ASMR thread

who are your favorite ASMRtists? I like Latte, Gibi, Mauve, Goodnight Moon, Fairy Char, and some others I can't remember. I prefer female, whispering, personal attention, hand movements and don't care what the roleplay is.
also I can't seem to get tingles or anything tonight so send your best.

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I love amouranth.

rec me some asmr to fall asleep to

Tingting asmr and softlygaloshes are asmrkino

I like WhiteWinterWhispers Gibi, Glow and Palagea.
But my favorite is Joey

based joeyposter

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ppomo is always a good choice

As long as it's not Heather Feather and ASMR Darling, then I'll give it a chance. Those two I hate though, and Darling is legitimately the worst, shittiest ASMR person.

I dont really watch Darling's videos whats so bad about her?

I love me some ppomo.

I like Dana ASMR and Latte as well.

Gotta be visualsounds1 for me

It's a triple whammy of firstly, she doesn't actually know the first fucking thing about ASMR so just copies what other people do but shittily because to her the thought process is "whispering = tingles, yay!", second as she just copies people her work is clearly exploitative of trends so she only does shit which got other people the most views and what's the most popular so nothing original. Lastly, she literally only got popular because she dated Pewdiepie and he promoted her channel as a pussywhipped favor to her, hence why she got so big in no time at all. For one thing this is shit but for another it feeds into the first problem because she didn't get into ASMR on her own or naturally, come to understand it and all. She just saw it as something that was popular and got lots of views so just jumped in and copied people (hence not knowing a single fucking thing about ASMR and being shit at it) and had Pewds make her channel explode.

Like a perfect storm of everything wrong about ASMR.

Uncle E, anyone?

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>ASMR Darling dated pewdiepie
what the fuck are you on about

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what the fuck, i knew none of this

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ayylmao what the fucks he doing

Could be mistaken on specifically that part, I heard it from several people, but they were at a close enough relationship (working, intimate, whatever) that he promoted her shit, and in a way more than just an aside mention. He specifically did it as a gift to her, to basically give her an audience big enough that she could make money off it.

The rest checks out though, she's literally just a thot who jumped on the ASMR bandwagon in the worst way (doesn't understand it and copies people) and became huge because Pewds.

wait he literally plugged her in the description of this video, wtf?

Exactly, she essentially only exists as a known person because of Pewdiepie. Otherwise she'd be just another of thousands who do the same shitty ASMR forumula she does and are forgotten for it. And hell, she only got into it in hopes of money and shit so if she'd failed like that she'd probably give up.

But thanks to Pewdiepie now she's huge and rakes in the cash and shits on the ASMR community and the concept.

yeah but why did he do it though

ASMRSurge. Anything else makes me feel profoundly uncomfortable.

I had read/heard and believed that it was because they were dating and then broke up on good terms so as a like a goodwill parting gesture he force-inserted her into the ASMR game so she'd have an income.

If that's not true, the relationship part, then I could imagine they had some other connection with the rest being true still.

Nyanners does the best AMSR

>ywn have a gf that sounds like this

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