"Millennials are so stupid, why can't they be normal?"

>"Millennials are so stupid, why can't they be normal?"
>Has a hipster beard and a waxed mustache that doesn't match and looks like one of the EPIC AWESOME mustaches that guys in Portland, OR were donning in the early 2010s.

What did Gavin McInnes mean by this? Why would you dress like a Millennial if you want to be taken seriously as a "classical manly man?"

Attached: Gavin-McInnes.jpg (625x429, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who the really cares about what public figures wear you faggot its about what they say ya cunt faced meek mouthed rich indoor kid.

because his sense of self worth is derived from other people

He shoved butt-toys up his pooper and let everyone watch him do it. I can't take anything he says seriously.

Those digits. who0A0a0a

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

He makes a whole thing of teaching millennials to dress like adults.

Attached: 19BCFBC0-051F-4959-8E38-457247B4ABB2.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Look at him! What a giant faggotototat0!

Attached: 1468965762866.jpg (900x505, 141K)

Up his butterinodind0!

Attached: gavin-buttplug.jpg (1024x576, 108K)

>hipster beard reeeeeeeee
I see an older man with a groomed beard and hair
What I also see is a faggot OP that needs to resort to character assassination because he can't defend his ideas or argue against ideas he disagrees with

Attached: 1532698337467.jpg (788x656, 25K)

To be honest he pretty much spearheaded that look

Is this guy still relevant at all? Feel like his relevancy died when he left rebel. I don't even know what show he is doing these days.

He founded a far right men's club

where can i watch the video?

Right wingers say they are nationalists and love their country and people. They hate people who don't fall into their romanticized idea of "real" men and women.

>Go build a table thats what real men do

Attached: 7BC822E1-BE65-4AF6-881F-364AE1A3B84A.jpg (443x332, 36K)

Why the hell did he do this. He also made out with milo yanopolus. What point was he making again?

Fuck Gavin. He's literally pro-gay, pro-zionist, pro-circumcision, pro-racemixing, and the list goes on. He's a fucking hack

>Fuck Gavin. He's literally pro-gay, pro-zionist, pro-circumcision, pro-racemixing, and the list goes on. He's a fucking hack
Naw that is all just lies

I dislike his shit it's all basic feel good by acting this way type of dumb shit

He married a nigger

i remember him from kenny vs spenny but thats about it