Why are atheists so much smarter than religious people?

Why are atheists so much smarter than religious people?
Should religious people be taxed more due to them being a net drain on society's intellect?

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Religion is more of a tendency of midwits than brainlets. Midwits realistically have the best lot in life these days.

>thinking that atheists are any different logically than religious people

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You shouldn't be able to vote if you still believe in Magic as an adult.

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I wonder where agnostics/pantheists/deists etc. would fall in the spectrum.

>"Certain linguistic anthropologists think that religion is a language virus that rewrites pathways in the brain. Dulls critical thinking."

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typically very high in the depression spectrum

True intelligence and enlightenment comes from realizing that there are things far beyond human comprehension pulling the strings, and saying shit like "chemicals in the brain make me want to do what I do" is simply not giving the universe enough credit.

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Now ask which ones get more done in life? I know Christian engineers who are super productive at JPL who go to my bible study, same study has a child doctor researcher at UCLA. Ask which ones have a happier families and lives?

A good point being that religion is able to give meaning to someones life, whereas atheism is able to give the literal opposite.

>inb4 edgy fag retards come who think having tons of sex with random strangers, drinking until your sick, and doing copious amounts of drugs is the epitome of life
I'm not even christian when it comes to my spirituality but I still go to church every sunday and do everything I can to help the church because it's simply just beneficial for me. The structure and community of my church have helped far more than any random jewish college professor or self help guru ever could.

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Does this mean high prenatal testosterone exposure boosts your intelligence?

egalitarians on suicide watch

As someone "too clever" to believe in God I fucking wish I believed. Imagine being absolutely certain you will be rewarded in the next life and all you had to do was follow some basic rules.

> People with higher IQs are more likely to be educated
> Education is controlled by leftists, Jews and degenerates
> Higher IQ, more educated people end up believing in stupid ideas

Lefties only think that X group being on average more intelligent than Y group matters if it helps their ideology. Of course these same people also believe that White people are evil racists and that Black people aren't, so obviously they can't suggest that White racism is a product of higher White IQs. Of course, I myself don't think higher White IQs actually result in Whites being right all the time, or even being inherently superior. In fact, despite their higher IQs Whites have chosen to believe in all sorts of dumb ideas that other races haven't, like feminism and LBTQ-ism and liberalism (both classical and progressive are dumb af). The White race does have advantages over other races, but I honestly have more respect for less intelligent races that are doing the best they can over Whites flushing everything good they created down the toilet.

Nah dude it's a magic man in the sky


would at least try to break a foot off in your ass

>blocks your path
what now christcuck? gonna go cry to sky daddy cause those nasty non-believers are leading fulfilling lives without him?

Now what interests me is that if being religious is the consequence of bein intellectually less capable or does one become less intelligent due to choosing a religion.

But it does make sense though.

>Christian:uh a problem let me pray to god. He will fix it.

>atheist:uh a problem. How do I solve it?

>this is ur brain on Jow Forums
no wonder every other board on this site despises you

>Imagine being absolutely certain
wew cant cos I didn't eat tide pods

Nobody thinks like this, the christians who try to pray away medical conditions instead of going to doctors are ridiculed and laughed at. There isn't a christian who thinks praying is going to fix his fucking sink. Christians pray for guidance when they are trying to solve problems, not problems to fix themselves. This has to be bait.

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>How do I solve it?
how does a dog open a door without thumbs, the joke is on you, not the animals you eat

>christian:prays for guidance, due to lack of problem solving skills

>atheist:solves the problem

This is bait.

Being so devoid of any meaning and sense of purpose in life that you get it from being religious

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Why believe in god at all if he is an abstract concept?
Might as well just believe in yourself.

why does there have to be something pulling strings? if anything doesnt it seem like something just created the universe and left it alone? all actions of any sentient being can be consistently boiled down to a predisposition for survival based on evolved traits, and significant world events clearly have no basis in morality or follow the narrative of a higher purpose.

