Another day, another dollar.
How are you other 30+ guys and girls doing?
Another day, another dollar.
How are you other 30+ guys and girls doing?
All is fine, but it would be better if you stopped being a namefagging retard.
Who cares anymore? This website is finished.
This toxic let's pour gasoline on the fire mentality is unbecoming
it's quarter of 5 and I am listening to Ready to Die
Trying not to freak out desu. Went to an acquaintance's birthday party and a girl actually asked for my number. I'll probably just ignore her rather than let her see how pathetic I am.
Posting from my phone in the bed.
Will stand up soon, doing basic hygienic stuff, drink a cup of coffee and have a wank.
33 here. I met a cosplayer last month on here I think I might have a chance to fuck. Anyone have any experience with them?
Just had a weird as fuck dream
Was back in high school and a girl had a crush on me and gave me a present.
I have never met this girl before.
Took it back home and started dancing and my younger brother joined in
I haven't been that happy in real life for years
Don't know what it means
Anyone else lost interest in basically everything? Nothing surprises me, nothing truly interests me. As far as culture goes (TV, movies, games, etc.) I feel like I've basically seen everything. And anything I haven't seen is just a variation on what I've already seen. The only thing remotely close to joy is drinking and even that doesn't do much. I can't tell whether it's an age thing or just a soul-crushing emptiness thing though.
The only thing that still triggers me somewhat is losing in games, don't even know why.
Maybe because it shows me the unfiltered reality that I am inferior even at the stuff that I have been doing the whole life long.
Other than that pretty much mentally dead. Nothing sticks into my brain anymore, not even bothering to watch movies, series etc.
Well, I'm 30 today and officially a wizard. I'm now what they term a "mature" virgin.
>I can't tell whether it's an age thing or just a soul-crushing emptiness thing though.
I guess it's the latter more cos I still my peers having fun more often than not.
I'll get by as long as I'm even remotely kyoot! ^_^ :3
Not past thirty you won't you dumb cunt.
Meant for this slutty girl
Are you old enough to be in this thread?
Get lost zoomer.
Get out of this thread you dumb cunt. You need dick. You cannot live without dick.
Any 30+ females here who want casual sex?
No, you disgusting whore. You're worthless if you've had casual sex.
Erm. Men can't be whores though.
You will burn in the flames of hell.
I feel guilty about the fact that I spent time/money on getting a degree only to realise I prefer working in a supermarket as a bakery assistant. I'm not an ambitious person and I only did uni because my parents pressured me into it. Sometimes I wonder why do I feel so bad about liking my job?
>I feel guilty about the fact that I spent time/money on getting a degree only to realise I prefer working in a supermarket as a bakery assistant.
UKfag? You probably shouldn't have let yourself be pressured into doing a degree. What was the degree?
Ha...well lets say that after 27, everything got suddenly great.
I moved to another country cose dual citizen, had to start from scratch again, so I had to learn life the hard way but it was really a good experience. Started working hospitality and after a few years I am in a good position.
For relationships it really helped me, my accent gave me a supplement of attractiveness.
Never been better.
Transitioned from Robot to Normie.
Life can be good.
I guess it is mostly a matter of chance.
Ausfag. I did science.
What can it lead to in terms of career?
>I guess it is mostly a matter of chance.
Lady luck is a hooker.
Careers are a meme. I like having a job that allows me to be comfy.
What do you do for fun?
Have women in their thirties mostly lost interest in sex?
Only if they have had kids.
I always felt bad for not striving to be more, but I love the little place I work at with a relaxed atmosphere while most of the people there are older and kind. A lot of people choose making more money over something they genuinely enjoy, which sounds like a terrible way to spend your life when most of your time is spent at work.
No, but I've never actually had sex.
Meme how?
>What do you do for fun?
Not much these days. Everything's lost it's lustre.
You know with 30+ I'd thought loaded questions like these would be less common.
>A lot of people choose making more money over something they genuinely enjoy, which sounds like a terrible way to spend your life when most of your time is spent at work.
If you're comfortable with the money you make then it's not a bad way to live.
Does that mean you're a witch?
How is it a loaded question? It has been my general experience. Women in their 30s are less sexually adventurous.
Turning 29 in a month and im starting to get grey hairs is this the beginning of the end?
