Is it possible to be too intimidating to attract women?
I'm 6'3 220 with a full beard, dark features and hunter eyes - yet I can't seem to attract any girls, while my Twink DYEL friends seem to be drowning in pussy.
What's the deal? Is it possible that my frame is scaring potential mates away?
>dark features Another proof that girls hate sandniggers
Easton Edwards
This Kys you mutt
Parker Martin
Whiter than you, Mohammed. When I say dark features, I mean jet black hair, eyebrows, beard etc etc
Matthew Moore
This, or stop LARPing.
Joseph Johnson
ones that fit
Jacob Adams
I had this doubt too, even before i got big so i made this simple test when you are around females, just make a sudden quick move with your hands like you are going to hit her if she blinks scared or something like that she is scared of you of course this doesnt work if you have to almost punch her face, almost everyone will blink at that tried it with my mom some days ago and she got really scared lul
Adrian Davis
I know I am after reading that description.
t shy tiny girl
Justin Morris
You want me to go up to girls and pretend to punch them?
Ayden Rivera
something like that, yeah. Dont you have female friends?
Lincoln Bailey
fuckin lol
Hudson Sanchez
not him but I always initiate conversation by pretending to slap them and say "heh gotcha"
Henry Martin
yeah, but most likely atleast once a girl would have thrown themselves at you
Nicholas Allen
>i'm a 250 lb obese nigger perpetually squinting because of all the fat in my forehead FTFY
Andrew Martin
whats wrong :(
Anthony Sullivan
Being intimidating has just as much to do with personality I'm 6'1 195 and have a thousand yard stare and it scares off females who just wants some guy who's aloof and fun and walks around with a smile Although before I got my current girlfriend once or twice a month a girl would think it was mysterious and sleep with me so it's definitely possible
Luis Peterson
It really depends on what they think intimidating is, some girls tell my i have a boys face, others that i scare them (i guess because the things i say) actually some men told me i scare them too, idk. im
Joseph Gomez
Came here to say this. Probably 220lbs of flab, too.
Kayden Morales
What are these "things you say"?
Liam Wright
Being quiet and miserable doesn't help. My money is on that
Dominic Rogers
>he fell for the "women like muscles" meme
Jow Forums claims another one. Your best bet is to find one of your twink DYEL friends who want to experiment and fuck him doggy and pretend it's a girl.
Robert Martin
I dont know really, i dont think im too autistic or anything like that, i had a few friends and gfs. I guess sometimes people dont understand jokes
James Robinson
>hunter eyes
the fuck out of here, creep.
Christopher Green
You’re creepy. Welcome to the club.
Daniel Scott
Definitely possible. Especially if your description is accurate. Girls fear rejection just as much as we do. If you're as alpha looking as you say their thought process is probably like "damn, this guy's attractive, I wish he was interested in me" but they're not going to show it or make the first move. Are girls really quiet and giggly and not making eye contact around you? If yes they probably want you.
Eli Davis
This is useless without a pic of yourself. Chances are that you're not that attractive though. Sorry bro but attractive people get laid.
Gavin Hall
dont welcome my to your shitty club you pedo, post face and body
Blake Wood
Not OP but when anyone here says anything remotely positive about themselves and then posts a picture people dissect every pixel looking for the worst insult they can come up
Hunter Cox
I was under the impression that eye contact is a good thing? And girls who don't maintain contact think you're ugly?
Luis Young
mirko cro cop is the fucking terminator and he got tons of jap sideways pussy you're probably just autistic
Sebastian Peterson
Dadcore, i.e jeans, sturdy boots, plaided shirts etc.
Parker Walker
Dunno why but I only get homosexual men coming up to me. I recently found out that most girls in my class had a crush on me though.
Thomas Clark
I know, I've been on the receiving end of the dissection. Some of it is obvious trolling but most of it isn't wrong. I don't know if he will post a pic or not so I'm just going by the assumption that he's not getting laid enough and he considers himself good looking. He's probably not as good looking as he thinks he is
Jace Murphy
I had a massive 6’2” friend with a giant Dan bilzerian like beard and many girls told me he’s too manly/intimidating.
However some girls liked it, and those girls couldn’t get enough of him cuz that type of guy is kinda rare
Basically it’s a niche, all girls are not gonna love it but it works
Lincoln Lee
KEK someone make a boomer meme out of this
Isaiah Bell
Totally depends on the context but shy girls aren't going to make eye contact if they like you or it'll be really brief
Julian Fisher
is this a fucking time machine? I've seen this thread with this picture like 8 months ago. Get some original shit.
