Long Hair Thread

Heyo boyos, how's the grow out going? Using any new products? Managing to not over wash?

Don't forget to get it trimmed once it's a decent length, especially if your last cut was at a barber's shop. Clippers shred the fuck out of your tips.

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This is not my place as I've recently got my hair cut but cheers and good luck to the fellas growing their hair out. I hope you cunts look majestic

If you were put in a place where you had to cut your hair or cutting it was simply beneficial to you then it's all good man. You clearly still appreciate hair. I hope you are able to grow it back out if you want to in the future.

>it's been 2.5 months since the last time I got a haircut
>hair has obviously grown a lot
>tfw I think I'm starting to look like a movie star :3

I'm at 5 inches right now. Not quite sure what hairstyle I wanna go for, but i'm leaning towards just brushing it backwards because I'm lazy. Maybe a manbun.

It's down to my shoulders, i have blonde hair so I think it looks pretty sexy. My face on the other hand...

Had mine down past my shoulders. Felt good man. Had to cut it last week cause I'm approaching my final semester of college and needed the cut for interviews etc. I feel like I've lost a big part of me. It makes me sad

My hair doesnt really grow long, I just start getting a bigger mullet.

Mines been growing out for like you years now, proper long. Haven't had it trimmed though so the tips look awful lol

Do wish I was blonde a bit, long blonde hair basically always looks good whereas dark is a bit more hit and miss

>Haven't gotten a haircut in a year
>in the shower the hair reaches my nips
Umm what do I do now?

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>needed the cut for interviews
You are aware that they can't discriminate you based on appearance, right?

user pls, we all know they do anyway.

If you go in with your neckbeard style long, stringy, unwashed hair, they will.

>tfw no long hair bf
i can believe it's not oregano

>tfw no qt moviestar lookalike gf/bf

I have a long, dark blonde, dreadlike hair with a bun on top/back. Does it sound gay? I've been thinking about cutting it bald soon but people tell me this hairstyle suits me. idk

I did go bald a year ago. It'll take weeks to months till you're back to a normal cut.

It depends on your hair texture but you should probably start pushing it back so it gets trained to stay out of your face.

Probably go for a trim so it looks even and balanced then learn how to tie it up properly for comfort and an optional more distinguished look.

Yeah, I had a problem with it getting in my face last time it was long, and it's starting to now. What's the best way to make it stay back, a hat?

A lot of people wear hats during that shitty phase. Once it gets long enough that it can hold its own weight just start pushing it back with your hand whenever it falls forward. Eventually it will work out. It will be a lot easier if you use product or headwear to keep it back at this phase though.

Anons, dont forget to wash your hair!
And get the last millimeters cut from time to time, otherwise your hair will split and break off!

>Anons, dont forget to wash your hair!
Every third day unless it's nasty for some reason. A healthy brushing can help with sweaty hair. Also it's better to tie it up and hide it than it is to overwash.