ITT Nazis won
ITT Nazis won
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>libetard troled epic style rofl
Hey bro do you want to play fortnite TOPKEK it's a game 4 aryans, niggers are too low IQ to play it 40 KEKS haha xd bro fuck reddit, right???
wow imagine a society without jews
just imagine haha
I love brahms
Look at these brainwashed cunts, can't even drop the identity politics for 1 millisecond and have fun.
jews and nazis both like to pretend otherwise, but I doubt anyone would notice if all the jews disappeared.
>have fun
That's what liberals say. "Have fun". Destroy Western civilization "for FUUUN". Women should have fuck 50 guys and never get married because "IT'S FUNNNNN". Fuck you cunt - you need Reich-level discipline.
>you need Reich-level discipline
So i need to be a furfag?
Start by learning that there is a hierarchy to the races. Educate yourself on the JQ as well.
>ugghhh, what could have been.....
That doesn't sound very fun though.
Not just that. There is a hierarchy within the races, within everything.
*no comment because user was euthanized*
And nothing of value was lost.
>I-I-I I sense ultra retarded faggots
Go to Reddit cock sucker
Reminder that you as an American citizen are the only guarantor of liberty.
If you haven't taken up arms you are a traitor and will be treated as such when judgment day rolls around.
>trump elected president
The nazis DID win
oh, everyone would notice.
so many poisonous influences on society would disappear immediately
suddenly the sun is out and the spell is broken. people are being nice to each other
jews are the spawn of satan
You are failing to recognize that the real Jew is within everyone.
Warum redet ihr denn Englisch, Kameraden?
Das ist doch jetzt eine tote Sprache.
Their darkness could be done away with if they were to disappear.
World peace would be possible.
This. It's too late now, the Jewish essence has infected the entirety of society. The only solution now is gobal hellfire (which the jews will survive in their bilion doar underground bunkers). There is no hope.
The fact that they're marching on the lawn triggers my autism. Someone should've at least shopped some paved path there.
No, because they are just a symptom not the cause.
>implying Germany wanted to invade the USA
>implying Germany COULD invade the USA
What is the cause then? No need to go in depth but would really like to know your opinion
Germany could easily invade the US if it didn't fight a two front war and had enough fuel. But we can only dream now.
The Manhattan Project was already completed in 1945 so yeah you could say Germany was fucked either way.
Why did they declare war on the USA if they had no means to actually force USA out of the war?
Was it because... maybe.... Nazis were retarded faggots?
I love Brahms too but he was a like lover
>no more stupid shitty racebait idiot threads on the internet made by insecure assholes
Truly a heaven.
The cause is human weakness.
>anime doesn't exist
Comment not orginal.
>wake up in my all white neighbourhood
>no crime
>nice system of free healthcare and school
>a small group of hitlerjugend boyscouts walks by for their daily workout and community service
>greet my neighbour Harry
>word salad
>nazism is fun
What about girls and sex in such a society? Would we all be assigned a blonde Aryan gf?
>be deported to Concentration Camp for being "asocial"
>that image
Why can't real women be 2D
Well the Nazis want the best of the best. And if you're a true Nazi you would want that for the good of your people. If you turn out to be a pathetic incel, you would willingly off yourself for the greater good.
So what you're saying is that you're a dumb Jow Forums diaspora and don't belong on this board?
Fuck off faggot
Implying there would be incels in a society like that. There are less incels in Europe than there are in America, the reason is that marriage and monogamous relationships are more common. In a society where society and women value men of character, morale and virtues more than shallow rich and handsome people, I don't think there would be as many incels, atleast not as many.
>National Socialism
>not identity politics
>Bet you haven't read Mein Kampf
>Bet you can't name any nazi officials except Hitler and Himmler without using wikipedia
>Bet you're an edgy 15 year old with acnee
>Bet you never did anything that can be called worthy so you resemble you forces to become a part of an ideology
Reminder that Nazi Germany was forced opposition to create Israel.
my father he took me into the city
lmao at this delusional americuck
There are incels everywhere and have been throughout time. Some men are just incompatible in society throughout history. It's just that today we have internet to vent our feelings and talk with other losers while those people before just read books and stayed alone in intellectual pursuits or engaged in autistic hobbies.