Not like Christians have much purpose other than "don't fuck up until you die faggot"
Make sure you pray for those good boy points

>basic rules
Christianity is unironically hard as fuck. You have to constantly strive to be an utterly charitable well of pure giving and right living if you want to achieve genuine holiness. Also the cosmological arguments for God's existence absolutely rape most atheistic thought effortlessly and Occam's Razor really makes it pretty fucking hard not to accept that Christ existed. Humean skepticism can be used to disprove the existence of Hitler.

thinking life can have rational and justifiable meaning or purpose without God

>cosmological arguments for God's existence absolutely rape most atheistic thought effortlessly
Lol. Name one.

why do so many atheists want to avoid having kids? you would think that if they acknowledge evolution as the final truth that they would want to procreate. procreation is the only purpose in life.

>trusting the (((church)))

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It's not even a purpose, either.

When you realise that procreation is just a cope to deal with mortality and the meaninglessness of existence. You tend to either become the common ancestor of all humans or of none and chances are you will be the ancestor of none. If you do become an ancestor of more humanity will eventually die out, the sun will, and eventually the heart death of the universe will happen.

Procreation statistically makes you less happy and when your life has been ruined by the nihilism of godlessness that's a good reason not to procreate.

Why would I want to bring more poor lives into this miserable, hateful, disgusting, godless world? The only reason anyone reproduces is to delude themselves into thinking they'll "live on" after they die and cease to fucking exist.

Maybe its true that atheists are smarter on average... but OP, you seem like deviation.

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The redpill is that being high IQ or an atheist isn't actually a good thing and high IQ atheists eliminate themselves from the gene pool.

Blah blah blah blah muh pol
Go back to >>>/reddit/

>Muh gene pool
Nigger, teh jean poole is a spook. Uglyass useless, physically and psychologically inferior, genetically worthless women breed ALL THE FUCKIN TIME.

>be religious
>think world is flat
>think magnetism is Jesus pulling things together
>think gravity is a myth and that the earth is moving upwards to push us down
>think global warming is a hoax
>think the sun/moon/sky is a projection on the inside of a dome

Hur dur jesus take the wheel hur dur

There's a lot wrong with Jow Forums honestly, too many depraved hateful people, but if this is your response to my post then you clearly have nothing of value to say

>The same purpose as cockroaches

Everything procreates, even fucking bacteria, viruses and parasites that don't even have fucking brains. We are sapient creatures and yet we still choose to fulfill our biological imperatives. There's probably a chance my child won't suffer and hate the world but I didn't like being forced into existence so why would I force another being into existence? I couldn't give two fucks about keeping the human race alive.

How do people live with themselves knowing full well that they're condemning another human being to the terror of inescapable decay and death?

it's the same as with leftism:
the stupid people are rightwingers because they don't think for themselves.
People who are a bit smarter, are leftists, because they see the obvious flaws, and thus think they are really smart, once they figure out that some things aren't true.
The people who are really really smart and think the things through to their final conclusion become right-wingers again because they realize how things ACTUALLY work on the large scale and the ACTUAL reasons for things.

The smartest people are not necessarily religious, but after a certain point you stop hating it, and you see the inherent value in religion.

have you considered that God might take joy in, and even delight, in showering His blessings upon the most unfortunate and despised folks; so as to display His glorious grace all the more to a rebellious world which is puffed up with arrogant pride?

i mean, lets face it; even if atheists 'are' smarter, they certainly aren't happier; christians having more stable families and communities than unbelievers who tend to self-destruct their relationships, as can be seen by their high divorce rates

but then, looking at the instability of unbelievers lives; can we really say they are intelligent - since all their faculties don't seem to be doing them much good when it comes to creating healthy bonds with others?

it's almost as if rejecting God, and by extension; His will for one's life; one is rejecting the very source of every good thing that nourishes the soul

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It's fucking madness!

I'm pretty sure they don't think about it.
>peepee in vagine fel gud
>grug maek mour grug. grug lif forevuh!

it's not about the imperfect animalistic human race it's about what comes next. each step in evolution is one step closer to something that isn't as shitty as humanity.

If atheists are so smart, why do they think they can prove the non-existence of God?

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As an atheist i just don't think there's enough evidence, i can't disprove him existing either, but it is fun to see some christcuck(rare variant) try to explain god with some stupid shit.

