What was your experience with Tinder/online dating?
What was your experience with Tinder/online dating?
I've been using tinder for the past year or so. I've never bought the tinder plus bullshit. So far I've only met 3 girls irl off tinder and had sexual stuff with only 2 of them. One of which ended after she started being clingy as fuck.
As for matches I rarely get any since i live in a small 3rd world country and most girls here have high as fuck expectations . I could say that over a year i got like 10+ matches and only 4 of them were worth actually talking to.
My body looks pretty similar to that guy's, do girls think that's attractive?
Fuck off you normalscum. Stop coming here fuck you fuck you
Completely ignored. No matches on tinder and no replies on okcupid. Used both for around a year
ive matched with a few people but never anyone that i really really liked
its never gone further than 1 date
Matched only with fat chicks. Decided to go for one because I needed experience. Fat girl tits feel like dogshit compared to actual big tits and her head was garbage too. Ghosted and dropped the app. Fucking my coworker instead.
better than being a skinnyfat
but if you have ugly face, then it won't help
shut up go back to /soc/
You have to be goodlooking, simple
>Just be yourself user, bitches love confidence.
tried the tinder experiment and had first hand experience of the blackpill.
I used tinder for 3 months, zero matches.
Used a 6/10, 3 matches in 4 days.
Used a 8/10, 5 matches in a day.
the blackill is that you're ugly as shit?
That ugly women will not settle for ugly men. It's proof of female hypergamy
I only met up with one girl from online and we got married
i tried it for about 2 hours and matched with two bots then i just deleted it
i tried the same thing, except i used a full body picture of a girl
she was wearing a big jacket that covered her body pretty well and you couldnt see her face very good either
99+ matches in 5 minutes with that one picture and nothing else on the profile
I'm too nervous to make a Tinder profile.
80 20 is reality boyo.
I was too, then when I finally mustered up the courage and got no matches anyway. So it's not like I was able to interact with any of the women
got matched with an ugly latina midget that wanted to fuck, that same night i went to her house (with a knife because im paranoid) watched 2 seconds of a bullshit movie, started touching my dick very roughly bitch made me hurt, couldnt get erect, told her i was going to the bathroom got dressed and ran the fuck away.
sex is shit
Fuck off normie. Go Back to Instagram you have nothing to do here.
I wish I had enough sex drive to do that kind of crazy things.
More ghosts than a KKK rally in Tennessee
I get ghosted 100% of the time.
tons of easy sex, some cute romance, etc
this board is a cesspool once the normies wake up
no. I'm 4/10 rated by incels.me and I can't match with even fat ones. Go figure.
I hate you piece of shit normalfaggot fuck off fuck you fuck off fuck you
Lets assume that I'm not interested in "casual" dating and/or sex at all. Lets also assume that I'm looking for serious and long term relationship, is there any possibility for this on Tinder/OkCupid etc sites? What sites are good for this?
I'd generally want to avoid girls who go out for casual dates and have casual sex
I have literally never used Instagram. I've also been here much longer than you. You leave.
I was in the same boat. Answer: nothing.
Tinder is only for Chads.
OkCupid used to be more varied, like 20% stacies, 40% nutjobs, 35% uggos/fatties, 5% high IQ stable wife material. However, it's been bought by Tinder and they're killing it.
Also, the former ceo of OkCupid wrote a book and a blog with statistics od the site that looked very, very blackpilled. Look for some archived copy, it was called oktrends.
It's not a linear scale. Anything below 7 is worse than garbage.
Nothing, not even a response I sent what must've been hundreds of messages in the span of a week and I put careful thought into every one after reading their profile and all it becomes is a waste no one cares about me I'm ugly and a bad communicator I'll be alone once my younger brother, who's the only person that talked to me, finishes college but I'm too scared to try to off myself again I'll live a miserable existence with no one to talk to just reading r9k and watching youtube for the friendship simulation until I die or get murdered as a homeless person and that's just the roll of the dice I was given. Am exercising and have lost 50 pounds but it's not gonna change anything it hasn't changed anything I just have no clothes and saggy skin now