This is my goal body. What are his weight and lifts at 5'10"?
This is my goal body. What are his weight and lifts at 5'10"?
2 plate bench
1 plate squat
Lmao deadlift
It’s a shit goal. How about strength goals with low bf%
I promise 180lbs doesn't bench 225 looking like that. I bench 242 at 183 and that guy looks roided compared to me. He's an inch taller too
lifts? who cares dude just hit upper body and abs
1234 for reps. + 1 year
Strength doesn't mean big muscles. I'm a lmao Asian skelly by Jow Forums standards (6' 165 lbs) and I'm roughly 1/2/3/4. More muscular, babby strength 175 lb bench white boys give me lifting tips but shut up when I lift like twice what they do. Feels good and bad man.
>lift twice what they do
On which lifts?
You literally can't separate size from strength you gook. It's physiologically impossible.
Don’t listen to I am 5’8 and bench 2plate and this guy has bigger chest than me.
Guess Piano Man was the strongest man on the world, then.
Whats lmao deadlift
Do you do chest flies and incline?
Maybe op's just does more of those.
How is it the current year on the board and people still don't fucking understand this? A 300lb bench doesn't correspond to the exact same look on every person with the same height/bf%. Person 1 with a 300lb bench has good insertions, good structure, better hypertrophic response to training. Person 2 has the exact same bench and looks like garbage because they aren't as gifted genetically. You see it literally all the time. It's not hard. All you tards saying you lift more than person x but look shitter are just geneticlets. Sorry.
If his legs are proportional to his upper then around 185-190 pounds bw.
Prolly 315-365 for reps depending on genetics
This guy reps high 200's at least
Manlets barely have to move the bar and have a leverage advantage so around 500
He has some serious delts so around 185 reps
Gl with the natty dream OP
Bench has absolutely nothing to do with your chest user.
I bench over 3pl8 and d 2pl8 for 12+ every time I do an AMRAP and my chest is completly shit.
Come down lower on your chest and use a closer grip. You'll do less weight but it's much easier to get chest activation.
Also highly recommend dumbbell pressing both flat and incline
this is like me with lower bodyfat %, why would you settle for this?
normies disgust me
>Come down lower on your chest and use a closer grip.
That's quite literally the opposite of true. You get more chest activation with flared elbows. Technically the guillotine press style of benching hits chest the hardest, but it's dangerous and hard on your joints.
sure it is buddy
I do 145kg with my hands half a thumb-length from the edge of the knurling, touching the base of my sternum. And 160kg wide grip.
Closegrip is actually all triceps for me and grabbing wide (pinky finger on the non-knurled rings) gets me more chest work, still nothing like cable crossvers with proper path or dumbbels.
Is reverse incline bench necessary or its just a meme?
I never see anyone in gym ever do it and my homegym cant do that
By closer grip I don't mean actual close-grip. Just bring the pinkies inside the knurling and come down just above the base of the sterum. I find doing a couple sets of dumbbell pressing beforehand helps to increase the mind-muscle connection on the pecs.
any reverse grip bench is completely retarded
Reverse grip is only useful for pulling motions. It'll help activate rears delts and rhomboids.
Cable flys are the same motion without the tricep activation so you might as well do those.
bench 275-330lbs
deadlift 455-510lbs
ohp 175-200lbs
can't see legs for squats.
>use a closer grip
aka activate triceps instead of your chest retard
I think I can reach those stats. Im already over 60% of that and this isnt even my final form.
learn how to work out little bitch hey wjen we played football we all worked full body of course little bitch that's how real people in the real world workout and nigga what did you play pee wee nigga you small as shit you get your ass wrecked but you you gotta get your homie to show you how to get it in cuz you in this fake world of roided out bodybuilding who actually thinks this is how real people in train in the real world bodybuilders arent in shape and there not athletes real athletes train for strength and performance you show me any athlete that trains like you do your boy is on the right path come on little nigga what do you weigh 140 you got kickers that are bigger then you so what are you a bodybuilder? we all ready see your you tube aint shit you riding chris' s dick and you stil ain't got no subs so you aint a you tube star and what your natural? well to be a real bodybuilder you gotta take shit and have elite genetics and you have to have some and you ain't got none of that but you train like a bodybuilder but your not a bodybuilder HAHA so what's the fucking point to train for something that your not or don't compete in wow makes alot of sense your a lame ads clown and I'll tell you what you say you played football id love to see you on da real streetz I'd truck and smash your ass I'm 240 stay in ya lane little kid cuz you wanna tell people to stfu on you tube don't make me come see you put you to sleep leave street sleeping have Chris keep your night light on and tuck you under the covers while he's pump chasing you with
How many sets of bench do you do on days you bench? What about dips? Any chest accessory work, like flyes?
>ohp 175-200lbs
The fuck
Is this pasta?
I-is that supposed to be much? I cant tell
>t. people with shit triceps
Weight around 190.
And about lifts, I'd say 4 inches would be fine for a 5'10" manlet to look like an actual male.
its not a lot. its under 2plates. its a 1x bw ohp, which everyone who has been lifting for over a year can do, at 190lbs
*year or two. its not a lot, just most people haven't been lifting for strength long enough. its really not impressive. If you can bench 275-315, you should be able to ohp 185-200. If not, its an issue with mobility and tight lats
what do you think the benefits of reverse grip pressing are exactly? Tell me the biomechanics mate
just make sure you're getting 20-25 sets of total chest work in a week with whatever the fuck exercises you want and you'll be fine
>20-25 sets
isn't that way too much
No? If you do say 4 sets of bench, 3 sets of incline DB, 3 sets of flyes twice a week, you're hitting 20 sets of chest per week. Does that seem unreasonable to you?
Allows you to put the lateral and medial head under constant tension if you keep a vertical bar path.
yes that's useful when we're talking about chest development isn't it
That seems reasonable. But honestly when I do flies I dont feel any burn. Am I targetting it wrongly? Even my bench I dont feel sore the next day.
Am I not going hard enough?
Reverse grip pressing is not retarded for triceps work.
Any kind of barbell bench press is retarded for chest work, doesn't matter if you do it normal grip, reverse grip or suicide grip with no spotters.
Glad we agree on that.
>Any kind of barbell bench press is retarded for chest work
lmfao guess how I know you look like complete and total shit
>But honestly when I do flies I dont feel any burn
Flare your elbows and stretch as much as you feel you can without compromising your shoulders, so usually like a couple degrees past 90. Same with bench, the more you can safely flair your elbows the more you're going to recruit your chest. Like try taking a slightly wider grip and touching the bar to your nipple line. Try pause reps too.
175 OHP is not a lot.
It's more than normies can lift.
lmao 1pl8 OHP is also more than normies can lift.
For experienced weightlifters it's the start of showing that you know how to lift.
He's about my size and your heigh is an inch shorter than me so it's pretty close. My 1rm is 340 for bench and 225 for OHP. Touch to compare anything else since the picture doesn't show legs. I weigh 205lbs.
he was a big guy
fuck that guy that stole my trips he is a fucking fag
Do cable flies instead. Dumbbell flies are only good if you can do them correctly which is harder than most lifts.
as in not doing any