Retarded shit that alt-righters do/say

>Call people soibois
>Think hat soi products feminise men, despite complete lack of evidence
>proceed to consume dairy, which is proven to increase estrogen and decrease testosterone
Imagine being this shamelessly brainwashed. I can't even associate with these brainlets. I wish there existed an intelligent group of conservatives.

Attached: Cows-and-Dairy-Milk.jpg (1200x627, 171K)

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Is there really evidence of that?
I just found this quote online:
"The amount of hormones in milk is tiny compared to what's already in your body. Guys, your bodies produce about 6,000 times as much estrogen every day as you'd get in a glass of whole milk. Ladies, your bodies are producing 28,000 times that much. Compared to what your own body pumps out, the amount of estrogen you're exposed to from dairy products is far too little to have any physiological effect."

I'm more right leaning than left leaning, but it's starting to annoy me how a lot of alt-righters push this idealized vision of masculinity and criticize others for not living up to it when they themselves don't either. Matt Forney is a disgusting fatass. Vox Day looks like he's an AIDS patient on heroin half the time. Yet these peoples' main line of argument is to ad-hom others for their personal weaknesses. I feel like if you're going to push a cult of "superiority" you should actually BE superior somehow. It's like these guys are waving around a poster of some muscular 180iq chad and hoping you don't see the subhuman that's waving it.

Europeans have been drinking milk for thousands of years, and it's never impacted them negatively. You think fucking vikings were soi boys, even though they drank tons of milk?

Surprise if literal pure 100% onions, something new to diets, affects people differently than a staple of their diet through evolutionary history.

>Is there really evidence of that?
Not OP, but if xenoestrogens in plants are going to affect your hormones, why would actual mammalian hormones fed to cows not affect you when you consume dairy or meat?

Either way

>The presence of hormones in milk and dairy foods was discussed decades ago but rather more concerns attended to that with respect to finding hormones as biomarkers in milk for diseases and pregnancy diagnosis. Moreover, considerable amount of studies demonstrated that existing of hormones in humans and animals milk are essential for infants growing and immunity. During the last couple of years, increasing body of evidence are indicating another property of hormones in dairy products as possible impact on human health including the role of some estrogens and insulin-like growth factor-1 in initiation and provoking of breast, prostate and endometrial tumours.

>Europeans have been drinking milk for thousands of years, and it's never impacted them negatively.
People weren't pumping cows full of hormones to increase profit for thousands of years. See

because of the small size of the concentration they are found in.
did you not read the quote?

Also what makes you think soi is new? People have been consuming soi for thousands of years, especially in Asia.

Thinking it's harmful to eat soi, which contains plant estrogens, but fine to consume lots of mammalian hormones is stupid. I can't believe there are people who actually buy into the soiboi meme.

>During the last couple of years, increasing body of evidence are indicating another property of hormones in dairy products as possible impact on human health including the role of some estrogens and insulin-like growth factor-1 in initiation and provoking of breast, prostate and endometrial tumours.

I'll trust research over hearsay from some altrighter.

>be me
>consume 10 servings of dairy a day and take birth control to increase estrogen and try to make chest grow
>all i feel is pain in my stomach and intense diarrhea


I'm talking about traditionally drinking milk for one thing, if you're talking about modern milk then say so. Two, you can buy milk from cows which aren't hormoned up.

>What makes you think soi is so new? People... thousands of years

People have been eating basedbeans and such, for thousands of years. People today comsume literal 100% soi compound, and even make that exclusively their diets. It's one thing to eat onions foods or tofu historically, and it's quite another to make 80% or more of your diet pure soi.

Again, you're not specifying what you're talking about, and comparing modern hormoned milk to soi foods of the past, and vise verse

That paper looks at one hormone and just says it's under current "safe" levels. You can't even read the methodology they used.

>The collected data from other researchers and our own data are indicating that the presence of steroid hormones in dairy products could be counted as an important risk factor for various cancers in humans.

