Stop being a wage slave, exploited by the rich! Break free from your chains.
Incelism is the direct result of capitalism going too far.
Stop being a wage slave, exploited by the rich! Break free from your chains.
Incelism is the direct result of capitalism going too far.
And do what after that? Starve? I know that working is literally slavery but what other choice do I really have?
>not supporting the rich
Voluntary exchange != exploitation.
Taxes on the other hand are actual exploitation.
pay your taxes. or get seized
As voluntary as pointing a gun at somebody and asking them if they want to dance for you.
The profit a business makes is literally wealth hijacked from the workers that have no other chance than to participate or starve.
You don't see the people that suffer for mere pennies in Africa and Asia. Without them being exploited like this capitalism would fail.
you'd get a better reaction from pol.
hate paying taxes? live in South Korea. their income tax is 1% of your pay.
But what motivation would push me if not for money? And you expect that I work for the government instead? Fuck off money drives the world go round and it is up to me to work whatever work I want too, not some rich asshat or some leftist government shit. Go back to /leftypol/ and fucking NEET yourself to death
Is that why old people live in cardboard boxes in slums? Great system.
And what would happen when the rich people is gone? Slave ourselves to the authoritarian government? No fucking thanks commie.
South Korea is a dystopian corporatist nightmare. Think of cyberpunk but much worse. And communism isn't going to solve our shit. The same jewish trick trying to sway workers to their fold. Uou are just gonna change masters from rich people to the leftist government.
>work is voluntary
Yeah I know communism isn't the solution. The solution is an islamic theocracy where your only master is God, not corporations.
Work is voluntary, you can quit anytime in a capitalist society and starve to death or
you can choose communism and the government slave master put you working until you die.
It has been proven that most deaths under communism is because workers overwork until they die. See Pol Pot.
What pushed humanity before the invention of capitalism.
Nowadays we invent nothing that has actual value for mankind. Instead we stifle innovation with patents, copyright and lobbying because you don't need to be innovative or grow prosperity in capitalism.
Our freedom and democracy have been hijacked by corporations for profit that does not trickle down at all.
How about a christian theocracy or a buddhist theocracy? A deity should rule over us.Communism was never the answer. We need divine teachings to unite the workers to a holy cause.
Feudalism is the answer.
To be honest communism is just feudalism 2.0 with the politburo and great leaders as kings and using government thugs to subjugate us workers.
> Communism is the only alternative to Capitalism
>christian theocracy
The church is a breeding ground for corruption.
>buddhist theocracy
Tell me what has communism contributed to us workers other than death and misery? Capitalism has at least provided some tech to make the workers productivity increase. We are just slaves to both sides of the same coin.
As a russian that living in post-soviet country i will tell you that. This world is full of different positions, there are many points of view, but only one is constanta. remain the most stable truth in this world. Communist are the worst. Even our cleptocracy are better because if you smart enough you can get out from this trash. remember that. single undenieble truth. communist are the worst. even libertarians (aka anarchists) are better. You know why.
I don't understand why you think a muslim theocracy would work in this age. Can't we just work our way in peace? Maybe be a self sufficient and independent worker in small-scale agriculture or pastoralism. We should go back to primitive roots if we hate working for corporations that much.
I'll quit wagecucking when i make it with crypto
Workers can participate by buying stocks
See this. This post is anti capitalist, not necessarily pro communist.
Thank you for your viewpoint. Only someone who have lived or experienced communism would know how horrific that system would be. Communist advocates are just blinded by leftist propaganda that the system will bring a "bountiful harvest", "emancipation" and "liberation" for their workers. Only dumb, uneducated brainwashed workers would fall for this ploy. Had to false advertise itself so that people would eat the sweet, sweet lies.
Narco state with cooperativism is the real redpill.
Prove me wrong. You cant.
kek. All these muslim countries are shitholes. exeptions are "world gas station" countries. Your muslim shitstans full of corruption and sins. Stop pretending like muslims really follow the holy book better then cristians or buddists
Shut the fuck up with your anti-capitalist bullshit. I know a fucking communist central-planning kissasser when I see one and though capitalism has its own flaws, it is for one a step higher than the system you call "communism" or central-planning bullshit. True economic freedom does oppresses but you know when you can purchase and sell freely, only then you would know the true meaning of freedom.
And I am not even a fucking american. I am just a third world shitholer shitposting here.