That hadn't been my experience.
You're lucky then and I'd like you to introduce me to girls you know.
I apologise, just seemed like the loaded questions you see in the 25+ threads.
I forgive you, paranoid fembot
Is anyone else really scared of younger people?
Why have you never had sex? Would you like to fix that?
Protip if you ignore her she will want your dick more.
Yeah, that's important to keep in mind as well. I've been able to save because I don't buy much and have other ways to make extra money on top of living in a less expensive area, luckily.
I think so. I've also heard women become beastmasters who can talk with cats, yet I haven't experienced this skill.
>tfw no virgin witch to deflower and drain of mana
I'm a dude. It just annoys me that in many posts you read here, there's this (understandable) level of bitterness but at a certain point it's just poisonous to your well-being.
Me, sleep schedule is fucked as well
>tfw I have an assignment due midnight tomorrow so have 24 hours to do i, its only 2000 words but requires sourcing
>thinking I might be able to sleep tonight so wondering whether I should wait till tomorrow or do it tonight
You don't want to fug her. Virgin women are fucking terrible at sex.
I thought main reason you'd want a virgin at this age is so that they don't know how bad you are at sex?
it's an added bonus
I know the sex will be terrible. But it's the novelty of it.
Previous responder I think it's an emptiness thing
Not all of us are virgins. I like women with a slutty side.
30 here
Wageslaving for pennies and spending my free time playing gacha games because qt anime grills
Want to play Azur Lane that releases today but the current one I'm playing takes so much of my free time, and I've invested 7 months into it already
Sluts are the best. All I want is a hypersexual slutty fembot to have degenerate sex with.
>gacha games
What do you do in them?
Repeat same boring tasks (killing shit) over and over daily everyday
Play the roulette in order to get your waifu/stuff to make waifu stronger
Tryhard for high scores in multiplayer content
spend fucktons of money in order to get stronger faster/get your waifu faster
I don't do the last because I'm a poorfag even though I'd love to have unlimited supply of money
>All I want is a hypersexual slutty fembot to have degenerate sex with.
sound like heaven, user
It would be.
>tfw no hypersexual slutty fembot to have degenerate sex with
33 and having a gay awakening,can you say tragic?
wewlad. that's a decade late for coming out of the closet
>having a gay awakening
At 33? What the fuck? Are you sure it's not the porn overload that many anons experience?
Anyone here have kids?
Just had a boy with my first ever gf
It's scary and I will probably have to sacrifice my dreams, but oh well
at this point it's not a closet anymore, it's a fucking fortress. doesn't help that i've had multiple girlfriends before. there's no way people would understand without thinking i'm insane and i honestly wouldn't blame them but here we are
i don't watch porn
Why didn't you use a condom, you dork?
nope, wasn't really into kids. how does it feel to be a father?
Women without maternal instinct are trash.
Why is everyone so mad here? OwO
I wanted to know what it feels like to cum inside a vagina.
And I wanted her to feel as connected to me as possible, which is a biological effect of ejaculate..
I thought maybe this was my only chance at love.
Feels weird. I didn't want kids either.
No one is mad. You're just triggered over something.
>I wanted her to feel as connected to me as possible
does she?
>i don't watch porn
Did you always have an inkling or something?
>I guess it's the latter more cos I still my peers having fun more often than not.
At the risk of sounding like a fedora-wearing enlightened atheist, they may just have less introspection, be more simpleminded, etc.
You sound like the epitome of human intelligence.
an inkling? about being gay? i don't think so. I was never violently offended by homosexuality which i suppose is outside the norm so I guess...maybe?
>At the risk of sounding like a fedora-wearing enlightened atheist
>they may just have less introspection, be more simpleminded, etc.
There's probably better ways to put it but in a way you're probably right.
Cos there's a young guy I used to work with who was always spending most of his money on going on holidays with his gf and nights out with the lads. It vaguely annoyed me that him being that he never saved much money or had any real ambitions beyond his current position.
Turning 30 today, without a gf or many real friends or ever having been on holiday and having my funds run dry due to unforeseen circumstances, I realise he's probably pretty happy with his lot in life. He's content.
This Monday I turned 31, I feel like walking garbage.
