22 year old female here I've noticed lately that I've been getting a few dark hairs on my chin and under my jawline, along with acne in that area.My skin is all kinds of fucked up as well with those red bumps that swell and leave terrible scars.
I must have some kind of hormonal imbalance. Has anybody experienced this also and managed to fix it? Figured this is the best place to ask pic not me
do you suffer from acid reflux / heartburn often? how often do you shit?
Carter Reed
>hormonal imbalance Pretty much this. Go see an endocrinologist.
Bentley Thomas
never had that problem. shit very regularly
Ian Peterson
then go back to Jow Forumseddit
Josiah Davis
I do, and I shit every day. what does it mean user?
Asher Torres
i had much worse acne than you and it only got better with accutane not very helpful but it's always a last resort
Brody Sullivan
Go Keto
Lincoln Martin
Nicholas Rivera
Pls be in upstate New York
Jace Smith
>Jow Forums - dermatology Sage
Jaxon Hernandez
Try SS if nothing else you'll make some gains
Jordan Morales
Don't listen to this guy. Washing too much makes your skin produce even more oils. I had acne for years and was just as baffled as you are. It turned out I was washing too often. I drastically reduced the times I washed and it cleared up literally in a week.
Gavin Smith
i really don't know what your diet is like, but try supplementing with some plant oil like flax and drinking soothing teas like peppermint or chamomile. i would always recommend detoxing your liver to everyone. if you have acid reflux you are eating too much acid producing foods like grains or there is some imbalance created from foods like that over time.
Grayson Hernandez
>Figured this is the best place to ask lmao Are you a regular here? I have noticed many females on Jow Forums.
Ayden Baker
good to know
Carson Powell
>22 year old female here Bitch, TITS OR GTFO
Owen Wright
Brody Rodriguez
I only brought it up because it was relevant to the thread
Grayson Flores
Charcoal face rubs, cold showers (hot showers open your pores too much and allow blackheads and shit to get on your face) and semen retention (but you're a girl, so...idk).
Half of women who grow facial hair don't have any hormonal abnormalities.
I've seen most acne conditions wrongfully treated with things like spironolactone, or accutane, when really it's either a water intake, pillow case, over cleansing, or bacterial issue.
Try this, user... Get a 32oz bottle. Drink at least two of these per day to start. I drink close to 4-5.
Get 3-4 pillow cases, sleep on one side per night. You'll be flipping your pillow every night, and changing your pillow case every two nights. Change your bed sheets once a week at least.
I use a cheap clean and clear scrub after workouts and rinse my face with water during recovery days (I go to the gym every other day).
Hydration, cleanliness, and being gentle has worked for me. We live in a time where cosmetics are forced upon us for no other reason but their profit.
As for the facial hair, welcome to getting older. Just go to an electrologist. If you only have a few dark hairs it'll take them like 5 mins and cost $10-20 per session.
for the acne just put a towel over your pillow every night, did wonders for me. the hair is probably normal but if you don't live in a shitty country where it'll cost you an arm and a leg, see a doc and ask to have your hormones tested.
Aiden Smith
1. Don't pick at it. That will make it far worse. 2. Don't overwash. Twice a day is sufficient. 3. If you have oily skin, wash with Neutrogena Clear Pore. / If you have dry skin, wash with a gentle soap, and rub a little vaseline on your skin after washing. 4. Stay away from junk food. Stick to meat, vegetables, water. Learn to cook.
Andrew Mitchell
Michael Ross
William Sanders
The location of the acne and hairs sound like PCOS. You ever been checked by a doctor?
Carson Flores
How long did it take for you to see results? Not OP, I’ve been on accutane for 35 days and it hasn’t made any difference yet, except my lips and my nostrils are extremely dry
desu i don't remember exactly because it was years and years ago, but i do remember it taking quite a while. A few months maybe. I would just trust your doctor, remember to stay well hydrated, use lotion, and apply sunscreen if you're going to be in direct sunlight for longer than like 30 mins..
Evan Richardson
99% chance you’re overweight.
Fat fucks with hormone levels- Get your weight in check, the rest should get back in line too.
Jacob Ramirez
This could very well be right but you also should go to an endo to get blood test anyways, wouldn't do any harm. Accutane fucking sucks so try other things first
Isaiah Johnson
Most likely you have to up the dose.
