Why not just settle for an average trap gf?
Why not just settle for an average trap gf?
>why not just settle for a guy who dresses up like a girl bit still looks like a guy
There are some people that do this, they are what you would call gay.
This is the average twentyone pilots listener
>mental illness
At least this guy is honest.
I have boobs, a fem body, soft skin and I smell nice though :3
I wish, i doubt anyone would like me anyway.
Also they aren't average lol, even i'm better than them but still hideous.
>I have boobs, a fem body, soft skin and I smell nice though
Yeah, sure thing buddy.
Every single fucking thing about that is a red flag.
It must take a special kind of retard to want anything to do with that.
no thanks
Is the ginger on the right really a tranny? Most convincing one I've seen.
im desperate. want to talk more?
post butthole or leave my thread please
Because I know I would ghost after first sesh
I've never met a trap in real life.
>not posting kalindra
>I have boobs, a fem body, soft skin and I smell nice
All that matters is face.
They have ludicrously low standards so you don't need to settle for average tbqh
Kek, like i'd ever settle for somebody like that. The autism part is ok, but a veggie eating commie? Fuck off.
lmao at trannies gatekeeping each other. what a world.
I would, but I don't think she would like me.
He said average idiot
If a guy already has soft fearures, makeup will go a long way.
>taller than the fucking door
I honestly wish trannies had to be sterilized
The thing is every tranny believes they are not a 'hon' or whatever term despite looking like OP pic. They're fucking insane.
eh i wouldn't care that much if they actually passed, but i couldn't see myself being physically attracted to someone that looked like that. plus everything about that person in particular is a red flag
>stoner listed in bio
> incredibly idealistic
>mental illness listed as one of their major attributes