So user, what's the last time you've been to the gym and how was it? I haven't ever actually been, partly because of the social setting.
So user, what's the last time you've been to the gym and how was it? I haven't ever actually been...
2 days ago. Pretty good.
5'11" 190lbs
280 bench
475 deadlift
??? OHP
Don't squat because hip flexor.
I found out a few days ago my gym crush lives a few houses away from me. Saw her walking her dog as I was leaving my house.
Christ, you could bench me with ease. Not that that's very hard. Go get em tiger, best of luck user.
It has been two days ago. I'm trying again to restart my workout but lifting is so mind numbingly boring.
Do you listen to music, or anything while you do it? I can imagine it gets pretty damn repetitive otherwise.
Not him but I can't work out without listening to music. Been trying to listen to podcasts but can get boring. I end up just phone posting so my lifting takes twice as long
I tried to but I found it to be distracting so I stopped.
Also the gym is blaring shitty music through their speakers so loud it would mix with my music which made matters even worse.
I had a training partner once so we could talk between sets but he moved.
Pls help me guys, I get overwhelmed by all the info and thus didn't start.
When I tried to do pull ups outside, I wanted to kms after 3 reps.
Any advice welcome, especially interested in what keeps you going.
Man, the gym starts to sound less and less interesting to me by the day. How often do you Anons lift?
I used to go three times a week and had nice gains. Then I just stopped for three years and as I said before I try going again because I can't stand my weak body anymore.
I've always been weak so I don't mind it. Still have enough strength to do anything I need to, but nothing more. Though I am a skeleton though so it doesn't matter.
I try to aim for 4 days a week. I used to do 5 but working full time meant I got burnt out. My gym has a pool, spa, sauna and steam room so keeps me occupied afterwards. It used to have a squash court but they replaced it with a new weights room.
2 months and 3 weeks almost, im still losing weight tho.
Can't afford that gym anymore and I would rather have a swimming pool option even if I just go for 2 laps at the end of my exercise. So I am not going to a cheaper option until I get a job.
I have the typical robot problems of low self esteem and being fit helped me in society because people tend to treat you better (as long as you aren't a swole freak).
I kinda want that back. I am just completely average right now and I feel very insecure that way.
Last time was last Saturday. Just started checking some places near me and trying them out. I have been doing some body weight stuff for several years and finally got the balls to actually go to gym.
The difference is huge. Should have started going years ago, but hey, at least I started now and not later.
>Replacing comfort for more gains
Definitely not what I'd like, but the after stuff sounds nice
A swimming pool is always a great option in my eyes, good luck on the job
I know you feel user, but I've become comfy with my weak physique.
Are you doing bodyweight stuff outside or
In the gym. I can barely do 3 sets of 12 but when I first started I was at the same stage as you. As pull ups require strength in your arms shoulders and back it might be best to go to a gym
>I've become comfy with my weak physique.
I'm happy for you, user.
Go on a period with less people( usually in the morning) and the social setting should be fine.
People dont actually care about you there so no need to be afraid of bullying or whatever. Old folks and really fat people are there all the time, trust me, you wont stand out.
I go 5 days a week btw
Thank you user, that's sweet of you to say
Well it's not just that, I have no drive to exercise, and good luck rolling me out of bed for anything other than a jog. I'll find an infinite amount of ways to procrastinate on that
A year and a half ago.
I don't see the point. It's no gf whether you lift or not. Too much effort to just have nobody else love you
yeah the swimming area helped me keep going. If i felt lazy I just swim instead of doing nothing, and when I work out to the point of exhaustion the sauna/steam and jacuzzi are all I need.
I'm too fat to go to the gym without being embarrassed. I'm on the 4th week of couch to 5k, though, so that's something.
Do it to love yourself user, not have others love you.
Swimming is one of the only things I really do for exercise, and it keeps me going to be honest
Best of luck user, I'm sure you'll make it since you've gotten over the 3 week hump!
It's been over a year. I need to start going as my weight loss has plateaued from just improving my eating. The problem is I get bored beyond belief and need someone to shoot the shit and have fun with. Even more of a problem none of my friends want to lift.
Yesterday, I pushed up my OHP pr to 155 lbs.
Impressive! How long have you worked on it?
Ty for the thread. I wanna work out too, but I'm a pussy so I never start
Take it as encouragement user, and at your own pace. I won't start, but that's for my own reasons.