Humans are inherently capitalistic, just look at female sexuality
Shouldn't you be out celebrating pride?
>Capitalism forces you to be as efficient as possible or die
>Automation is happening
>Automation will continue getting more and more efficient
>Continue being able to replace more and more jobs
>Eventually even mundane jobs like being a janitor or office worker will be replaced by much more efficient AI
So what's going to happen?
Is capitalism going to collapse when there aren't enough consumers to sustain the market?
Are we going to accept a world where there's only one or two employers? Would that even be capitalism at that point?
Capitalism is in the late stages. You don't have to be a marxist to realize this. Supporting a system that is on the verge of killing itself is stupid.
Narco state is the highest pinnacle of capitalism in its finest form. Sure its violent but hey you can conduct businesses freely without any true government intervention (no govt taxes or govt thugs to regulate it). Only true freedom is when the people truly controls the market without any government intervention.
I would tell you more. They will kill every non retarded person in devastating civil wars and mass cleansing. Russians fight this degeneracy for 3 years and the golden minds of our nation died in combat or flee to the west. At the end of the day almoust all your goverment would be jews, non-russians and strange meat.
Freedom isn't so great if you're working and starving all the time now is it? It's only great for the few people that have exploited enough other human beings. We can give everyone on this planet food. shelter and education but we don't because of greed. Because you need to buy extra V-bucks so you can masturbate to your fortnite bunny skin.
kek. Sorry did not mean to offend you by telling you the truth.
Most males will die. Females become sex slaves for super elites
As long as there is something to consume, capitalism will never die. Same as communism, it is because braindead folk like you who always make the judgement that capitalism is in late stages so it will be extinct soon.
The only way capitalism is dying is either the resources have run out, the consumers are disinterested with the product and somewhat you replace it with a much worst system you call "slavery by the government" aka communism.
You need what now to aquire things to consume?
>As long as there is something to consume, capitalism will never die
How are people supposed to consume anything if they are not needed? Are you honestly saying capitalism is going to keep going when people can't afford to eat?
Sure because you want the niggers to outbreed us all. Even a nigger like me hates niggers. Why should we share our resources? Fuck all of other humans. They can all starve for all I care. You work, you eat. You become lazy, you die. Simple as that.
>thinking altruism makes him a better person overall
You can shove it all on the starving niggers in Africa.
>what's going to happen
capitalists will keep hoarding the profit to themselves while the rest of the population starves
Who are you saying cannot afford to eat? Food isnt unlimited, they are a resource. Some people get food, some people dont. If you want food, you go to work and earn shit to buy food. It has been proven working for milennia. Civilizations were built on this. You want free food? Hunt it yourself if you hate working so much.
But you never ask to break free from this comfy, relatively stress-free, high quality standard of living that capitalism brought you, you fucking hypocrites. All communists, anarchists, syndicalists and anyone who espouses marxist/kropotkinist/gramcist/whatever ideas should have their back skin slowly burned off with a hot iron until they pass out from the pain, reanimated, then have their front skin burned off.
Of course you need money. What you need some bartering skills? Oh lets just trade this bag of peas with the cow I have. Wow just fucking wow.
Money has value since we determine it has value. It is backed by something valuable. Armies. Oil. Gold.
Its worth something. Even communist governments issue money for fucks sakes.
But the paper value decreases once you print lots of them and the value can't back them up. For example I print these one dollar and I have a thug to say you accept this shit piece of paper and I want to have your sheep. You better start fucking believe that paper has value or your brains get blown the fuck out.
ITT communist fucks blown the fuck out by simple economics.
Automation is inevitably going to continue expanding. There will be a point in the future where humans a not even necessary for current job functions to be done. Even office jobs can be replaced by generalized AI. Ironically some of the hardest jobs to replace are low skill, menial jobs that require on the spot thinking (nigger rigging). There's a good chance those will be automated in the far future as well however.
Capitalism requires consumers with capital they want to spend on products. If the consumers aren't able to acquire capital they can't consume.
If consumers get put on welfare then you just changed from capitalism to a state controlled economy.
Satan speaks truthfully to these numbers
Point me to it senpai. Can't find it.
There won't be a need for consumers then. Like it will go, the male population will decrease drastically until only a handful of super elite males will live in complete luxury with vast harems of women.
