I as a NEET with FEET NEED to READ

Fellow NEETs, students and wageslaves, I'm starting a journey. A journey from being a useless NEET to something hopefully beter and more useful. I feel like I need to offer my life in a symbolic matter to bring entertainment, motivation and inspiration to the people who might have it even worse than me. I'm utilizing Jow Forums as an anchor and
foundation for self improvement and learning, each board offering something that can help a person improve.
/lit/ is the board where I will start and extracting the essence: reading books. What I'm gonna do is tackling the books in the recommended charts by making videos about them, obviously starting with the greeks. Delivering secondary material to the books in the charts and sparking community engagement seems like a way to not only lift myself up but also help elevate the community. I made a video, giving a bit of an overview of /lit/ and to give me a jumping off point to dive into what I'm planning.
Next few videos will all be about pertaining Mythology (the book), I'm planning to make Murdoch and Murdoch type of animations of each chapter/Mythological story , a big task but I think the end result would be worth it.

If your already a well read individual you might see this post as a desperate attempt by a lost soul to do something with his life, well you're not completely wrong.

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>0.999...=/= 1
one of the most based images of all time.

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I listened to it, and I have to say your voice is a bit monotone, so there is room for you to improve on that.
As for the substance, I think there is a tendency to put certain things on a pedestal simply because they have been highly regarded. Philosophers like Plato and Aristotoles, or the Christian philosophers of the early Middle Ages, for instance. Any person would be better of if they never so much as heard of these. A kind of critical sense is needed, to steer clear of time sinks and dead ends.

>even caring beyond 15 d.p.

Im proud of you op. Today you are less faggy than ever before. Ill come see your stuff after class

I don't agree with your disregard of philosophers, these have been fundamental of our understanding of the world. Your feeling about them are irrelevant and what you consider timesinks is subjective and essentially the entirety of your life is a timesink.

Our understanding has developed in spite of them, not because of them. The metaphysical worldview is one of putting ideas before reality, lies before truth.

>implying ideas and theory aren't catalyst to certain actions and influence the reality and it's course towards where we are today.
The disregard for the ideas of the past is like being born without developing your senses. Philosophy has been the basis from which almost every academic field has sprung from. Why turn a blind eye to it, these are the roots, the foundations. Understanding these roots/foundations gives you the depth to see the broader perspective.
You can't say 'in spite of them' because there is only this timeline and the absence of certain philosophers/people could have a massive butterfly effect even to the effect of us not being born due to a change in our family trees.
I don't understand how you could see reading and learning about monumental figures of our history could be considered a useless timesink while we're both here on website wasting our time shitposting.
Also equating ideas to lies and reality to truth somehow implies that reality and ideas are separate while truly they're both embedded into eachother. Even the empirical reality can be questioned thus invalidating your whole statement. I think it's useful to gain the knowledge of breaking down and analyzing arguments and theory.

>The disregard for the ideas of the past is like being born without developing your senses
What is actually like that is simply consuming the writings of past philosophers because they were highly esteemmed in the past. It's like doing violence on own sense of critical thinking.
>Philosophy has been the basis from which almost every academic field has sprung from.
"Logic" is simply the way the human mind works, it was how it worked long before any philosophers came up with the concept. Often times great geniuses have been suppressed and persecuted by their "peers" for challenging the consensual ideas. The very thing that characterized these consensual ideas was their usefulness in dulling and suppressing genuine inquiry.
This is why I can indeed say in spite of.
>I don't understand how you could see reading and learning about monumental figures of our history could be considered a useless timesink while we're both here on website wasting our time shitposting.
That's because you lack the critical sense. Reading Plato is tantamount to hitting yourself in the head with a rod.
> Even the empirical reality can be questioned thus invalidating your whole statement.
Reality is not defined by being empirical, but by being objective, that is, existing regardless of any observation.
It cannot be seriously questioned as an questioning itself, requires there to be a reality containing a questioner. You would have to do away causality and coherency and therefore any kind of meaning.
>I think it's useful to gain the knowledge of breaking down and analyzing arguments and theory.
It's like wanting to invent the wheel all over.

Wow, you must be smart. You have mastered analytical and philosophical thought simply by existing, without building your knowledge and wisdom up step by step like every other human being who has ever existed.
I truly hope such a learned, accomplished and brilliant individual such as yourself will continue to post on our humble board... illuminating the way forward for us inferior plebs.

Nietszche spent decades being a philologist just to realize what a waste of time it was later in his life. Your reverence for authority and consensus is the very thing that's holding you back, and the very thing you nurture with your
ecclesial studies of "the greeks".

