Your turn

your turn

Attached: chess.png (2000x2000, 155K)

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knight to f3

Flip the chess board and end the game, easy.

c5 for Sicilian Defense

>Sicilian Defense

Attached: 5eb.jpg (480x600, 21K)

Sacrifice the queen, no girls allowed

now what pal

Attached: 1e4-c5-2Nf3.jpg (2000x2000, 314K)

Knight to d4

sorry, that move is ILLEGAL

Pawn to d5

Alright faggots, let's do this.

pawn takes pawn

Attached: 1e4-c5-2Nf3-d5-3exd5.jpg (2000x2000, 311K)

Queen takes pawn let's do this nigger

the queen is in trouble

Attached: 1e4-c5-2Nf3-d5-3exd5-Qxd5-4Nc3.jpg (2000x2000, 308K)

sorry lads but this is painful to watch

Queen to h5

Bishop to e2

Attached: 1e4-c5-2Nf3-d5-3exd5-Qxd5-4Nc3-Qh5-5Be2.jpg (2000x2000, 308K)

Fuck that guy who made the first move, I have no clue how the sicilian defense works
Knight to f6

A quick reminder of the rules

the idea of the sicilian defense is that you're not allowing white to put his e-pawn in the center, and so black is going to have a better pawn center

Attached: 1e4-c5-2Nf3-d5-3exd5-Qxd5-4Nc3-Qh5-5Be2-Nf6-6O-O.jpg (2000x2000, 307K)

But how does responding with c5 stop white from controlling the center?
Pawn to a6

sorry I messed up, I meant to say d-pawn. after the mvves e4-c5 white can't keep his d pawn on d4 because it's going to get exchanged with the pawn on c5. this is not really a big deal, but black is going to have 2 pawns on the center files, and white is going to have only one, that's kind of the main idea of the opening, good central play for black. you should just watch some videos on it, i'm not good at explaining

Attached: 1e4-c5-2Nf3-d5-3exd5-Qxd5-4Nc3-Qh5-5Be2-Nf6-6O-O-a6-7d4.jpg (2000x2000, 307K)

Just recently got into chess, I think I've seen a few videos but it's hard to remember all the openings.
Pawn to e6

>getting the queen out so early
>some kind of a benoni, sicilian hybrid

Your opponent can't counter you if even you don't know what you're doing

Attached: 006BB3A064174C50AC781EE652AFE1AC.jpg (890x1024, 67K)

I recommend playing e6 and then developing by putting both bishops to the seventh rank and castling, but these queen moves already gave white a nice edge in development and he'll have a better game

take the king and shove it up your urethra

you don't have to memorize openings, just remember some principles like getting your pieces out, castling, keeping you pawns in the center etc. I recommend watching chess network, he makes some good beginner videos. also as these anons have said getting your queen out early is a bad idea, because your opponent can attack your queen and develop his pieces at the same time (like I did with my knight in the beginning), and try getting more of your pieces out into the game (I have my knights, bishop and rook while you only have your queen and knight, that's going to give me a big advantage). other than that have fun, everything's going to make sense once you study a bit.

also, sorry but I have to go, maybe some other user will continue the game

Attached: 1e4-c5-2Nf3-d5-3exd5-Qxd5-4Nc3-Qh5-5Be2-Nf6-6O-O-a6-7d4-e6-8Be3.jpg (2000x2000, 309K)

Pawn to e6, black is already in the shitter though

Also capture the pawn before bishop to d7, you'll probably need to move your queen to the other side of the board

Oh yeah I know the principles, I'd say I'm beyond beginner level now. I just took out the queen because it makes the game more exciting and fast paced but I know you usually don't want to do it until you've developed the minor pieces.
Like the others have said this game looks lost though, GG

looks like black queen is lost. Black bishop to d6.