If god knows everything, can do everything and is inherently good, why is there evil in the world?
>infant dies of painful disease
>"wow god sure works in mysterious ways"

I'm perfectly okay with not contributing to the next stage in humanity. I know it's shortsighted and ignorant to not see the bigger picture but on the other side of it the majority of humanity doesn't procreate to reach the next step either, they just do it because it's in their programming.

Being an atheist doesn't make you any smarter but being religious doesn't make you enlightened either. Both are just different ways of coping through our mortality in this cruel and chaotic universe. One way or another we're all kinda drifting through our lives trying to find our own purpose and meaning and chances are, we'll never find it in our lifetimes. But it doesn't mean we still can't live for ourselves and others.

Besides, if there's nothing in this life other than what we make then why not make good for the sake of it? Why do it because a higher power told us so? Why do it because of a promise of eternal bliss? Good for goodness sake I say. That's what I try to live by at least.

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What does horse riding have to do with politics?

>Everything procreates
Most life on earth reproduces through cell division, (because most living organisms are simple life). Procreation implies sexual behaviors, which many simple species of life simply do not have.
It'd be more accurate to say everything reproduces. After all if a form of life didn't reproduce it wouldn't be around for us to identify it.

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But even that will die out eventually

Atheist just means no believe, the militant faggots sullied it by being tipping their fedoras too hard. I'm an agnostic atheist, I don't think the existence of a god can be proven but I don't believe anyway.

>Also the cosmological arguments for God's existence absolutely rape most atheistic thought effortlessly
One just give me one. I really couldn't give a shit about this but this is just retarded.

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You blamed the Jews though, he has a right to call you a Jow Forums faggot

I believe that atheists and religious people have the same level of intellect but rather religious people shouldn't be able to say to someone that whatever they're doing is wrong

>People who are a bit smarter, are leftists
>The people who are really really smart and think the things through to their final conclusion become right-wingers again because they realize how things ACTUALLY work on the large scale and the ACTUAL reasons for things.
Picking political sides, truly one for the idiots of the world.

Lack of evidence is not evidence to the contrary. And what kind of evidence would you even accept as proof of God existing? Can you give an example that you'd be satisfied with?
You'd be better off admitting you simply believe there is no God. It's a safe assumption to be made, but it's still an assumption. Not that I disagree with you.

The human mind cannot understand the universal conscious that is God.
Evil helps provide contrast, so we can better act in accordance with God's morals.

Are you saying this to say that I'm wrong or just trying to be more accurate? Pls no bully.

Literally none of that is biblical.
"I knew an engineer once who smoked, so to be an engineer is to smoke"

>think gravity is a myth and that the earth is moving upwards to push us down
>implying that isn't true

The edge is overflowing from this faggot

>Can you give an example that you'd be satisfied with?

Scientific evidence has nothing to do with you being satisfied. Only that it has to meet the requirements of other proven theories and complements other evidence. Satisfied or not if proven true or false it must be.

>but on the other side of it the majority of humanity doesn't procreate to reach the next step either

that's what's happening when supposedly intelligent atheists choose to be childfree, they are choosing to fail their biological test. if people don't somehow realize that intelligent people should be the ones reproducing we could end up taking several steps back and I think that would lead to disaster.

modern society almost seems to intentionally promote dysgenics and it pisses me off. pic related, we shouldn't be allowing this to happen.

if you really think things are so meaningless and horrible then why don't you commit suicide today? it'll have the same net effect that choosing not to have children will have.

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To be more accurate.
Saying there's not enough evidence implies you're open to evidence of God.
What is evidence of God though? Bill O'Riley would have you believe the tide is proof of God, the Chruch would say life is proof. I don't think you accept either of those as proof though. It's likely that any proof possible would be easier to explain through something other than "God".

Science doesn't prove truths, that's (apparently) metaphysics. Science develops models based on empirical observations, which require falsification. If it's not falsifiable it's not science.
God is not falsifiable. Any evidence you can provide as proof against God can be explained by God doing his bidding.

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who knows how far things will advance. if people choose to actively pursue evolutionary goals humanity could end up as a race of gods in the distant, distant future.