Do a squat variation, then, or find some equipment. Squats are absolutely essential for overall strength. Plus, you may find you actually fix some issues with your hip by training those muscles.
Tuesday and it was very rewarding. I do strength training and putting in hard work and seeing results on a regular basis is amazing. It's made me a more confident and fulfilled person. Everyone should try it.
Nowadays I'm always at a caloric deficit. There's no point in me going to the gym if I don't eat as much as I should. I drink plenty of water though.
try hacksquat/legpress
You can still make progress with a caloric deficit as long as you get enough protein and rest. This is assuming you're doing this to loose weight.
gym isn't really a social setting. The only time people talk to you is if they want to see how many sets you have left/ask to work in with you. Don't be scared of going to gym.
Started agaylast week. Went Wednesday then Friday then been Monday Tuesday and today that week.
It's ok. I go in the morning before work because I know I won't go after and apparently it's twice as busy after work hours.
The changing rooms are small though and only four showers. Sometimes the changing rooms can be empty or really busy just depends on timing. I think this one guy saw my small flacid when it was busy once so that was bad feel man
Of course I'm trying to gain weight if I'm avoiding the gym during a caloric deficit. Maybe I should just give up trying to be ripped, and just go when I can. 6'0" 180 for the rest of my life doesn't sound too bad. Could've been worse.
All I do is run, but my 10k is now sub 50 minutes. I haven't been to the gym in a week though because I stopped eating to lose weight.
About a once a week for about a year or two. I would've had better results if I could be bothered to improve my diet.
Very chill, I live in a very small area and go with a good friend who is very strong
I go every day.
day before yesterday
i was at planet fatness, and i am already regretting getting this shit membership. i moved back to my parents house, haven't lived there in 7 years [except on summer breaks from uni]. last time i went they had a squat rack. this time i just assumed they did, but upon closer inspection they only have smith machines. also it says 'no overhead press or deadlift' so i can't even do squat, OHP, or DL. even though i was doing OHP for 2 weeks and nobody cared, it has a sign saying you can't so it's just a matter of time
also it will cost $50 to cancel the membership.
what kind of shitty gym doesn't let you do deadlift or OHP? i have to pay $50 to stop them from charging me monthly GOD DAMN
lmao according to this thread, robots are all in great shape.
Reminds me of how everyone on the internet has at least a 7 incher.
hex bar with the low grip does wonders. I feel like I'm squatting when I do low hex bar deadlifts
I leg press from time to time, but the hex bar is my absolute favorite right now. I don't even deadlift as often as I used to because of it.
Thanks breh
You need not go to gym to be /fit. I have all the stuff, barbells, dumbells, weight plates at home which I find very time and energy efficient.
It's another thing that I haven't lifted in over a month because no motivation and feeling like shit but that's the other side of the argument, having a /gym bro who keeps you motivated.
What I've observed is you can go at least a year with variations in your programme before you reach the plateau and get tired of it. You can watch jewtube channels for programmes that suit you. You don't need anything hard-core to stay in shape but remember core is important. I could plank for about 1:30 minutes.
I'd consider attempting to get fit, but it simply doesn't suit me in any way. Thanks for the advice though.
>simply doesn't suit me in any way.
Can I help you in any way?
Not really. I'm a skeleton and I'm happy with it.
I'm a skelly too. Where do you live? Burgerland? You can afford the right nutrition.
Easily. Yeah I'm a burger. I just don't have any intention of changing my physique. I'm too used to and comfy with how I am.
You can keep loading on the carbs until you feel like getting into shape. Obese or fat is always better than skelly.
Don't give up user.
>Obese or fat are better than Skelly
Not on your life. I'm sticking to how I am.
I am going to give up, been going to gym daily since December. I lost faith
if you eat like shit, you will still look like shit. the upside for you - and also the reason why I advise you to keep hitting the gym - is that you've probably made a fuckton of muscle gains under you layers of fat over the last 8 months. I advise cutting now (eat/drink 1500 calories/day strictly) for like 3-6 months and you'll look absolutely jacked.
Nice projections, assumptions, complete lack of understanding of any kind of fitness whatsoever, and furthermore complete and utter lack of any understanding of any kind of peer-validated genetics research related to fitness.
A year and a bit. There was a lady working there the first 6 months who was a big help, but she left or moved gyms or whatever, that lack of guidance and supervision really did me in.