawel I had surges of very powerful emotions. Brain zaps to. Small things would have me curled in a ball weeping and sometimes I'd be ecstatic and filled with joy over nothing. Also my ability to feel fear came back. SSRI's turned off my "flight or fight" response.

Hey anons I don't want to start my own thread but it seems like you guys have had experience with this stuff
Since I have been on lithium I haven't had any libido at all, like I have had max 5 minutes of boner in 4 weeks.
Used to fap 2-4 times a week

I don't get how people could give a shit about libido when the alternate is jumping off a building tbqhwy desu

I'm taking them at the moment and I don't know. I find it incredibly hard to jack off, and I feel like self harming. I know I never will, but I always think about hurting myself or something.

And my anxiety is just as bad as ever. I can't go into a city because I'm worried I'll get mugged or stabbed or robbed.

I guess I'll just wait out my life in my comfy village

Meant to ask "is this normal"
I don't give a shit, it is working as intended, it's just weird that my dick doesn't work now so I thought I'd ask my bros here

It's more than just that, the side effects of psych meds can really suck ass. SSRI's are relatively tame but other ones can be super bad. Lithium requires careful monitoring to avoid toxicity and kidney/brain damage. Antipsychotics can lead to a permanent condition called "tardive dyskenesia" .

>it's just weird that my dick doesn't work now so I thought I'd ask my bros here
ive been on nofap for like the past year because of it actually

I want to go back off lithium because of reasons stated but other mood stabilizers havent worked for me. Do I just have to live with this shit?

You should discuss this with your doctor. There are other med options.

I take 100MG and have yet to feel the difference

This is the thing that made me stop taking them.
I don't want to be horny, but not being able to get your dick up feels horrible.
And yes, the emotional dulling might sound cool, but you'll just feel like a soulless automaton.

Shit just don't work honestly but you're right.

Not op but another med user in similar situation.
Honestly just going to kill myself I think, tired of this anyways. Don't wanna be on the meds, am crazy off the meds. I'll leave some oxygen for someone who can use it better
Hope the ride takes you somewhere better guys.

>tfw already a soulless automaton with little libido

You know what would truly help treatment resistant depression? Being prescribed a little bit of dextroamphetamine. But the government says that drugs are bad m'kay so that won't be happening anytime soon with the drug war.

>taking the pharma jew
you might feel better, then again you might kill yourself.

SSRIs won't make your suicidal thoughts go way in my experience but they'll relieve some of the depression symptoms and give you enough energy and motivation to actually kill yourself

Then ypu have nothing to lose, you'll get even more suicidal thoughts but you probably already have tons of those

Jesus Christ. either you were taking an insanely high dose or you have the worst metabolism ever. how much did you take daily?