Who is to blame for men doing this?

who is to blame for men doing this?

Attached: 1506170277274.png (960x720, 1.05M)

what are they doing? is it like a graduation or something?

>what are they doing? is it like a graduation or something?
are you blind

Attached: OHNONONO.png (489x181, 151K)

Some people dont analyze photos like it actually matters chill robofag

You're the kind of guy who can't see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch

lol I didn't see that
these guys are probably medium height so when confronted with women taller then them they get uncomfortable. In my experience tall guys and short guys don't care about women's height but medium guys are all insecure faggots about it, feel emasculated when women are as tall/taller than them, etc.

>who is to blame for men doing this?
The men who do this.

Nor do I care, but i enjoy that shit all the same

the patriarchy that says men are/must be more powerful than women
just take the feminism pill and stop thinking men must be taller than women

Even if I know this board is riddled with feminists, including myself, I'm gonna ask you to not reply to this bait.

Left has nice legs tbdesu

This but unironically.
feminism will save us all

>the patriarchy
Nice fairytail, dude

He's right though. Thats the reason for the behavior

If you didn't type it this way to be original then idk what to say anymore

whatever, just don't be surprised next time people won't admit men can be raped, men can be emotional, men can be left alone with children or men can be teachers or nurses

The men must remain strong as the matriarchy will take every chance it can do undermine them. Women through sexual appeal are able to propel themselves much farther than men could based on their looks alone. Should we take the power gap away of physical strength and ability, the matriarchy will take total control of society. This is why men do this, to keep the world in balance.

whats wrong with the matriarchy? It's not gonna be violent if thats what youre afraid of


How is that bait? If you're a feminist what about that is wrong?

They already say that shit and pussy rules the world, wtf are you even trying to argue?

Why don't these fools just wear high heels instead?

the patriarchy says that. a patriarchal society is based upon the idea that men are strong and women are weak. if a woman shows strong traits or a man shows weak traits, they both are oppressed. taller men and shorter women being viewed as sexier are both sides to the same coin.
by the way, it's not pussy or dick that rules the world. women can uphold patriarchy just as much as men.

It's a joke. These pictures are staged.

>the patriarchy wrote all those feminist-inspired laws stating that men can't be raped

I don't know what specific laws in which part of the world you are talking about but yes, if they say man can't be raped, they are conservative/patriarchal laws because they uphold the idea that men are strong and if you are a man that isn't strong, you don't belong in our society

>Patriarchal laws
>Written by feminist lobbyists working with feminist organizations using feminist theories

It's because the combination of cinnamon and sugar is fucking delicious.

Doing what?
>roasties reeee
bye Jow Forums

if such laws are indeed being written by such people, then these people are working towards a goal opposite the one they think they are
actions are more important than the ideology behind it. otherwise you can do whatever you want and say it's something else entirely.

You nibbas better roll or your mom will die in her sleep tonight

Attached: 2018-08-16 15.08.54.png (800x600, 694K)

>The Duluth model is teh patriarchy!

Attached: duluth.png (800x800, 335K)

yes, it is. that's because it tries to model current reality - one in which most perpetrators are men and most victims are women. it does nothing to eliminate the causes why domestic abuse occurs disproportionately, just tries to combat the effects, which is counterproductive in the long run.

Are you a man or a woman?
I have to make this post original

Nobody says men can't be emotional. They just shouldn't be overly emotional babies, like robots are.

Which laws exactly? Remember laws are available online.

women say men must be more powerful than women or become sexless eunuchs, are women the patriarchy?

>this board is riddled with feminists
you smoking crack, roastie?

weird seeing the name duluth, used to listen to a j-rock podcast by guy from there who knew too much about japanese music.

they don't even want to know the truth they just want a reason to complain about something

>the feminism pill
Are you referring to an outdated egalitarian conception of feminism or the current version which only cares about bringing women up while pushing men down? Because I find both disgusting.

I'm a man
I guess I have to be original too
it varies from culture to culture, but in the west for example men aren't as physically close to each other as women are, them crying might be frown upon, too, things like these
uh, I don't know about the eunuchs, but patriarchy isn't just men, it's women, too. similarly, capitalism is the capitalists and the workers.

im not rolling for your gay zoomer bait faggot
i hope a turtle gets dropped on your head

I'd say both are the same. you can't have equality without pushing the upper section down in terms of power. taking excess power from men and giving it to women can only benefit both sexes/genders

>i'm not rolling
>rolls anyway

>doesn't even go up to 9

>feminism in 2k18 has anything to do with equality
I'll bet you believe the mean (in the statistical sense) western man has more power than the mean western woman too huh? I'm not wasting any more time here.

Good christ, I belong to the tallest race on earth and I easily have like 35-40cm (basically a foot and like 2-4 more inches) on these fucking subhumans
I praise the day I came out of my doltish state of mind and realized that dinaric people are not white, and that's why I have the antigen that gives me more testosterone and more height than these unathletic loathsome subhuman ''whites''