When are you moving to Japan /v/?

when are you moving to Japan /v/?

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Why would you ever want to live in such a depressing shithole?


this but unironically, i would probably die from overwork or claustrophobia if i lived there

In another 2 years. I have a shit degree that is pretty much useless and so I'm going to teach English in japan to avoid my student loans. I'm a faggot ass weeb anyways and it sucks having to teach little jap shits but at least my chance of fucking crazy middle aged Gaijin hunters is pretty good.

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This. Miserable place. Miserable people.

>I'm going to teach English in japan
You missed the boat pal, they require teaching certificates even from foreigners these days.

because anime got to their heads, it's a good propaganda machine
also notice how these photos are always wet, literally the same thing game devs have been doing lately to make their shit look prettier

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I hope so in about 2 years at most. Working to get experience and saving money so I can go there are try to work in whatever I find that is decent and doesn't kill me from overwork.

Maybe going to a small city or town and stay there for the rest of my life in a chill house.

it's better to work cleaning or in a grocery store
work few hours make lots of money and don't infect japanese society

you could say the same for vaginas.

when we get the /jp/ mansion
any day now....

because I'm brown

It's not necessary. Also going through shitty programs should help.

This, and it's not like foreigners can live there permanently anyway because Japanese are ACTUALLY racist as a nation

what stops you from doing the same thing but in your home country?

Grass is not greener on the other side of the fence.
Reject of society here
Reject of society there.

>not just going on a week vacation instead

You dont go to Japan to LIVE there, idiots

go back white pig

What if you like it there and hate where you are?

these anons know

Even the non wet picture looks pretty.
Everything in japan looks so fuckin clean, they try to balance human stuff with nature pretty good besides in the big cities where there's not a single tree in miles.

he's romanticized the country, thinks it's some relaxed and chilled magical place like in some faggy Ghibli film

Japan is great because of its cultural homogeneity. Aristotle knew that people who can see themselves in others would share a societal identity or love of one another. The melting pot of multi-ethnicity will forever sour this idea. This love.

JAPAN is for the JAPANESE you white piece of shit

i'm broken too

i'm in Japan doofus

yet they will still remain behind on important causes like diversity, minimum wage, and the governmental social programs

Japan has better conditions than a lot of countries m8. An english teacher in japan on meh salary makes twice the ammount of cash i make here.

Yep, living in culturally homogenous places is awesome. Even if you are the foreigner, if you are the only one out of 100000 people then its awesome, once that shit goes to hell and you get something like france. Then yea, fuck that place and try to get out of there asap.

Greece was destroyed by themselves and they were homogeneous
It's deeper than that

Went there two times for a month each. Suprisingly it's pretty cheap compared to other first world countries.

Especially the hotels. Got a nice room high up in a skyscraper with a wonderful view for about 35€/43$ per night. Even second world places like Bangkok charge your at least double for this kind of room.

>important causes like diversity

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I have engineering degrees in computer sciences and software development, maybe I could get something a bit better. I just don't want to be part of those horror stories of overworked salary men.

I live in Colombia dude, this place is fucked with corruption, venezuelans, people stealing in daylight, etc. The food and the country side are the only good things in here. but even if I'm earning a good pay the quality of life here fuckin sucks in you're not in the upper class.

>gaijin think they can actually live a life in any rural Japanese area
Unlike cuck wh*teoids who let their Jewish masters dictate who can live in their country, Japanese actually rise the fuck up.

I wonder if any of you are actually speaking from experience and are not just repeating the mantra spoken by retards, I has been 2 years since I moved to Japan and it has been amazing. This is my C94 CD haul.

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>wanting to live in a radioactive shithole

they dont wash their laundry in public
take yakuza and mafia, they both have or had ties with the government (with the LDP having knows ties, italian gov atm comes out cleaner) however one country is good at manipulating public image, the other not

I already did

in after butthurt faggots who've never been here shit on it

>those horror stories of overworked salary men.
Just leave in a small room near a grocery store

Wasnt greece literally bent over by their own polititians who made backroom deals and borrowed money when they knew it would be a catastrophy, because they knew they could get away with skimming some off the top and then bailing?

Already moved here. And it is better than America.

Never, why would you ever impose your unwanted foreign presence in a country that CLEARLY does not want you there.

No, it's well known and documented that Japan as a nation looks down heavily on outsiders, and you still can't reside their permanently faggot, have fun moving back from that shit tier country in another two years

Yes, yes. And Venezuela is proof that socialism doesn't work. Save your anecdotal diatribes for the less affluent. I'm far too above you to fall for it.

Fucking anywhere is.

I think the media vs people and all that class struggle (affirmative action, go green, eat vegan, save mother earth,etc) is not present in japan

work culture seems awful there
if I was rich I'd consider taiwan

Never, I don't wanna kill myself at 40

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Singapore and Korea would be better choices.

>I live in Colombia
Then move to Barcelona it's way better and easier than moving to japan and being exposed to constant japanese racism.

waito piggu go home

south korean women more beautiful but less fun
can confirm

>Even the non wet picture looks pretty
would it look pretty if I told you that's china?

Never, I moved to Norway instead.

