Have you ever met anyone from Jow Forums, or even just Jow Forums in general, in person?

Have you ever met anyone from Jow Forums, or even just Jow Forums in general, in person?

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no and i hope i never do, i think it would kinda take the fun outta it cuase this is MUH SECRET CLUB

My high school friend used to come here.
He was a weird guy and a very bad friend.
Moved away to be with a woman he met on Tinder.

Several from other boards. Actually pretty cool people for the most part. Even hooked up with one girl.

>Jow Forums in general
I know two guys from opposite coasts who I consider good Facebook filmmaking friends from back when I made filmmaking generals on /tv/. Theyve produced some pretty fun content and I hope Im as good as they are at some point.

I also knew a girl who I used to like, who came on /tv/ and /co/ at the height of JUSTposting. She actually wrote JUST at the end of her signature in my yearbook (If youre reading this Izzy I still think about you sometimes, hope youre well)

Beyond that, I think I have a coworker and a roommate that go on /mu/. Anyone else, I have to explain what Jow Forums actually is to them and it gets awkward.

yeah I met up with a few girls I met here and once accidentally met my coworker on zmaps, which was very awkward

I've met 6 people from /vg/ in person, and like 9 from /cgl/, and two others from a Jow Forums discord.

Its usually a really fun time, people from Jow Forums are pretty cool and have a good sense of humor. Lots of anime, D&D, video game talk mixed in with the normal stuff we're doing. Would very much recommend, some of the people I've met have become my closest friends.

I introduced one person to Jow Forums once. He was already a weeb.

my boomer dad uses Jow Forums

either she just knows memes "that feel no girl friend, do you like cold pizza" she spots a robot.

How can I meet sluts from /cgl/?

Seconding this, im interested how too

Once and only once, he was unironically a racist pedo living at home, didnt realize until it was too late

Yeah, an asian from /vg/. He was mostly a nice chill guy but he had some anger issues too, could get scary. I haven't seen him in years.

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>Have you ever met anyone from Jow Forums, or even just Jow Forums in general, in person?

Implying I had social skills ,no but maybe some day op , maybe some day

>living at home

One from pol and 3 more from k

Met a Russian guy from here during the world cup. I also know a few guys who I know came often a few years ago but I've not spoken to them in years so I can't say if they still do.

Yeah one from Jow Forums. Also several of my classmates back in uni were open about coming here

yes, my wife last year

Once. He was a kinda fucked up person but he was cool otherwise.

I have around five friends in my city that I met off of r9k and we get together, play games and smoke weed sometimes. They're all really cool guys, would def recommend getting a robot friend.

I met a couple a few people at once when I first went to college. It was a really strange situation. One guy didn't say a word, one was an asshole, one looked like he belonged at a speed running marathon, and one was trying really hard to seem normal and cool. Needless to say we never met up again.

Yes multiple times and it was always fun

there was this black chick that browsed /a/ and /y/
this hapa guy that was a hardcore Jow Forumsfag
and like, some normal fags that wanted to seem cool by knowing about this edgy place (before the elections when 4ch was still hidden from the regular internet and cozy)

This sounds the most plausible for a meetup

>hidden from regular internet
that was in 2005, before you were even born.

I saw a guy that probably browsed Jow Forums but never spoke to him. He was a large guy with a pony tail and always sat alone in the uni's computer room.

Not Jow Forums, but I was that faggot who browsed in middle school. I got most of my friends to browse and they found their own boards and stuff to shitpost on. We're still buddies now but I don't get to talk to them very often.