ITT: We share our story of getting laid

ITT: We share our story of getting laid

>be me 19 khv
>came home from passport office and I was tired
>I was so tired that I passed out in my bed
>wake up and realize that every time I sleep I have to lay in bed which means I get laid.
>see you later losers

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I was 19 when I could have gotten laid, but denied the opportunity because shit happened too fast. She kissed me, wanted me to feel her puls, tried to touch my dick etc. So now I'm 21 and still a virgin, but can't call myself khv anymor

Damn why.... Why did u ruin that chance?

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I know bro, shit was so weird like in an anime or movie

>be me
>go to voluntary work trip
>grill from other group went with us, because she was sick when her group traveled
>instantly tallks to me
>kinda weird, but she a qt so I don't mind
>hang out a little, sit together in bus
>after trip ask her if she wants to meet up
>she says yes
>meet up
>she comes a little bit late, but she was showering and smells nice
>go to see, listen to music, enjoy the view, talk
>getting late
>show her a funny video, talk, have fun
>out of nowhere she offers me her jacket
>accept the offer
>getting really late now, she suddenly lays her arm around me
>chatter, have fun
>shit I gtg, got work tommorow
>tells me to come in her room for a few more minutes
>sit on her bed, she offers me a drink
>drink it
>she keeps pouring shit into my cup, trying to get me to open up more or something kek
>now I felt like time slowed down, and I was in a movie, because she does every possible clue a women can give
>Going through her hair, looking at nails, slightly smiling etc.
>randomly pushes me down, starts kissing me, tongue kissing etc.
>I never did this and shit happened real fast so I don't really respond
>tell her I gtg now, cuz work
>she tells me, no busses at this time offers for me to sleep there
>sleep in same bed
>she tries to direct her hand into the direction of my dick, I deny her cuz I'm a virgin and afraid to fuck up and don't wanna tell her
>my plan is literally to look through some internet sites for advice on fucking, kissing etc.

She shortly after that moved away. Damn I really wanna improve myself now

You were this close... But hey you slept with her so that's a win.

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Ty browski, we're all gonna make it one day. I already improved with talking to women and looking them in the eye, now I only gotta get the balls to ask some out haha

Good luck man.... Don't forget to share your success stories with us. We will be waiting :)

Did you score already? How did it go?

My score is a big 0 ;_;

>be me 26
>sexless virginia
>girl from elementary school finds me through google plus
>so virgin I am sharing a work related mail adress with my mom
>she notices me of an email"hey user have you seen that e-mail from that girl?
>what email? Check account
>establish connection with girl, after few emails give her personal mail adress
>things escelate, we basically get in a relationship via emails
>invite her to my home after first date (scored my first french kiss ever)
>she says ok, but then says she says we are going too fast
>get mad at her for telling me this
>she submits to my will after arguing with her
>prepare with scented candles, be all romantic, buy condoms
>the day has come
>feel her boobs, thinking this is not even anything special
>feel her pussy she is wet as fuck holy shit!
>put on condom
>put it inside her. Thinking to myself "this is it? Holy fuck jerking off is better than sex"
>feel nothing special, look down
>holy fuck the condom fell off!!! Its inside of her!
>she starts freaking out
>dont worry I got this
>start an exploration journey with my fingers inside her
>feel the condom deep in her
>she is telling me it hurts
>manage to get the condom out
>get erection back, proceed to fuck her without it, because condoms are stupid
>sex sucks, we stop after 20 minutes
>she get worried that she is not attractive enough, because I didnt cum
>reassure her that she is very attractive

>tfw I got laid thanks to my mom (would have never read the e-mail if she didnt notice me. I barley logged in to the account anyways)
>tfw condom got stuck inside my girl when i lost my v card
>tfw i found out jerking off is better than sex
>tfw i didnt cum when i lost my v card

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>be me 37 khv
>put my fleshlight inside a pillow
>lay on top of the pillow
>pump away
>stay mad virgins

>>tfw i found out jerking off is better than sex
This is a holy line for us the virgins

>non-virgins on my board
just get off already fucking hell i'm so sick of you all

Welcome to the thread larp

Great comedical, satirical, fictional post

I lost my virginity when I was 18 to a 32 year old who liked fat dudes and was turned on by the idea of taking my virginity

I think God decided to give me a thumbs up that day because I have absolutely no idea what the odds are on that but they must be astronomically low

That was over two years ago and it was the first and only time a girl has ever paid attention to me. She also ghosted me after it happened.

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No! I swear this true! How could I come up with something like this?

Fuck off you normal niggers, this used to be a kissles virgin board.

You lost your condom inside her? Lmao anyways, congrats on having lost the v card. How did that relationship go?

There is no story


What's the story of the no story?

At first it was all sunshine and rainbows.
Then I found out she reconnected with her ex on facebook. They kept sending eachother heart emojis and kisses.
Naturally I got jealous and I couldnt trust her again.
Also she was kind of a dork and did childish things that annoyed th fk outta me.
Broke up after half a year.

I lost my virginity at the age of 18, to a 4/10 I met doing volunteer work. That makes me a pathetic failed normalfag who just BARELY escaped eternal virginity.

Was the 4 a 6 or a real 4?
(I assume fat or ugly)

Kek better than I did. My lastet 1 week

Don't feel bad user.... Be happy at least you escaped.

Barely escaped eternal virginity at the age of 18, oh fuck off. It's not like you were 35

Story? Tfgtdfg

>me at party
>Drinking with this girl
>I'm slightly buzzed but she's a roastie so she's beyond fucked
>We go upstairs and start doing shit
>Begs me to fuck her but she's shitfaced and even tho I'm drunk I don't wanna catch a charge
>Some other dude who's completely sober fucks her instead
At least I had the balls to throw hands after that

>be 16
>meet girl in stickam /b/ raid
>start dating
>one day rubbing hard dong on her panties
>"it will be okay if you just put it in a little right?"
>"yeah sure"
>put it in a little
>put it in all the way
>she bleeds
>we both lost our virginity right there
yung luv, nothin like it

>get into relationship via email
>turns out it's not healthy
Oh wow, who would have imagined?

Haha you cuckold.

No regrets. Regardless of how she acted i know she loved me. And that is still a great thing to feel. I think of her with joy in ma heart.

When I finally lost my vcard at 23 years of chronic fapping had fucked me up to the point where I lost my erection twice and faked my orgasm before running off to go jerk off in the bathroom while cleaning up. I don't know how she didn't ghost me after that but for a while I basically was only able to cum from her jerking me off.