where do normal fags get off demanding you get a job and contribute to society when you are denied the most basic oh human needs that they all have filled but you are not allowed
why the fuck should i work a soul crushing job and contribute to a society that threw me out and won't let me have a girlfriend or an active sex life like anyone else
i will take my neet bux as compensation under pain and suffering and there is nothing they can do about it
Where do normal fags get off demanding you get a job and contribute to society when you are denied the most basic oh...
>why the fuck should i work a soul crushing job and contribute
You shouldn't. This is unironically the final NEET pill. Normies only care about you at all for the taxation of your hard labour that goes, mainly, to propping up females.
Extract as much from this hellish aerth as you can before the sweet release of death.
The only reason you'd need to play their game is if you needed more money for some reason. Keep your lifestyle modest and humble, don't but shit you won't need, don't have children or other dependants, and you'll do fine.
Maybe if you had a job you'd have a better chance at getting laid.
lel, do you think the normie and note the chad has a chance at all without having good looks and money?
The normie is losing badly now and should fucking wake up, its a war
note not the chad*
How am I supposed to support myself without a job then? I don't want one but the money pays for food and stuff.
>he doesn't live in a country that gives out welfare if you have depression and anxiety from tfw no gf
fucking lmaoing at you
If you don't live in a country with welfare, you can't. Where I am, it's simple enough to fake mental illness and get on a disability payment. It's a long con as you need to have received treatment for an extended period of time, but you're set once you're on it.
And yes, I realize that the idea of wanting to fake mental illness for the rest of my life just so I can withdraw from society to exist in my apartment makes me literally mentally ill.
What country do you live in? I'm an americuck and I don't know how to set this up.
i just tell doctors and psychologists that i'm depressed suffer from severe anxiety and i constantly think about suicide
free money
plus i can occasionally go spend that money on hookers since they are legal
Nice try, wagie. The only people that work shit jobs are teenagers (have fun in prison) and other failures at life.
It's not anyone's fault but your own that you're not qualified to work a non-shit job.
The non-shit job I'm qualified for is utterly bereft of qt females.
Are you on DSP or youth allowance/newstart and get your job seeking responsibilities constantly negated by doctor/psych notes? You can only do that for so long. If you're planning on getting on DSP and aren't already, DO NOT DO ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE. Don't start formal study. Don't get any kind of job. They will use it as evidence against your claim. They've tightened things up a lot over the last few years.
And your life without the job is also bereft of QT females, so you might as well acquire cash.
just on the newstart but doctor has been talking about dsp with me
Nah, bro, nah. Fuck it. Fuck everything. I tried working for a living and fucking hated it.
no sex no work i say
"Wahhh I'm gonna take my ball and go home."
It's not societies job to find a gif for you, faggot. Its YOUR fault that you're a loser.
Nut up or shut up
i will accept that but do not fucking for one second expect me to be a fucking slave for you paying taxes to your rotten society when you show me no fucking appreciation
Everyone laugh at the free willer wagie! HAAAAAAHAHA.
Why do you think anyone is obligated to appreciate you? Maybe if you weren't such a worthless piece of shit people might "appreciate" you more.
Stop bemoaning your fate and do something about it. Find a way to monetize a skill or interest you have (if that's possible. I know a lot of neets have no skills and just tap to cartoons all day).
I like what I do for a living, retard. I'd do it for free of no one would pay me for it.
>of no one would pay me for it
If that was the case you would have to find another job (which you would hate the shit out of) because you need money, you goddamn retard.
>society won't give me a gf or validation for absolutely nothing so why should I pay taxes or contribute to anything as a human being
>allowed to post on the internet
>denied basic rights
I cant stop lmaoing @ OP
>you show me no fucking appreciation
>what is a tax refund
>he doesn't know his tax money is fixing roads, infrastructure, paying law enforcement to keep biggers from lynching and robbing him at night, and providing sustenance in the form of neetbux to his fellow inmates
Just because they're psychological needs does not make them rights. You are not being "denied" these things so much as failing to acquire them. You are being compensated for your current inability to work, not your girlfriend shit.
I want to say fuck your bullshit mentality. I can't wrap my mind around how somebody can live this lifestyle yet still be completely full of themselves. You'd think it would be humbling, no?