Are tall women unattractive? 5'10+ and up?
Are tall women unattractive? 5'10+ and up?
amazonian goddesses
Yea. I saw this amazing fit Nordic lady at Costco a couple years ago and felt she was a literal goddess, no exaggeration either
Height does not make women unattractive
Not if she is a thicc titcow.
They're pleasing to the eye but when one towers over me it feels weird.
This, I like to feel like I can shield, protect and sometimes dominate my gurl but when she's taller that's very weird.
OP manlet confirmed.
5'10 girls have nice long legs.
Tall girls are always beautiful
Tall girls are literal perfection
One day i will impregnant one and we will make a new breed of super tall super humans
I love tall women but I don't like when they are literal stickmen. You need to scale up properly.
Yes. I only date tall girls.
Reproducing with short women is how we got into this mess of manlets.
>implying you have ever kissed a girl
I feel the same way, would still like a tall gf though if she really didn't mind being with someone shorter
>be me
>5'11 femanon
>lives in a country full of manlets
>tfw giant here
>tfw no tall bf
Mexico? Asian country? Cant travel to Europe?
Want a 5'7" bf who will dominate you and make you feel like a little girl?
Im 6'7 and can fly you over go where i am and be your sugar daddy if you like.
its always tall dudes who feel weird about tall girls never manlets
just date short guys
No, but they are sure inferior to small women
when you getting taller than 5'8 than its starts getting a problem. Only tall guys will date you, but they also prefer small petite women more3 because they are cuter and more girly
>Only tall guys will date you
this is just not true whatsoever
typically being taller than 5'7 makes a woman less and less feminine-looking unless the woman has particularly feminine features of her body and figure to compensate.
it depends lad
There is this 6'0 lass at my job who I think is totally hot. I bought a fleshlight just to fucking jack my cock thinking about wild fuck fantasies with her. She's kind of a klutz too, constantly knocking into things because of her height. so hot.
can't wait to bust a big nut on friday when I get my fleshlight.
Unless they're fucking pygmies, height doesn't matter for women.
It's all about having the proper ratios. That being said as a manlet, i tend to avoid tall women because i assume they won't find me attractive.
I know this 6'2 chick I sort of flirted with and now she's after the D. Literally bit her lip when she saw me and awkwardly laughed too much. I guarantee she hasn't had too many guys asking her out.
I'd go for it but she's a sticc. No tits, no ass, just tall and lanky. Decently pretty face but god damn, I want to know I'm fucking a woman.
I'm 6'4'' and I'd fuck any girl shorter than me, and if they're too tsll they're not allowed to wear heels in my presence.
*too tall
original post
of course they can be but likely not. all the attractive tall girls usually end up being models and most tall girls feel big as well as tall because they tend to be broad framed
They understand our pain as manlets, but would never date us. However some of the tall girls will be your wingman because of that. The nice ones.
How tall are you and why are you lying on a Pakistani tea brewing forum?
Girls at 5'8" or taller are offputting to me, but that's because I'm a 5'9.6" manlet
A 5'5" chick is already tall as fuck for all intents and purposes.
They will demand a guy who is some 10 inches taller than her.
Not prefer, demand.
And end up with a 5'7" Chad anyway.
Tall women have long, interminable legs which is my latest erotic obsession. So no, I wouldn't say they are. But shorties are still the master race
>5'7" Chad
>tfw 6'0'' spic
>virgin at 32
>i will never have a tall-fu to dominate me
Hows Wizardy treated you user?
>long, interminable legs which is my latest erotic obsession
Good taste in fetishes.
One one hand I like qt petite grills, but on the other tall bitches with legs for days all the way up their ass are just too good. Bonus points for solid thighs.
it's not the height that fucks tall girls over really, it's the proportions, if tall girls don't take care of themselves more than the short ones they either look like lanky horse girls or they look like linebackers
no. tall women are like sexy trees that you get to climb.
No, tall women can be attractive just as short women can be attractive.
I don't actively persue women taller than me though.
It's been proven to be the best pussy slaying height, lanklet virgin.
this 100%
I really don't feel any kind of attraction for chicks that look like dudes in drag, and past 5'11 that's generally what happens
im at a height (6'6") where it becomes "weird tall" for a lot of girls and some shorter girls just aren't attracted to it
talls girls 5'10 and up are usually just desperate to find someone taller than them so please leave them all to me, cheers lads
Date me
floppy floppers
Poor you, tall girls always go for short guys like me.
I don't mind tall women one bit. Hell they could be taller than me for all I care, I just care that I'm able to hug them without being crushed (A little is acceptable but not wanted). Also I just pray that they actually hold a sense of humor.
Considering the only problem I have with tall women is that they are probably taller than me since I am only 5 foot 10 , especially if they are wearing heels, that proves objectively there is nothing unattractive with tall women since the only problem here is my own, not theirs.
Tall women have the best fucking legs. I salivate just looking at a tall womans legs.
>at a club high on mdma
>zooming around talking to literally everyone that i cross paths with
>I'm 6'1
>come across a girl thats taller than me (at least 6'3)
>instantly belt out 'waow you're tall'
>start laughing and apologize cause I know she gets it all the time
I like tall women, they are fun
it makes them seem less attainable but not less attractive
Out of curiosity, are you the self-conscious crystal cafe user who keeps making threads about tall girls and how she'll never find a bf? If so, you're giving height too much credit, I assure you'll end up fine.
I've heard tall women don't mind height. Is that true?
Please, give me something, I've got nothing.
I unironically want a GF who's taller than me and I do not care about how taller we're talking
t. 5'8 manlet
insecure plebeians. seeking relationships out of a need for dominance is absolute beta bitch status.
Since when preferring shorter girls = dominance? Have you not seen any couples where a short woman will dominate in the relationship? Fucking idiot.
Debicki is a Goddess
As long as they're all legs, I love them. They usually have insecurity and a complex for being the "tall girl" or the "big girl". I like 5'10 - 5'11, that's the sweet spot. I'm a little under 6 foot myself and built so its not a problem. In heels they'll tower me but I'm not insecure and don't care.
How does it feel like, knowing there are kids taller than you?
Depends desu. Tall girls need a bit more meat on them, scrawny tall girls look weirdly disproportional.
>how to demonstrate you are insufferable and undateable
>in less than a minute
wew dodged a bullet lads
just go for it fag
you seem so insecure about being attracted to anything except extremely feminine women
You can be my Amazon mistress
How does it feel to be a kissless virgin while men shorter than you have fucked over 100 girls?
im 6ft 1 and any girl whomsted've is taller than me is a freak imo.
this guy gets it, if a woman is under 5'8 I can't consider her wife material, preferably 6+
I'm not OP, but I'm only 5'6 and I like tall girls.
Again I'm not him, but who gives a shit?
I don't think so
All the tall girls at my school got way more dick than I got pussy (0)
as a 6'1 girl, i used to hate being this tall, now ive come to embrace it. feelsgoodman
Snu snu my nigga
Not with tits as fat as those LMAO
Harder than diamonds rRN
Is guy's height an issue for you
a couple of inches difference doesnt matter to me, outside of that they have to work with what they got and maybe it wont matter much
not that im much for guys anyways though
This is the problem. Plenty of men would like to date tall girls, but they want someone they can look up at.
Bi mostly leaning towards women I presume?
How much is "a few inches"?
yea like 95% towards women with that little bit of "i wonder what id miss out on"
a 4 to 6 inch difference id guess is fine
Ah I see, cool to know fembot
Height is only a determinant of attractiveness for men. Moving on.