What the fuck you are talking about, Nazi Germany didn't even exist when Israel was formed, and for sure they didn't intend to create a state for the jews, but they began the antisemitic segregation back in '36
Am I supposed to be ashamed of my ancestors for fighting against nazis? Were they just supposed to let them take over their country?
They were supposed to stop the Jews from spreading their Satanic ideology.
Incels are a big minority, even here I think most "incels" will recover and sort their shit out. Men can do whatever they want untill they are twenty, once you are close to hitting thirty is when shit gets real and most will probably sort themselves out. The ones that are truly hopeless will always be and simply need to be left alone, they won't reproduce anyway.
>post anything right-wing
>leftie brow beaters come out of the woodwork and shitpost
every time, don't you people have jobs? oh wait, you're waiting for socialism to finally come, HAHAHA
I swear the only people I see play gsg are alt kikes amerimutts, a real European doesn't larp as a nazi.
The ones who "sort themselves out" will resort to online dating and date used up single moms who need a beta provider for the Chad's spawn.
Imagine being proud of being a wagecuck and letting the people you hate earn more money
That's because all of the real Europeans died in WW1 and 2
My great grandfather (Finnish side) surprisingly survived the war with 4 bullet wounds.
God damn it Hitler you sent the best men to die out there and now Germany is filled with furries and weaboo trap shit
It's called grand strategy not gsg you faggot. Also most people never play Germany.
I'm Stalin actually
Grand strategy game
if Germany won, it likely would have been because they figured out how to make the Atom Bomb first, which they were trying to figure it out
You need to deliver that A-Bomb by a high altitude strategic bomber, which Germany had none.
wouldn't exist due to race-mixing laws.
i'm sure Germany and their allies would have figured it out
at least in this hypothetical
more likely, the would bomb Russia
The only thing they could do was build unmanned V-Weapons but they V-2 rockets consumed more resources than Manhattan Project and they couldn't be targeted at military objectives so they could only be launched at London and hope for the best. Of the 3000 V-2s launched, it resulted in 9000 casualties total. A pathetic result to say the least since more Germans died from a single ordinary Allied bombing raid on a random German city.
Thanks now my shittown is free of Muslims , niggers and sandniggers i Can finally walk around in peace
The US would lose 14.1% of its physicians.
I'm dead or I certainly don't live in America
A much much better place. And without Jewish Satan worshippers.
And 3 of the 9 supreme Court justices
>tfw washing uniforms and boiling boots because i got conscripted for being a neet
they would just be replaced.
And 48% of its billionaires.
If nazis won, I wouldn't exist so Off I go
No americans medias : no series, no movies, nothing from europe, nothing from asia. No freedom, poverty and war all around the world.
Yeah no thanks Jow Forumstards.
Yeah bro and no filthy kikes. Now we can all rejoice in our Aryan lands
You mad white boi?
By smart Mexican immigrants UwU
Jow Forums probably wouldn't be allowed in a fascist totalitarian society
Back to your containment board
Jews are satanic.. They worship an Abrahamic God..
>be 1944
>Realize the real enemy are the fucking Soviets
>Secretly work with the Nazis to get all the Germans free from Soviet Aggressions
It's the world we live in.
>Imying most of them didn't make babies before or after the war
>Implying they would be alive now anyhow
No, I'm a philosemite. I'm thankful for Jewish contributions and have great admiration for them as a group. It sucks that they're only a small percentage of our population, I wish we could increase their numbers.
While Jews are 48% of American billionaires, they are ~55% of Americans in the 160+ IQ range. It makes perfect sense that they would be about half of American billionaires as well.