cresent fresh edition
stay cres lads
Other urls found in this thread:
first for DM is a nonce
only 35 days until autumn lads
>"I'm going out, I'm expecting a delivery, please keep an eye out for it"
>Sometime later they return
"Hey did my delivery turn up"
>I'm afraid not
>"What the fuck, I bet it did and you just missed it"
I will set fire to this whole flat
how are the 40 quid ikea chair lads doing?
if its baseless, then explain why it is baseless.
I'm not sure what you dont agree with. is it ur opinion that limp wristed student lefty faggots injuring people and causing damage to property is making the left look good? the left should be the proponents of the working class. most of the time they are getting their heads kicked in by them instead.
which is to their credit, the left doesnt have a message. this allows their opponents to control the narrative. leftists in previous decades understood this. rhetoric in politics is bullshit but it's necessary.
In for a fucking ride then, jesus christ
Not looking forward to this lads.
/britlanc/ houseshare when?
>tfw memed Mayuri into it
>by the sounds of it that may have spurred others on
Very comfy desu
and I'm like YEAH WHATEVER
should get quite arsey with them lad, shouldnt stand for ppl calling you a liar
its just
a little crush (crush)
not like everything I do
depend on yooouu
haha lad
why the fuck is the back rest hollow??? reee i had to stuff an old pillow inside fucking cost cutting swede shits
its not bad tbqh
Might watch the departed tonight lads
> limp wristed student lefty faggots
Exactly my point, this is all talking of your opinion as much as anything else. The fact you can't even keep calm enough to make a point without throwing shit like this is what gives it away
Discord insider here. Operations have begun to bring DM back into the thread. I can say no more.
Anyone here a black person?
got my knickers delivered today. mum and dad both asked what was in the parcel but i didnt wanna tell them so i just avoided the question.
I just want a nice northern lass to cradle me on her soft breasts and stroke my hair
Got my creatine delivered today. Mum and Dad both asked what was in the parcel but I didn't wanna tell them so I decked the cunts
Got 2 (two) job interviews tomorrow.
That's crescent fresh.
He's welcome to return providing he posts the chatlogs.
Simple as.
crescent frrrrrresh
That's so crescent fresh, very cres of you
How come every single asian girl I've ever seen irl is ugly? Where the cute one you see on the internet?
>apply to uni
>get a call saying I have a place
>tell my boss I'm quitting
>get a call the day after saying they can't finalise the place and I need to come visit them
No one earlier even knew what made something crescent fresh
makes me feel old. Not very cres
photoshop and plastic surgery lad
is there a britfeel dickscord?
I love are Lee I do. Proper niceable lad.
mate is having a kid
what a laugh
The trolls do go a bit too hard on him.
Maybe it's not too late
To learn how to love
And forget how to hateeee
u gonna sniff them lad?
Yeah lad, come join TvDzTmX
>no work today
>stay in room and be quiet the whole time
>flatmate comes back from work with gf
>clearly doesn't realise I'm home
>walk to the loo a few minutes ago
fucking normies, I can't cook dinner with that going on, guess I have to stay in my room until they're done
Record it for the lads pls
beat me to it lad
fucking lol
based lakaseh poster
Rather beat myself to it tbqh
not wanking yourself into a state thinking you're her
Low test lad
drunk again, this is becoming the new normal
>bank is being weird and wont let me put down the deposit
>use a different card
>pay that card off with main card
Fuck off brandon you faggot
Go knock on the door and ask them if they want any take out
>Rather beat myself to it tbqh
when I was at uni I lived with 5 girls but I only ever heard 1 of them getting shagged 1 time
Better nip it in the bud, lad. Being drunk is one step closer to being gay.
just look at any video of an anti-fascist protest and at least 3/4s of those attending fit the description I just gave. it's not an opinion so much as just a statement of fact.
im a communist mate, im criticising them from a leftist position. battle of cable street is a good example of anti-fascism, it was organised in co-operation and support of the working class who did not want the facists marching through their area. literally no-one asks antifa to do the shit that they do, they do it because they are bored middle class kids.
>Being drunk is one step closer to being gay.
So who here /sockhead/?