>Our gathered data in this review paper may suggest more sophisticate analytical detection methods for oestrogens determination and also could be considered as a remarkable concern for consumers, producers and public health authorities.

There is much more detail into about 4 other hormones present in dairy as well.
If you're going to argue plant hormones are harmful, then you must also accept that mammalian hormones in your food are also going to be harmful.

Weird, opposite for me. Well minus the birth control. But I drank milk like water growing up, still do, and I got huge boobs.

What's "pure soi" though? If anything it seems like "pure soi" would have less xenoestrogens than the actual beans.

Pure soi is like a block of literally nothing other than soi compound, or like that onions stuff which is the same thing.

As for your second point, no clue, I'd heard that the problem with soi is how your body takes and uses it and how it ends up supplementing or replacing things in your diet since you're not giving your body what else it needs and soi is all it's getting to work with. Xenoestrogents, no clue.

Also one might make a point that historically Asians eating soi foods doesn't affect them because just like with Europeans with milk, they've evolved to eating it. Asians can't drink milk, is it a stretch to say Europeans can't eat high soi content, because they haven't evolved for that sort of diet?

Soi is simply another legume. It happens to have a relatively impressive nutrirent content compared to other beans and grains, though. All tofu is literally just mashed basedbeans made into a solution and then filtered to make onions milk, and then the milk is evaporated with a mineral salt to make a solid block of soi nutrients. Some people do have soi allergy, but it's one of the least common allergies of all. I don't see why it wouldn't be digestible and nutritious to the majority of people, regardless of ethnicity.

Just drink what you enjoy faglords

Except there has been no effect when using cow milk to treat symptoms of menopause, while there has with onions milk.

The same of all of that could be said of milk

>Why isn't it healthy and nutritious to all the people of the world!

And then it turns out most of all humans get sick from drinking it. People evolved differently, as did their digestion towards the foods available to them. Is soi going to kill Europeans? No, but are they going to be able to consume it and digest and benefit from it in the same way that Asians who have evolved to eat it (better, at least)? It's not such a stretch to say no.

>In conclusion, considering the conflicting results provided by a small number of studies, the efficacy of onions foods in improving menopausal symptoms remains unclear.

I don't think so.

Then why are right wing people swole, while the left looks like pathetic weaklings?

Checkmate soi boy

>Then why are right wing people swole
Because they eat too much.

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The evidence is right infront of you, look at the men who consume onions, theyre all feminine, coincidence? I think not.

You can post those kek people all you want, but go into any gym and try to find left wing people. Man up and go to the gym, you will get right wing too

Your days are numbered, milkboy.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

Onions products are bad for you because it's made solely from human remains. Cannibalism causes schizophrenia.

alchohol decimates your test levels and mint is known to limit it aswell.

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He looks weak

That was just a warmup, milkboy. Now you're gonna get it.

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Nice photoshop you got there, bean boy

>It's not a stretch

Has anyone ever demonstrated this? I don't believe so. You can posture that it must be, but there's nothing to suggest it's true.

I'd agree with you if you didn't say "alt right"
The alt right doesn't exist, is just another buzzword that normalfags get caught up in when trying to be edgy, I guarantee you that no actual right wingers who are actually educated and not just bandwagoning won't identify with the Alt right, largely because it doesn't exist outside of edgy shitposters who got away from the computer

hmm lets see..

milk = low pufa, low estrogen, high quality amino profile, calcium, all mammals are raised on it as first food. i could go on.

onions = high pufa, highly estrogenic, all beans wreak havoc with endotoxins. NEARLY ALWAYS GMO sprayed with roundup.

enjoy your eugenics culling

Dud wtf don't scare me like that
I drink like three glasses of milk a day
Nah, I'm just joking, milk is what gives me acne so if I wanted to stop I'd have stopped by now but I'm addicted to the shit

dairy gives you super strong bones which are manly
and everyone that drinks onions looks like this

Attached: soy 7890-0890.jpg (2048x1344, 560K)

OP here
Y'all are racist...

Attached: (you).png (644x800, 13K)

Shut up soi boi