>t. Religious brainlet

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agnostic is the only acceptable position imo. trying to prove or disprove the existence of god is just one big jerk off session where either side throws shit at the wall. humans beings are too limited to truly understand how things work.

Ok lol

That's something the non-nihilist atheists don't recognize and/or understand.
Humans need meaning. Otherwise, we fall in to depression.
Look at the millennials and today's youth. Their depression rates are sky high.
The men are incels that don't know what to do with their lives and the women are whores who've thrown away their being.
There are people who follow a religion, simply for meaning.
Most atheists just say all religious people are delusional cult members. Things like that makes atheists look like halfwits.
I'm not even religious myself, but I understand this.
I personally would like to try to get into religion, but I don't know how to.

Whites were always barbarian uncivilized filth. South Europeans are not white, they are simply something beyond.

Atheists and their obsession with immutable facts.
It's simple, if you can't comprehend that something can be true because it works, you're just a smug loser and probably an autist.

god/gods were literally made up by early humans to explain how the world functions.
the best example is the christian/jewish/muslim god

the reason why blue areas are blue is because of many social and economic factors other than "tee hee no child for me because im a selfish retard"

>t. second category
>Thinks he is smart because he figured out that both sides have a lot of BS in them
>Booo hoo

>Knowledge in my artillery

So would dying be the ultimate "fuck you" to the demiurge? After all he can't feed off of you if you do not exist in his world

I'm a Christian, have been since I was a kid, and I'm 27 now.

Belief in religion doesn't make you stupid, but I will readily admit that it encourages laziness in terms of your thought processes, which I don't think is what God wants out us. I actually talk about this all the time at church, how posting really stupid strawman arguments on Facebook that would never actually convince anyone is just Christians making themselves feel good. And answering deep questions with single phrase answers like "because God loves us" isn't what God wants out of us. We were gifted with the ability to think logically and process very complex thoughts, if we aren't using that then what the fuck are we doing? God isn't so small that he won't stand up to rigorous analysis, in fact I believe that real, genuine explorations of God's character as it's defined in the Bible has strengthened my faith, because instead of being boiled down into trite, shallow sayings, it's been opened up to me to show the true depth of his character.

I also aggressively pursue knowledge in all forms, I study history and philosophy and art, and unlike other Christians I know, I accept science with open arms. Christians who fear or shun worldly knowledge are just weak in their faith, as if they believe that knowledge about the universe would somehow disprove God instead of further highlighting his power

Pretty much and antinatalism too.

It's a joke tbf

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>muslims and third world Christians are dumb

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I'm an atheist and I accept that Christ existed. If he actually said what's attributed to him in the Bible, then I think he was a pretty cool dude. I just don't think he's the son of God or that God exists.
>cosmological arguments for God's existence
Would you mind sharing these? I've never heard of them before so I'd be interested to check them out.

The only high IQ option is to admit that you don't know what the "truth" is.
I don't believe in any specific god but I'm not going to pretend like I know exactly how the universe came into being or how time and space works.

But yeah I probably agree that atheists are generally smarter than someone who believes in one specific god.

>would you mind sharing these
i bet that hell just quote the bible or some other retarded shit

I don't think believe in God make you dumb but most of dumb people believe in God but at least these dumb people have a reason to live Im atheist and my love life it's a continuous fight against suicidal thoughts like "nothing matters, you will forgotten" and shit like that I WANT TO TAKE THE BLUE PILL!!!

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My life* holy shit that because I hate writing in the fucking phone

About 60 years ago when "Science" was this evil thing telling oil companies to stop all the pollutin', they fucked with religious institutions to support them by being anti-science while they kept destroying the earth. Non-retards left and diverged.
Eloi and morlocks, indeed.

Monotheistic religion is just another arm of Jewish control

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Yes. That's why men invented almost everything.

you don't understand the term you're using. midwits are people of like 120-140 iq probably. the kind of person who is smart enough to pump out works of art but those works of art will never be genius tier. that's the purpose of the term.

Not that guy but i did an A-level in theology - Thomas Aquinas is the guy for cosmological arguments
