Finally buy a boomer monster, because of the memes on my secret Chinese forum

>finally buy a boomer monster, because of the memes on my secret Chinese forum
>tastes like shit

Thanks for giving me a bad advice (again).

Attached: monster.jpg (1520x1520, 420K)

ha faggot. arizona green tea is a meme i'll never regret.

I was at the store the other day and I was gonna buy one because of this meme, but it was like $1.99 for a can and I decided I was too cheap.

>boomer monster
Never actually seen a boomer drink a monster. Its just a meme

All Soda drinks taste like shit.

You merely need to accept the mediocrity of the taste, much as a boomer accepts the eternal mediocrity of his existence and begins to revel in it

Dr Pepper & Mountain Dew are good,

>catalog filled with racebait and spreadsheeted nonsense

>He's never tasted the heavenly synthesis of Sprite and Mike&Ike's

Attached: 1480391229748.png (425x398, 389K)

this is the final form of Jow Forums

I've seen both literal boomers and 30 y/o boomers drinking them.

I prefer red monster over white one

Normal monster is tastier and it will make your life shorter

>is tastier
all because of sugar. i actually like ice cold white one over green.

>replying to namefags ever

>drinking monster

Attached: 1509828574965.jpg (600x600, 39K)

>still emo

>Mountain Dew
tastes like diabetes, never tried Dr.P since im an ausfag.

I cant talk since i drink sparkling water, water or juice is my goto drink though.

Ah, here we go, the sugar chem industrial jew defenders have arrived.

Go get diabetes.

got one of these
it was disgustingly sweet, almost couldnt drink it
>anons get baited into buying saccharine energy drinks by a monster ad campaign

There aren't any namefags here.

ok buddy
whatever you say
I've been getting retarded replies all night on this board

I bought it too, and it tastes okay. Like fanta or something.

Buy the mean bean java monster, that one is my favorite. The fruit juice ones and tea ones are good too. The actual carbonated soda ones aren't that great.

I had my first one 3 days ago. It was ok but nothing special.

What exactly is the flavour? It isn't orange

I like it, but you should not take advice from Jow Forums of all places

iktf m8 original

>a bad advice
Spotted the euro.