Sometimes be an incel is a good thing

>be the one guy at the party that the slut refuses to let gang bang her
>be the one guy at the party who doesnt catch Gonorrhea

It was humiliating at the time to have her single me out and say no, but it really worked out for me.

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>tfw never get to walk around the city holding a girls hand
>tfw never going to feel accepted or loved
>tfw never going to have all night Netflix binges with gf laying on your chest
>tfw never going to travel the world with gf
>tfw never going to fully trust someone
>tfw you'll never show her all the good anime shows that she never seen before
>tfw never going to come home from work and smell turkey in the oven while she starts the mash potatoes
>tfw never going to wake up super comfy and see gf next to you
>tfw never going to give each other presents during Christmas
>tfw never going to go outside and watch the stars together
>tfw never will there be someone to help me get over my deppression and anxiety
>tfw never get to play cute pranks on gf and vice versa

Yeah dude at least I wont get gonorrhea

i dont think incels get invited to parties bro

There is always medication and therapy.

Take baby steps. Trying to pursue happiness is one of the strategies to maximise misery. Bring order and some structure into your life and the rest will follow automatically.

I'm honestly pretty lucky, I was friends with a chad in high school and he vouches for me.

damn user thank you for that post you just made me really excited for all the future experiences I could have with my new gf

I would gladly miss out on ALL of those if it means I don't have to deal with an STD

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Pranks are for psychos

>someone to help me get over my deppression and anxiety

sorry, but gf won't help you with that

You'd never get any of those things anyway. This is a delusional post made by someone in fantasy land. Women aren't this wonderful thing that make your life complete, they are flawed selfish creatures. Trust me, once you get a girlfriend you will wonder why you ever got one. Source: I'm married.

>tfw never going to fully trust someone
So pathetic, putting your trust into someone who will never return it and will probably betray you at the first chance.

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So why did you stay together with your girlfriend and even married her?

I've seen so many normalfags talk about how their gf helped them with that

Unless you mean it's all just a big meme like sex and it doesn't really happen

I have a son who I love very much. I want him to grow up to hedge the best life he can have, and that means having both parents. For all her flaws my wife is a wonderful mother. So I'm sacrificing my ownn happiness for him. Why did I marry her in the first place? I ask myself that a lot. Social pressure maybe, this idea that the whole family unit is what u are supposed to want. And she wanted me. Which is a nice feeling I guess.


Should have let her take full custody and bailed

Anyone else get a girl to your place and have no idea how to transition to physicalness? Like multiple times we were just sitting on the couch watching TV or talking. I think I blew my chance and we are just platonic now but I would like to know so after another 24 years I know what to do.
Pic related its what I want this girl to do to me.

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>roasties are having shameless gangbangs at parties
>they get to choose with who
This shit is fucking unreal.

>tfw you never kissed a girl
>tfw you will never have anyone to love you
>tfw your humiliated by your family every day for not having a girlfriend
>tfw you'll never the joy of passing of your autism

But I guess I'll never get an STD

>tfw your humiliated by your family every day for not having a girlfriend
They think they are just joking around.

>Gay guy at work and this lass talking about sexual experiences openly in front of me
>Gay guy talks about multiple STDs he's had
>Lass goes on about how she was always apprehensive to have sex with people so she just blew them instead
Some of the shit they were saying turned my stomach, fucking normals.

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Maybe she's legitimately a nice person, and she knew that she was diseased and didn't want to hurt you.
Fat chance, but it's still nice to think, right?

I don't care if I can't get a girlfriend now or if I'm celibate, in fact it may even be better for me given how I'm at the age where I have to focus entirely on my own development. I would much rather grow old with a loving family than die alone, though, no matter who I become.

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gonorrhea is no problem just take the meds for two weeks and you are good.
Sex is worth a mild std

This degenerate's speaking from experience for sure

>std experience
pick one faggot

id rather take an anti biotic then suffer that embarrassment but I dont know if I would want to gang bang some girl

Yeah maybe , but it still sucks going to family get togethers and have everyone ask why I don't have a girlfriend and if I'm gay. Out of my three cousins closest to my age 2 of them have daughters and the third has a girlfriend.

Family get togethers are just like school reunions, a big part of it is to show off in front of people, and to do that they need to place themselves above someone else.

Implying Jow Forums isn't 80% degenerate normalfag by this point


Because I have that right now

Should of looked around the fish pond better fag

She'll kind of signal it with like a nudge or if she wears glasses she'll take me off. The. You just go for it the worst that can happen is you get rejected. Wich is fine because if she's not down to fuck nd yih guys are watching Netflix and chilling she's using you for betabux don't fall for that trap abon

fuck delete this now

haha yeah bro I'll just miss on a huge cornerstone of most people lives but at least I won't have aids

>more time for escapism
>much less shit to deal with
I don't think I would choose otherwise even if I had the ability to (might simply be a coping mechanism of course).

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>never kissed or slept with anyone
>still have mouth herpes
we are living in hell

>or if she wears glasses she'll take them off
What a fucking shame. This is like all of that shitty cosplay porn where the girl removes the outfit entirely not even 5 minutes into it.

Have a (YOU). That little bit of false hope made my day.

I've had gonorrhea twice. It's not that big a deal, it had literally no symptoms and I only found out during a standard army checkup, and the treatment was a course of antibiotics. I've had ear infections worse. I don't see why you make such a big deal over such a little thing

Because he's a permavirgin

>I've had gonorrhea twice

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>tfw never get into heated arguments with gf
>tfw never have to have the sneaking suspicion that she's cheating while you snoop through her phone while she's gone
>tfw never have to get jealous when a more well-endowed man is around gf
>tfw never have to worry about being in a relationship with a girl that doesn't want sex when you do
>tfw never have to change your lifestyle and hobbies solely to suit her wants and needs
>tfw never have to deal with a girl who has depression and anxiety
>tfw never have to worry about unwanted pregnancies
>tfw never have to spend money on a girl
>tfw never have to run the risk of being literally cucked

Yeah dude but those long walks on the beach...

Awful fucking taste. Girls with glasses are bottom-tier in the first place.

>he thinks this is what relationships are like
Women aren't like that, especially around men who aren't Chad. They have no loyalty and will only use you.

That's usually an indicator that their "depression" was just loneliness. Normalfags are not as used to it as we are and can find it very hard to cope with. Getting a girlfriend makes the loneliness go away.

This is probably the most beta post I've seen on this board. Congratulations. It takes a lot of talent and skill to top the orbiter squad, but I think you've managed it.

Do you want to be the dog or the cuck? I mean duck?

I think this user is pretty delusional...listen user that's how it USED to be...This is 2018 and girls stopped acting and doing any of that shit in like 2007 or so

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>tfw never going to come home from work and smell turkey in the oven while she starts the mash potatoes
Why is this the only one that bothers me?

>all those buzzwords
>no argument to be seen for miles

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