I work, play online and eat that is my life from Monday to Saturday (on Sundays I only ate and play) I have never been with a woman and I am stupider than a stone.
I think it will be like that until he retires or dies of a heart or brain attack
at least you're walking, good cardio, prevents heart attacks
How did she react when she knew she was pregnant?
>I thought maybe this was my only chance at love.
By having sex without protection?
got a programming test coming up today had a really hard time with the last one, i can't think very well under pressure
>relatively successful financially/career-wise
>wife and two kids
>nice house in the suburbs
>find little joy in anything
>spend at least an hour a day contemplating suicide
You should seek a psychiatrist or go on a nice vacation to do something different. You have money, so you have the ability to help yourself.
you're probably right. it just feels like i don't have the time to do any of that, which makes me feel stuck in this misery. between my job and kids, i just have no time/energy for anything else. work has been so busy lately. i've been making good money but i haven't taken more than three consecutive days off in four years.
Good luck user. What's it for exactly?
This is a massive problem for a lot of people these days and especially Americans, from what I've experienced and read about. People force themselves to work so hard that a crapload don't even take their vacation time and waste it even when it's paid. You really need to force yourself to take time for yourself. It's extremely important for your mental and physical health to be able to relax and take a load off once in a while.
I hope you have an understanding wife and can talk with her to tell her you're feeling a bit burnt out and see if you can figure something out whether you need a bit of alone time for r&r, some kind of family vacation or even a nice, romantic vacation just for you and your wife while the kids are off at a friend's house or family.
>complete failure financially/career-wise
>tfw no gf/wife/anything at all ever
>find little joy in anything
>spend at least an hour a day contemplating suicide
Grass is always greener on the other side.
I fucking meant to quote
yeah, legitimately good advice on Jow Forums. go figure. thanks, user. my wife knows i'm unhappy but we're also both very fearful about money. i keep saying i'll quit my job and find something else to do but i can't find anything that pays nearly as much. i think once both kids are in school, my wife will be able to work full time again and there will be less financial pressure on me. i don't want to wish for that time because little kids are adorable, but man, i think life will be a little easier then.
yep. there are a lot of very different circumstances that can imprison people.
This sounds like it could be me in 3 years. Got married this past year, we're looking to buy a house soon and it's probably gonna be in a small town nearby. Getting settled into our engineering careers - nothing super lucrative but we'll be plenty well off. Kids are becoming a less scary prospect but I still don't feel completely comfortable with it. Do you think you'd be happier with no kids? A more fulfilling career? A different wife? I'm starting to not give a shit about anything anymore and it's kinda scary.
How many cups of coffee do you drink?
I need 2 cups to stay awake to a certain degree.
Way too tired otherwise.
>Do you think you'd be happier with no kids?
No, I love my kids. They take up almost all of my time when I'm not at work but I don't know what I'd be doing with my free time that would seem more fulfilling than trying to be a good dad.
>A more fulfilling career?
Hard to say. I don't really get any personal fulfillment from work, but I generally get to sit in an office by myself most of the day and just do work, which is a good fit for my personality. And through work and good saving/investment habits, I have a net worth well over $1 million now (not bragging, this really isn't that much given that we live in an expensive city).
>A different wife?
Grass is always greener, right? We have our share of problems but she's a great mom to our kids. She also made quite a lot of money for a few years before the kids and she is not a big spender, so she's a major reason we're doing well financially. It feels like the stress of the kids is putting a lot of strain on our relationship and we nitpick things about each other. I feel like this is common though and probably not either of our faults necessarily.
i don't drink coffee, tastes bad
I have cuts on my foreskin from too much masturbation. I should take a break, but today I did it three times again. As expected of a wizard.
Glad I could help someone on this hellhole a little hah.
That's definitely a lot on your shoulders having young ones and only part of the income for a good while, so hang in there and try to remember that things won't be this stressful forever. It sounds like you love your family and you're a good man just dealing with a lot. Hopefully, when the children get a smidge older, your wife can get back to working and you can focus on continuing to find a job that isn't so rough while still paying decently where it will work perfectly for you and your family. In the meantime, I hope you can find a way to still get yourself a little relaxation here and there.
have you considered lube?
Has anyone 30 been able to get their life off the ground? I feel like the only part of my life that is salvageable is getting a career.