>but yes, you can. I am. t. amatuer fighter with them psycho eyes. v. lonely man. feels bad.
Dylan Jenkins
Most likely not the only guy that thinks he's a Chad but isn't in reality
Ethan Moore
I'm a big guy with a brutish face and hair all over. I also have an edgy anime style gash on my cheek and a missing tooth. I am not a pretty boy. Think of the swarthy Italian American stereotype and I'm there, but Jow Forums. No doubt my appearance is intimidating (perhaps appalling) to some, but that is only at a first glance.
I'm a nice and cheerful guy. I get along well with others and people like me. When qts see how I'm actually chill they'll want to meet me. I look like a bad guy, but I'm a good guy.
Point being, if you're a big guy don't be a creep or asshole.
Remember, White women are garbage. Go for Latinas, they are the best.
t. Handsome White Male.
Justin Sanders
You have posted this before
Jayden Campbell
>Being intimidating has just as much to do with personality >I'm 6'1 195 and have a thousand yard stare and it scares off females who just wants some guy who's aloof and fun and walks around with a smile This is literally me, give or take a few pounds. It doesn't help that my humor is extremely dry/deadpan
i do this to my friends. Since im big and strong and look like i stab people for a living people dont usually try to "make fun of me", so when they do i just sit and look at them dead expressionless and then when they're done i make a sudden motion like getting out of my seat quickly or reaching into my pocket for something and everyone always flinches like im gonna punch them. After i made them look like a pussy i give them a little smile. sounds edgy and shit but i just like scaring people, been jump scaring my family my whole life for fun. My sister doesnt like walking around the house knowing im home, but not knowing where exactly.
It's all subjective. There are different types of eye contact that can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Some user here might have a link to that article.
Aiden Gray
>these are the people who make 6'2 master race posts
Latinas fuck like rabbits but they also age the worst.
Jaxson Anderson
Dont worry user I havr this problem as well. You need to soften your expression and adopt a more relaxed vibe. They will pick up on it. I keep trying but ultimately decide on looksmaxxing instead. This has caused me to be really attractive and women to stare at me all the time. The mires I get are insane and much more than I ever got previously. Keep getting gains, mew, style, etc. Just put yourself out there, dont be too autistic about it, and dont give them too much attention as weird as it always sounds.
Nicholas Watson
Alright here's the thing. If you look scary you need to do something to signal the woman that you're the type that protects instead of the type that attacks. Be gentle, smile, make them feel safe around you rather than intimidated. Regular dude is easy to approach because they seem harmless. Big guys are scary so they're hard to approach, but they'll also offer feeling of safeness that regular dudes never can. You just have to make sure you're not a threat just because you look like you could kill me any given moment
Jeremiah Cruz
>this whole thread Yeah guys I watch anime too, I'm totally a big intimidating guy, they're just scared of my manly presence
I'm 6'2" 220 with the same features and same problems.
My issue is that I'm super shy and introverted so girls always choose the outgoing skinnyfat guy over me.
Bentley Wright
your twink dyel friend doesn't wear cargo shorts and a trench coat everyday. you're too socially inept to talk to staceys, and the fact you aren't self aware makes you a lost cause.
If you’re legitimately big, scary, and dominant looking you’re mostly going to attract masculine leaning women like tomboys and shit. Women like guys who are masculine relative to themselves.
So a dainty prissy feminine girl will be happy with a twinkish soccer player or some shit. Normal chicks like guys who are masculine. And masculine chicks like hypermasculine giga-beasts.
i've had a few gays and girls tell me this. i think i'm pretty average. maybe its my beard and introvert attributes. what do?
Adrian Reyes
Some masculine chicks want betas to forever submit to them. Not always true
Easton Gray
girls know theyre weaker, guys that are huge dont attract women much cuz if you imagine getting into an argument, a slap from a huge guy to a small girl can seriously hurt her
Josiah Hall
this lol
Dylan Rivera
Brody Scott
>am i ugly? >No i am just too attractive that i intimidate women
Leo Gray
Holy shit are you me??? After I started doing this I've been drowning in dank puss. Just reflex check them and then wink sublty. Move in for the number if you feel like it but honestly Im all fucked out from all the girls who are texting me 25/7 trying to get some of this. Just pretend to punch them and it gets them wetter than nigara falls. Godspeed Anons
>this There is not such thing "too intemidating" for women, you're a fucking man, woman are genetically programmed to feel intemidated and inferior to men.