Alcohol has gay pheromones that inhibit themselves inside your straight genes. Therefore, the more you drink alcohol, the more you find big and juicy cocks appealing.
opened my birthday cards a day early so I could spend the money
now I've got like 20 pounds and I feel guilty
>serviced my car today
>now have 8 litres of used engine oil
>council tip won't take it
think I might just go out into the street at night and pour it down a drain lads. or dig a hole in the woods and pour it there. fucking council
It is a crying shame what happened to Oswald. We could have avoided the second world war.
ive been drinking for years and ive never thought gays were anything else but disgusting
Have you had your sips today britfeel?
Explains why I sucked a guy off while drunk that one time
most councils are obligated to provide somewhere to dispose of it, what else are you meant to do with used oil?
that's terrible, you're definitely going to hell
>not wanting to suck off a big juicy dick
that is what I thought, but they weren't having any of it. figured I have tried the legitimate route so might as well just chuck it somewhere now
>it's not an opinion so much as just a statement of fact.
No it's not. It's your opinion that you are trying to back up with anecdotal stuff like
>Just look at any video!
and I don't know what else to say about it. You've bought into the sensationalized idea of what anti-fascism is about. Moist of it is stuff like leafleting, tipping of places where neo-nazi groups might be meeting or liaising with police.
>battle of cable street is a good example of anti-fascism
>literally no-one asks antifa to do the shit that they do, they do it because they are bored middle class kids.
When have I ever condoned the actions of all anti-fascists?
dont pollute lad
Yeah, can't say thats ever happened to me. You're just a closet gay
fuck of faggot
It's common knowledge that alcohol makes you looser and gayer. You can't argue with Stephen Hawking.
only if you're gay to begin with
/britfeel/ for minus two thousand bongs, the
>you can't argue with Stephen hawking
bet i'd win in a fight though
just pop his wheels lad haha
>can't go more than five mins in peaceful thought without imagining I'm in a fight or argument with someone
fuck sake.
have you considered you may be being someone else?
Time for a little self-reflection lads. What do you think is the weirdest fetish/kink you have?
I'll start: SPH
>Acronym for "Sandwiches Per Hour." The amount of sandwiches a female can produce in an hour.
alcohol has destroyed my sexual desire so women have no power over me anymore. feels good
>Roommate has had around 15 one night stands since the start of the year
>Has just spent the last 2 hours crying and complaining that she can't find a boyfriend
Dumb thot
yeah manaman dont get no roomba
no no how it work just dat hoover
nah nah dont get no zoomer
yeah yeah manamans a boomer
I get off to the idea of beating a women
tell her she needs to be more loyal if she want a bf
Or don't because that'd be what a cunt would do
small penis humiliation
aka, he's mentally ill
>Leave me room to go do cleaning up for a slutsmachine
No thank you
if no one tells her she'll never learn, it will be good for her in the long run
>roommate enjoys sex like the majority of the human race
>now shes in distress and im shittalking her online
dumb wanker
fair point tbqhwy
alright lads. Just had NHS counselling for the first time. Burst out crying within about 5 minutes after talking about and realising how much life I've wasted, how much unnecessary suffering i've endured. I never usually cry either. Felt absolutely pathetic about it. It was a male counsellor as well so I felt even more pathetic, might have to switch to a female
Crescent fresh is like, so you say your so cres and like
and alright if you're like, you're like...Crescent
Crescent...if you're so crescent
Are you really whiteknight a women you've never met over the internet to strangers?
>whiteknighting a girl you dont even know
Ahhh, summerfags...
i will defend your honor m'lady
*tips white fedora*
If she's had 15 one night stands this year alone she's literally never going to have a long term relationship. I'm guessing she didn't start having one night stands this year either. She's probably fucked anywhere between 50 and 100 guys in her life, you don't 'settle down' after that and live happily ever after with your soulmate. She's used up and doesn't have the disposition for an actual relationship.
I'm going to move into your house to laugh at you LARPing.
No it won't lad, and it's not your responsibility to go around living other people's lives for them in a passive aggressive manner anyway
what was the counselling about
>might have to switch to a female
this will only make things worse
>disabled neighbour just bollocks my door with his walking stick
>a-a-a-a-re u going to work?
>"nah not tonight "
>*nods and hobbles back to his own flat*
Not sure what to make of that or why he asks but it's not the first time.
actually im telling him to not be a passive aggressive wanker on the internet and mind his own business
>"I'm going out, I'm expecting a delivery, please keep an eye out for it"
>Well, I'll answer the door if I'm around and I hear it but don't try to make it my responsibility.
very good point. she's fucked