Which martial art is Jow Forums currently practicing?

Which martial art is Jow Forums currently practicing?

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Don't know but she cute

Just started karate


which style?

about to start k1 kickboxing and submission wrestling this month, when i move back to the city

Is K1 kickboxing just dutch kickboxing?

I'm looking at signing up for bjj or boxing next week.
I feel like bjj will take me too long to get good

just started sugon-dese

not sure but I don't think so. I'm pretty sure k1 doesn't allow knees or elbows (but i might be wrong, as i said i havent even started yet)

Martial arts are for retards who want to get in fights and think it will make them tough

judo is FUN

though sometimes my head feels weird after I get thrown.

Or maybe some people like doing sports without playing with balls like a child

I don't want to get in fights but I also don't want to be afraid of them

Neither allow elbows and both allow knees, but some people refer to it as dutch style to differentiate from american meme karateboxing, and some people call it K1. Never been sure whether they're the exact same though.

That's concussion bro you gotta break those falls


there are a few of those people but youll probably find them in "mma" gyms wearing tapout gear. and if the gym is worth its salt theyll get weeded out quick

I own a gun

I made up my own martial art, taking what was useful from various disciplines. Generally, my practice centers on slapping, pinching, kneeing and tickling.


Completely useless.

who is this semen demon

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Muay Thai 4-5 times a week, wrestling once a week. Wish I had more time for BJJ/wrestling.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai, although I've been thinking about starting a grappling style of some sort. That said, they don't inspire much confidence since one of my buddies does BJJ and I've tapped him a few times despite all of my knowledge of submissions coming from watching fights.

if you do a traditional karate style like shotokan or shito ryu then for the sake of actually being effective in fighting you better cross traing with either box, muay thai and or mma, and atleast one grappling style, if you do a full contact karate the good for you and i recommend adding a grappling/wrestling to be well rounded

and i really hope you don't do sport karate

Kick boxing

>founded in the 1930s or later
Traditional is shorinji kenpo, uechi ryu or goju ryu. All styles were a response to the japanese occupation of okinawa and disarming of its population.


How much newaza do you tend to cover? Judo seems like a lot of fun, but I'm genuinely interested in submissions. Judo's always way cheaper than BJJ too.

Both places I've trained about about 50/50. The beginner class will some times only do tachiwaza or only do newaza but it evens out eventually. The open classes are straight 50/50

Hahahaha are you learning that useless shit with a bunch of toddlers in your class?

Fair, that's more than I was expecting. Do you get started in randori pretty early too?

Usually your first class unless you're a total mong on breakfalls, in which case you spend randori practicing that. Usually total noob go with senior belts so they can hold you up on the throws to avoid injury

well if you want to be anal about it, then yes you are correct, but you know i mean styles that don't have full contact sparring and follow traditions like katas(some places do teach you how to apply them effectibly but that's another matter), that's what most people mean by traditional, maybe wrongly but they do also, 1930 was almost 90 years ago, in my book that makes it traditional to be honest

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Shit, I'm fairly sold. Shame about the lack of leg attacks, but it still seems pretty appealing.

That depends on the coach really. All mine have been happy to teach the full kodokan curriculum and grade based on the full kodokan curriculum but do point out when you cant do it in competition.

Pretty much all the brown belt and above guys also hold high belts in bjj. Obviously ymmv

Some older schools will still teach leg takedowns, but not often.

T. Fatass powerlifter

Done boxing for about five/six years now.

Also just talked to two karate/kickboxing places today, hoping to get back to sparring soon

Just talked to two

> hand to hand combat
so uncivilized

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I don't know how it's spelled properly because I've never seen it written but it sound like. Iko Ru. The form we are learning right now is Pinan Sho.

Nah it's a college course, uni is cucked and requires physical ed for any degree

Not really doing it for fighting ability, just felt like it would be a fun time and an easy A for my phys ed. Already a boxer.

Typical pyjama dancer

Doing that shit in gym shorts and a cutoff

Boxing and BJJ

BJJ is a meme

BJJ, nearly through my first year

Kenpo is the martial art for chads

>muh 2 deadly time stop 50 hit ultra combo
I mean if LARP is chad, sure

This. Prepare to take a few hits and know where to hit. It takes almost nothing to down most people.

I call it autistic rage fighting. It's very hard to harness its full power.

you're not supposed to do the full techniques in an actual fight, they're mostly for learning movement patterns

Bjj and muay thai kickboxing.

Thinking about getting into MMA. How do I into MMA?

Google [your area] mma and go to the gyms listed until you find one you like and is within your budget.

First wrestling class yesterday.
PT is hard as fuark
My shoulders hurt
My neck hurts
My toes hurt
My hips hurt*2

If you're a Westerner, you're in the bottom 20% when it comes to martial arts. Most Kazakh yurta boys could destroy you in 10 seconds.

Which pisses me off since I live in Western Europe at the moment. Kek.

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pretty good at it too, but starting to lose my motivation/interest

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>pretty good at it too, but starting to lose my motivation/interest
Would that be because you finally realize how autistic it is to LARP that you're back in ye oldde days when all it take is one cheapshot that your years of training on the blade don't prepare you for?


westerners are above 90% of asians, africans, poos by default


Something like Lethwei without being Leithwei.

