Whats the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you? Alternatively whats the nicest thing anyone has ever said about you?
Whats the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you...
Worst: "Why haven't you killed yourself yet?" (Yes, she was seriously asking)
Nicest: "I'm proud of you son" (my father)
My ex possibly lying to me about having an abortion and never telling me
>met old friend from highschool
>hey remember me? It's user
The meanest thing wasn't exactly said to me, but to my father.
When I was 13 I woke up overhearing my parents fighting, where my mother was screaming at my father claiming I never do anything
>He is worthless! 100% worthless!
It was summer vacation, she was made I was spending so much time inside
"he's a very peaceful man"
from the indian shopkeepers across the street
nicest thing
Mother looked me dead in the eye and called me a lost cause. Not exactly the worst but it hit the hardest coming from her.
Can't really remember any praise.
"Loser" from my own sister after dropping out of college from major depression.
Meanest was when my mother told me to kill myself
Nicest is probably being told that I'm really good at the MMORPG I play. People don't say many nice things about me
>No specific example
>In middle school and early high school
>group of kids would beat me up and emotionally abuse me, no idea why they did it
>called me a Nazi because I had blonde hair and blue eyes
>could never understand why they hated me so much, I was no racist, no Nazi
>"You're the most important thing in my life. Without you, I would have killed myself long ago. You're the only bright spot in my life. You can do anything you want in life and I will be proud of you and I will love you."
From my mom. I love you mom.
Why would a mother tell her son to kill himself.
That's horrible
thats actually pretty badass
well done user
cant really remember the meanest but i got a long ass apology from some girl 4 in the morning about how she regretted everything she said about me
nicest was some girl saying "youre the sweetest person ive ever met in my life and im not even drunk" lol
That sounds like a really cool situation, I would be honored. I am sometimes a very violent and aggressive person and am working to control it. I hope to get such a compliment someday.
"You're going to die alone if you keep living like this. You're going to deserve to die alone if you keep living like this." (Mother sometime before she kicked me out of the house)
There was this one girl who was in high school and interning at the place I worked at. She would talk to me for some reason even though I'm unsociable as fuck. One day she asked me if I was depressed, out of the blue. No one had ever asked me that before so I just said "probably" and she was quiet and then said "I hope you'll someday ask for the help you need, Mr. user"
She was an extremely abusive drug addict and would fly off the handle at anyone over the smallest things. I got upset with her stealing everything I owned for drug money and she told me to kill myself as a response.
god, im sorry to hear that user.
"you're 18 and you've already thrown your life away"
nothing comes to mind.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
May you grow past it
I don't have an example, but it's when people avoid me and nobody answer me when I'm nice to everybody. It's hurt a lot man.
It's from a girl that I meet in a college party, she obviusly felt in love with me the first time we coincided but in other party she was going to fall to the ground and I helped her like a white knight, at this moment, she was really drunk, she tell me: ''I adore you''.
You're still young. Focus on your goals and studies, you'll find a mate.
>Some time in middle school
>Someone in class yells to one girl, "Why don't you date user then?"
>Literally everyone in class starts screaming "EW!" and "GROSS!" and laughing at me
I can't think of anything nice someone has said to me
Yes, I'm totally focus in keep studying to earn money in the future. I don't really care about my ideal gf. I lost the faith in it a long time ago. Thanks user.
I suppose you sure showed her.
they come after the prestige anyway. youll find a good one. god bless
>Whats the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?
Someone called me a fag on an anonymous image board.
Alternatively whats the nicest thing anyone has ever said about you?
Someone told me that i'm a nice person on an anonymous image board.
your sister sounds cool, is she single?
The meanest things said to me I've probably said to myself. I'm not social so I don't really run into people who insult me, like ever.
I don't really know what's the nicest thing anyone's ever told me, guess nothing nice has been said to me in a while.
I forgot
I don't remeber
Well anob you better start gassing those jews and niggers that abused you, you nazi ;).
>nothing specifically, found out allot of old high school freinds hate me now because of a crazy ex gf. Stuff like "he's so fake".
I loved them all, too. Kinda makes me feel like I have nothing to go back to.
>I'm proud of you
Said by several people I look up too and my current group of freinds. Means more to me than they know.
Worst: "You're completely fucked" after my grandfather's funeral when I felt nothing.
Best: "We're brothers" my internet friend said this to me a while ago. He became a normie and left the internet while I'm still here. I'm not mad at him, just sad he's gone.
i have a verbal humiliation fetish, if i had a sister that would call me a loser i would definitely jerk off to it later while going through the dirty laundry to smell her used panties
Worst thing ever said: maybe you're the reason your friend killed himself, you were talking with him everyday and the day he hung himself. Told to me by my own brother.
someone stole a bunch of my video game stuff. i had a bunch of ds games, office cd, ps2 memory card, pc games, external hard drive, other stuff.
co-worker would tell on me if i were trying to get girl's numbers bagging at a grocery store.
based and redpilled mom.
There's a list, but the first one that comes to mind is
"You've ruined enough things today user, just leave"
I was at church
I've received many death threats and "kill yourself"s and so on, but that particular thing really hurt because it was in the one place I should have been safe from all of that
I've had people tell me I'm cute, strangers sometimes tell me I'm beautiful, but I think the best was when I handed a panhandler my last dollar and he told me I had beautiful eyes and that he wishes me the best.
The light turned green, and I never saw him again
Are you a girl? Hmm.m.m.m
Talking with friends about plans and they suggest going to a club. I really don't like clubs so I say I'd rather not and call it a night. GF of 2 years whispers to me "of course you don't, you're so fucking boring to be around". She was dead serious and knew I didn't like the club scene but it was just out of nowhere.
As for nicest, got a compliment about a haircut a while back, not from the gf though.
I can't remember the meanest thing because I'm such a harsh critic on myself that nobody's really exceeded that level of genuine loathing
no compliments or statements on the positive end that stuck with me, so I'm guessing there aren't any. SURPRISE
>Be in a fencing camp
>Faggot me does fencing
>There's this one kid who always tries to hangout with me and my friends
>Gets extremely touchy
>Like rubbing nipples middle of conversation, one time reached for my dick but I slapped his hand off
>At the end of the camp comes up to me with a dead serious face and says:
>"You look like the person to get raped in the future"
>Not even joking
>Never saw him again after that