>one person thought studying the past was a waste. it is therefore always a waste.
Oh, okay. What groundbreaking projects are you working on due to your truly enlightened mind?

I study biology at the University.

Oh, so nothing? You're little more than a child pontificating as if you're some all-knowing higher being? Huh..
Well, if that's what makes you feel good, go ahead.

>What is actually like that is simply consuming the writings of past philosophers because they were highly esteemmed in the past. It's like doing violence on own sense of critical thinking.
Implying you impair your critical thinking by reading, be careful I'm doing violence to your critical thinking right now.
>"Logic" is simply the way the human mind works,
Wrong, what are fallacies, biases, cognitive problems, delusions, etc. If logic is how the human mind works than you must have a very warped sense of what logic is.
>Often times great geniuses have been suppressed and persecuted by their "peers" for challenging the consensual ideas.
>Reading Plato is tantamount to hitting yourself in the head with a rod.
Implying harm, why are you even on the internet? You should be in a cave away from civilization because every thought, every line of speech is an attack on your 'critical thinking'. Because without thoughts of others you and others won't see the flaws in your critical thinking skills.
>It cannot be seriously questioned as an questioning itself, requires there to be a reality containing a questioner.
Thus is merely an assumption, a useful assumption maybe, but an assumption non the less. Our observations of the quantum realm has major philosophical repercussions, observations have influence in the behavior of particles in the microcosm, how this translates to the macrocosm isn't entirely clear to me but is fascinating non the less.
>It's like wanting to invent the wheel all over.
Isn't that what you want? Disregard the past and start from an empty mind? Now you're confusing me.

You are 22. Not really in a position to call someone a child for daring to criticize your idols. Studying how the human body works is about a million times more relevant than reading the fantasies of long winded dimwits like Plato or Aquinas.

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>implying the decades being a philologist hasn't influenced him into writing the most influential and groundbreaking philosophical works.

I bet you disregard every previous biologist in existence, sit in class with earphones and dissect the bodies of the people you murder in dark alleyways. I mean you have to keep your critical thinking skills intact.

>Implying you impair your critical thinking by reading
You do when you continue to read something, despite your instincts telling you it is worthless, simply because it is of a acclaimed author.
>Wrong, what are fallacies, biases, cognitive problems, delusions, etc.
They are results of your thoughts lacking in coherency. It is a misconception that you need to be taught how to think correctly. Thinking correctly is the trait we evolved. Thinking incorrectly is the result of having done violence to your own mind.
>Implying harm, why are you even on the internet?
Being on the internet doesn't necessitate that I read anything I don't want to.
>Thus is merely an assumption
No, it's not. It is something the follows by definition.
>Isn't that what you want?
In the past, genuine thinkers struggled to overcome the oppression of the metaphysical idiots. Today, there is no need for you to do the same, when you can simply reap the benefits of those past thinkers' work.

I'm not even the person you were originally replying to. I am 31 and don't 'idolize' anyone, just found your post particularly pompous and foolish. I thought an ELITE intellect such as yourself would be able to recognize the difference in posting styles between two people. I guarantee I understand how the human body works better than an undergrad bio student LOL.

Indeed I don't pay much attention to Lamarckian evolution or the humours of the body.

In which he denounces the stuff he used to study as worthless. He did it, so we don't have to.

You are too agitated to take seriously.

>me no thinky more posty... me try angery him

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your post: I am not who you think I am, I am blah blah blah, I thought you would blah blah blah, and I know more than you about blah blah blah

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>It is a misconception that you need to be taught how to think correctly.
Jesus Christ, you really don't speak a lot of people, do you? Logic isn't something you're born with, to think such a thing is foolish and retarded.

It is ability you develop as your grow into an adult. Most people simply do not have the vocabulary(as in genuine vocabulary) to be logical about complex concepts.

Are you serious? You can't actually believe that humans are 'logical' in their thinking, holy fuck I can't even..

I realize that the concept of intuition is foreign to one who has been browbeat with nonsense since his childhood.

A human doesn't intuitively know every fallacy, you must be ignorant if you actually think that.

All "fallacies" were "discovered" by conceptualizing what the intution already understood. Not through trial and error.

Dude, fallacies are a daily reality in discussions. They aren't intuition, if they were humans would be a lot further.

Because people haven't taken the time to understand the things they discuss and the words they use. When someone doesn't understand what makes something "logically true" or what it means for something "to follow" from another, you can't expect them to use these words correctly. It is just a result of unfamiliarity with the language used.

Wrong, that's a fallacy

What is a fallacy?