>have fun moving back from that shit tier country in another two years

Funny, I must have imagined all my foreign coworkers that have been living here for over a decade, not to mention the fact that I'm likely getting married next year granting me permanency.

But hey, keep on talking about shit you know nothing about.

It's a nice place to visit but awful place to live in

redpill me on Taiwan

>south korean women more beautiful
isn't that because most of them have had plastic surgery?

I’m visiting for 2 weeks next summer 2019
Unless you’re in the army Black guys aren’t exactly welcome

Spain is a good option indeed, I also considered other countries but considering the thread I answered that.

Problem is that every hispanic country is fucked in some way

If you're not actively ugly or weird, White people get an exoticism bonus to their Charisma in cities.


stop learning Japanese!

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I wouldn't.

Let's adress the usual points:
- Gorgeous nature, streets are clean, there's no niggers: true, little cultivated land means tons of clear rivers whose water is drinkable, there's lush forests, and thanks to low immigration, and next to no welfare, there's no niggers, it's really a pleasure. I think that's the only positive points.
- Japanese people are very kind: no, they're not, they're obliging, learn the difference. They may help you, but that's because they have to, it's part of their culture, but most hate it when a foreigner kinda forces them to help, they'll do it and they'll smile but they'll hate your guts. You learn to realize that with time, and eventually you realize Japanese people aren't very nice.
- Japanese culture is great: well no, I actually think the part that's bringing Japan down is at the core of their culture, it cannot be separated. If you think all the anime, hentai and shit is just a fringe element of it, you're completely fucking wrong, that's Japan's true nature.
- Japan maintains its traditions alongside technology: FUCK NO. Don't be fooled, the forces that subvert the west operate in the east the same, simply it started at a much later age, and a much faster rate. It took centuries for the west to get where it is, it took half a century for Japan, and it took a mere decade in the rest of Asia, but soon they'll be ahead of us. They're not keeping their traditions alive, they're destroying it all, simply not all of it is destroyed yet. That's like going to some remote tribe in Africa and give a guy covered in shit a smartphone: does it feel like he maintains his traditions? No, that ape just discovered progress. Don't take Japan nor the rest of Asia as an example, they'll soon have worse problems than we do. Even in Vietnam we already witness the birth of a SJW class, that's how bad it is. Soon they'll lead the march of degeneracy.

Japan is better than many other places, but it's no paradise.

There's only one race.

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its china but not as shit
but its one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in

user, I...

>miniscule living space for cost
>no chance of career progression outside of teaching or translating for foreigners
>no permanent residence for outsiders
>meh salary for teaching
>expensive as fuck alcohol and meat
>older generation hates you

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China also has pretty cities honestly, the problem with china is that the people is mentally fucked, worst that in america and the disparity in economy means that you have this pretty fuckin park and streets, and then a shithole of houses around it.

It is the only 1st world country that doesn't extradite to the US.

>there's no niggers


Probably be like China where they try to “Rub off the brown”

I'm quite happy in Texas

>expensive as fuck

user what

isn't that a bad thing?

You're probably a specialist in your field of work, this is why it's easy for you, but most people in these threads are dumb weebs who will get kicked out of the country in a few weeks.

japan is crashing and burning so hard abe is doing a blue collar visa next year WEW

Japan has shit modernist culture. Not a good place to find a wife for creating a family. I'll move there when I'm old and half of their population is retired.

It's like if Texas was an island and declared independence. Then imagine it got financial backing from the US' rivals to the point that it became a technological world power.

I lived there for 4 years. It was nice and I had fun.

No. That's a fucking good thing. Christ, I am really angry at your question.

See, is even more fucked up there, there aren't a lot of places to have a chill life.

Canada is the only good choice in the west, just because they have legal weed :D

I know, tehre's some, and ironically they all seem associated with prostitution. But let's be honest, there's much worse. I live in Paris, I know how it feels.

But I've been living in Japan for the last 6 years already

>If you think all the anime, hentai and shit is just a fringe element of it, you're completely fucking wrong, that's Japan's true nature.
>saying this like it's a bad thing
>on /v/

fuck off
Jow Forums is full of retards

>Jow Forums of all places
for free

should have deleted the thread instead

lol get btfo incels

I haven't been to r9k in 8 years. Is this still where they go to cry about being friendzoned?

>I haven't been to r9k in 8 years.
why would you even go there in the first place? fuck this shit.

>ywn be this based
feels bad man, can i suck your dick?

Japan is comfy as fuck you retard, it's only depressing if you work there for a jap company

why exactly? doesn't it make sense for an American to stand trial in an American court?

>no guns
never, unless I'm rich enough to live there and have a place in like Alaska for the occasional hunting trip

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i would not be able to survive on the food they eat there. asian food is repulsive

Because eating something other than bacon in the breakfast is horrible for you, too bad for your liver.

im not fat sweetie, asian food is just nasty seafood shit, rice, shitty noodles, and terribly cooked meat

This. Between being a nog and a Jow Forumsizen they'd probably avoid me like the plague under the assumption that I was probably a hyper violent criminal. I just want to experience cultures that aren't ninety percent victim complexes and demands for undue reparations.

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