>training any grappling sport to be good at fighting
if you any of you are doing this i just hope you know that you will get the shit kicked out of by any striker thats not a complete mental retard

>hating on grapplers

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>implying that the middle ages didn't have wrestling and grappling

Blind autistic rage

>gets KTFO'd into a coma while drawing gun

I'm gonna be starting muay thai when I get a car OP, FUARKaw is one of my favourite athletes

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My father has brown belt and boy can I tell you that's absolute garbage tier.

What style?

how do i get thicc obliques

I started Judo a year ago and it's doing wonders for my overall wellbeing. I wanna train more than once a week, but spare time is getting less and less.

By kicking the shit out of a heavy bag 7 days a week.

I trained judo for a while before I went to nogi bjj, had also been training Muay Thai for 6+ years before this but judo honestly feels like a waste of time compared to just learning how to wrestle and training high percentage takedowns. Most of judo is irrelevant if your opponent isn't wearing something you can grab a hold of that won't rip off at the slightest pull, I don't know any people that walk around with a gi on.

>I don't know any people that walk around with a gi on.

Seems to me you trained the wrong kind of Judo, fool.

[spoiler]krav maga[/spoiler]

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Bjj, but my club is dying.

I found a cloub near my work place. What should I bring for my first session? I got a judo gi.
Also is bjj really just rolling on the ground the whole time or do you learn some take downs from standing?

Muai Thai twice a week, Boxing three times a week and BJJ when I have the time and energy to do a double session.

All of this on top of lifting 4 times a week. I'm a fucking beast.

A judo gi should be fine. They are usually a little heavier than BJJ specific gi but it'll be fine. Depending on your school you should be working takedowns as well, if you can't get your opponent to the ground you can't work the rest of the martial art to takedowns should be a huge part of BJJ. I know some schools put barely any emphasis on takedowns which negates most of the benefits from learning.

Judo gi is fine, but you are a white belt in bjj, so bring that or borrow one. Most gyms have loaner gis and belts. You probably know to trim your nails.
It's mostly on the ground, depends on your gym. Maybe your coach did judo or wrestling and can teach stuff. But it's not gonna be anything amazing if you've done judo, you'll have a big advantage over the average bjj practitioner in standup.
A lot of bjj gyms simply don't have the space for a bunch of people to start standing either. Even some of the highest tier gyms have very low sqare footages.


Did you never practice elbow, wrist neck or shoulder grabs? My dojo had us practice how to do body grabs for at least a bit. Also if you’re worried about someone’s shirt tearing you grab a big fistful.

Thx mates! ofc I still got my white belt, even though it must've shrink somehow,

No problem. Now go ahead and give everyone your back by turtling and try to collar choke from literally every position.

Not a meme but expensive

i think fug-ma is better honestly

None really, but I did a lot of tang soo do as a kid, and it informed me enough to identify the bullshit in the eastern arts and read up on more applicable ones, which I have in mind when I do my strength training mondays and fridays, mma conditioning circuits midweek including mobility and recovery drills, mount and throw drills on the bag, and strikes at the end of the day, yoga and thai chi on rest days with occasional weekend sparring. All in the garage. Pretty sure I'm an absolute beast and my overconfidence is my weakest point.

Thanks for the help, but that habit of "keep calm and kame" hasn't been ingrained into me yet.

none, but thinking about starting either Judo or Muay Thai. Problem is I had an injury recently and I'm worried that the pain shows up again if I start practicing one of those martial arts.

free style. I think it was wise to listen to Jow Forums and not get suplexed on my head in greco

American-style kickboxing three times a week.
Judo twice a week.

How so?

If you’re just starting I’d say judo, as most classes won’t have you doing any throws or sparring for at least a couple weeks to make sure your breakfalls are good.

I have dislocated my shoulder multiple times in the past. It has healed on its own once put back in place but certain overhead stretches can irritate it and potentially dislodge it again. Would striking be more fitted for me? I fear grappling as all the opponent would have to do is pull my arm in that deadzone area to submit me. Id prefer not to have my shoulder dislocate again so im looming for the least dangerous ma for that kind of "disability."

Humans, men in particular, have dopamine reward systems in place for fucking and conquering ever since we were in the earliest stages of evolution hundreds of millions or even near a billion years ago. We don't get to use those systems in the modern world and we get pent up and aggressive. No matter how civilized you get, no matter how highly you think of yourself, the world is still hostile and you want to be able to prepare for the worst. When the time comes to defend yourself, you don't do as well as you think from the moral high ground.

Muay Thai and I'll be adding BJJ with a focus on takedowns(Traditional Japanese Jujitsu contains Judo throws since Judo spawned out of that art. My dojo teaches things in the traditional way) since it will be for MMA and not BJJ competition(this is why some people think wrestling is superior. Wrestling emphasizes takedowns where typically BJJ emphasizes ground work if you are taught it by someone expecting you to compete in a BJJ competition which results in BJJ appearing weaker vs wrestling when in reality the higher technical nature makes BJJ superior if you can control the events that lead the fight to the ground and are able to execute the techniques properly). I will concede that western wrestling has a quicker ramp up of skill than BJJ.

Muay Thai can also be though of as the strongest striking art because it teaches you to use elbows, knees and flying versions of those as well as kicks and normal boxing.

The place I take martial arts also has guest masters from other dojo's (Neal Rowe who taught Rich Franklin was one of them) so I pick up techniques from other arts as well.

The punching and movement in Muay Thai(you throw your entire body into power shots even more so than a boxing style with an askew stance) has actually helped my back and other problems. Learning to fall from takedowns also appears to be good for the back.

Picked up judo a couple of months ago, loving it and trying to get my friends to give it ago.