I don't know what's real and what's not - I don't know who to trust

I don't know what's real and what's not - I don't know who to trust

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Im pretty fucking real. Id say that was deep but Im not 12

hi op you can trust me

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I feel like nobody here is who they say they are, everyone is acting.

go play in traffic spreadsheeter

And why's that?

I've literally experienced that with almost everyone I've met on here. whatever though

Nothing's real dummy

i've never been wrong and have no reason to lie
maybe we hate the same things too who knows

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okay -- so do you want to talk to me or something?

I mean more in the case of everyone being fake.

sorry if I sounded rude here, I'm just honestly perplexed.

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Oh, but also actually and literally nothing is real, who gives a shit if people are "fake" it's not like they're worth anything either way

>hehe im a confused and sad anime girl :(((

fuck off your life is probably fine and you're a narccisistic piece of attention whoring shit

>replying to the tripfag

yeah i thought so

idk i'm bored are you interesting ? why make this thread ? recently lied to ? recently deceived ?

No shit. It's an anonymous image board. You can be whatever you want to be here.

Why is Jow Forums so inherently butthurt, and especially over redpilled moon?

lmao the guy is a generic tripfag, couldnt get any attention by spamming his steam so now he trips

you're a brainlet

It's not an option to discuss publicly else I could easily be hurt

Not gonna reply to the toxic guy

I don't understand the anger over naming yourself -- people would definitely do that if they weren't hated by a decent amount of ppl

i never posted my steam
i hate people who are ignorant and easily triggered hbu

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>my problems mean something, yours don't faggot!
>why am I so alone?

He's a tripfag, but he's not generic at all. The only reason for not liking him would be from getting offended. AKA (You).

Ignorant of what?
but sure, stupid people are irritating in general.

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>I never posted my steam

>samefagging and calling yourself not generic
>avatarfagging trip


the normie stereotype of blissful ignorance
also people who deny solid facts are so dumb

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People are clearly worth something. Isn't it true that the average life expectancy decays when you spend long periods as a recluse? socialising is human nature

oh sure.

so why did you say i can trust you? i can always talk about that stuff if you want but not on here

because user if you need me to i can keep secrets
i like to hear out depressed people and really listen to their tales of sadness

where can I talk to you privately, then?

>falling for the tripfag trying to "get to know you"
hes gonna dox you and try to ruin your life

i hope he succeeds

hes the same guy who talks about wanting to push suicidal people over the edge btw

I'm not that stupid.

That's pretty troubling if he indeed is, thanks for letting me know, idk the first thing about them honestly

honestly I'm so starved for contact idc anymore

superior#0854 (i will change soon)
i really only like interesting like-minded people
hopefully not a sheep who listens to thiss

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i feel bad for you original

Thank you???? I suppose _

>I suppose

oh you're one of those gay anime retards

Did you just start puberty or something?

Fateanon? Or someone who just posted a similar pic?

I don't know them sorry

No, was just confused