Brayden Powell
I used to get the jawline acne for years, only within the past few months has it truly gone away. What I did to get rid of it was >sleep on clean pillowcase every night What I do is I have a bunch of old shirts that no longer for me and I sleep on a fresh one, flip it over, then switch to a new one so I'm changing the shirt I sleep on every other night. In theory you could flip it inside out, the idea is to never sleep on any one surface twice before washing >wash face with facial cleanser in shower during the morning, wash it with just water before bed I used to wash it twice a day with facial cleanser but I think that may have been too much as it didn't go away entirely until I did what I just outlined >drink more water, don't touch your face I used to drink milk at least twice a day, now it's just once a day. Maybe that also had something to do with it. All anecdotal but it's what worked for me
Christ if you really are a girl please just go to Reddit and find a woman board for skin care or acne or something. Why would you ask on Jow Forums?
John Watson
Probably just hang yourself tranny
Henry Young
tits please and thank you
David Jenkins
are you on birth control? i swear, half the chicks i know on birth control catch a bad case of acne from age 20-22 while their horomones adjust to their aging. birth control pills are society cancer and poison the water supply. any chicks asking, "where have all the good guys gone?" while taking the pill need to look into the mirror. this degenerate shit is ruining our society and the symptoms are all around us AND NO ONE CARES BECAUSE THEY HAD SOME SEX AHHH
Lincoln Lee
Ewwww that’s fucking nasty, slut
Juan Bennett
clean your towel more often, and clean your pillow case more often
James Davis
you in Plattsburgh bb?
Alexander Rogers
sounds like hyperandrogenemia
go to doc for blood test
Leo Sanchez
Please be my gf
Andrew Brown
This is actually the best advice, people often neglect their pillow cases and use the same towel for weeks in a row. I use the same towel no more than twice and the same pillow case no more than a week
Gavin Morris
Go to a gyno and get looked at for pcos
David Ross
You were born a dude and your parents just never told you that had your penis chopped off.
Thomas Torres
>I showed you my sebaceous glands now answer me
Jordan Taylor
That looks like a bacterial skin infection.
Andrew Bennett
Why would you want a man as gf? Shit looks like a dude
Joshua Peterson
If you are not white, try not consuming dairy products for 1 month. After trying everything to fix my adult acne (24y) my doctor suggested me to stop dairy completely to rid me of my acne problem and it worked.
Alexander Young
How much makeup do you apply daliy? also do you wear that mask all day?
Christian Wilson
pls be gf
Lincoln Miller
I took it 6 months, one pill a day. Acne subsided the last month, by the end of the treatment I had about a pimple a week, it came back a little just to almost disappear as of right now.
Also yes, dry nose/mouth was a pain in the ass.
Chase Ramirez
drinking juice from lemons helped me when I had some acne. I was still in hs though.
Mason Bell
>Onset of / change in facial hair growth in a pre-menopausal woman
Go see a doctor and get your hormone levels checked out
Kayden Rodriguez
Up the testosterone - then post cute male penisclit
Daniel Watson
btw that's a real email it's not fake promise
Sebastian Howard
Stop mastrubating and or having sex and wash your face everytime you wash your hands. Dermatologist are retarded and dont even know how to help you, imagine mechanic not knowing how to fix your car. phatetic
Jaxon Martinez
Don't wash your face anymore than in the shower. Don't put shit on your face. Change pillowcase everyday (fucking serious about this) If you are eating junk stop it. Try cold showers.
Zachary Ramirez
Stop eating everything except for meat.
Xavier Williams
stop /frauding/ user
Chase Butler
Could be hormonal/allergy and or stress response. Your body is dealing with inflammation.
> Get good quality sleep and establish a sleep routine: 10pm-6am or 11pm - 7am > Avoid high allergy foods: cow's milk/dairy, sugar, white flour, peanuts, alcohol, processed foods > Get adequate vitamin D > Eat three serves of vegetables a day > Eat adequate amount of fats and protein
Bacteria - oil control > Lower the temperature of your showers > Keep hair and clothing away from your neck/jaw > Don't touch the area > Use benzoyl peroxide 5% on those areas
>all these boomers asking for boob pics It's 2018 old timers, you ask girls pictures of their feet now.
Dylan Jones
Eat less carbs.
Your hormones are off but can be regulated by eating less sugar, white bread, hi GI foods, drinking more water, and eating more unsaturated fats
Owen Lee
The hormone “tests” don’t take every factor into account. There are tons and tons of inter-hormonal relationships that are affected by shit diet, hydration, and sleep
Sebastian Collins
solid thread boys - requesting “you’re gonna get a lot of hurtful comments” meme pic
Jordan Jones
looks like clogged pores. stop using so much crap on your face.