The only argument against communism is that people starved during the time period - which was due to blockades and corruption. The only way communism can work is if both the leaders and the people are willing to aim for a goal (like landing on mars). Nowadays, American propaganda during the cold war has been so successful that people will automatically disregard communism as an evil force that must be stopped. Therefore the system will never work as the average atypical american will always remember what they ,the Government, has told them.
Congratulations retards, you've all been conditioned.
That's a pretty big assumption. Historically every time people starve they revolt. Look at Victorian Europe.
its crazy that people dont understand this.
>in a robot's mind, everything boils down to chad getting all the women
the truth is, we don't even need full blown communism, just need to crack down on the wealth accumulation by the rich
>thinking automation will lead to communism
Then we will return to what we humans do best. Controlling the automation and making it a market. There will be market for automation. And there will be always work for us to sustain through self sufficient work like hunting and farming. Automation is a powerful tool but it can't replace the human touch and feel as a worker.
But what the fuck do I know? I am just a third world wageslave earning a minimum wage. At least I can farm in peace once work is gone.
>American propaganda during the cold war
Communism has always been rejected since Karl Marx shat it out onto paper from his anus-brain. Nobody likes that shit but the most ridiculous manchildren of the world. More than incompatible with human nature, it's incompatible with reality.
>Jow Forums trying to discuss political theory/economics
Always embarrassing
Communism failed because humans are easily corrupted. Point to me an incorruptible human that could make communism work and I would support him. Maybe you should just take the fascist pill instead. At least it is in someway works.
Land reforms are the only good lefty shit I would support in this modern era.
>Communism has always been rejected since Karl Marx shat it out onto paper
how can you be so fuckin ignorant of history? there's been countless marxist parties all around the world
We have much more efficient means of mass extermination now. The riots will start and squashed in an instant
I agree, but the top 1% isn't going to share out their wealth from the goodness of their hearts. Even if they do they still hold the majority of power in the world. To them, money is just a tool to enslave man
Everything does boil down to that. Sex I the center of existance and every males end goal is to be the only male with all the women.
Because NEETs have no particular knowledge in politics and economics other than what they read in neo marxist books and leftist bullshit in the internet.
At least wageslaves know the true struggles of worker and thus know that both capitalism and communism is the shit way for them.
I bet you know all about rejection, kek.
Its crazy that you continue to advocate for communist virtues that are actually non-existent. Unless you are a narcicistic cunt you would truly advocate for communism since be honest you just want to see us eat that false hope and suffer.>
Automation can control itself already. It's the entire basis of AI as we currently model it.
The market for automation will only last as long as lack of automation. How many farmers do you know that make their living tilling the fields manually these days? It's a hobby at best.
Hunting and farming are not going to feed millions of people gathered in population centers.
The human touch has been replaced by industrialization and mass production for around a century at this point. It's very likely the only things that have a "human touch" that you own were bought specifically because of that fact, like vintage items.
That doesn't change what you can and can't imagine. People need to realize capitalism isn't going to last forever, and it's even possible it may have huge issues in our own lifetimes because of automation. We need ideas. There's no "right" answer.
If your a neet/disabled the .gov should pay you the equivilent of full time min wage.
We are living in the end of times. China and most Asia has been industrialized. Only Africa is left. We will reach 9-10 billion population and stop. Once most economies fully develop, economic growth will slow down. It will be hard to gain jobs since humans became so numerous and expendable and there is not enough economic growth and opportunities to compensate. We are seeing this today with the rat race to get degrees and certificates. I expect massive worldwide civil unrest and portests due to high unemployment and economic woes in 20-30 years. The baby boomer generation was the peak of capitalist civilization. We are on the slope downwards.
Marxist parties only existed because dumb people are naturally attraced to dumb publishings by a man who has never work his single life. I have argued against staunch leftists and they always praised the virtues of leftism while ignoring or downplaying the reality of it. Truly a pathetic being in its finest form.
Only solution is nationalism.
This is untrue, if you compare Russia before communism you'd realise how successful it actually was despite the high level of corruption. Russia went from a 3rd world shithole to an industrial superpower that ,arguably, rivaled the strongest nation(s) in the world. Imagine if Stalin never came to power, i gurantee that communism would have been far more effective.
I can know through observation and talking to people.
>marxist parties only existed because people are dumb
behold the power of a nationalists mind
Simply because millions of people needed to die and we just restart the capitalist process all over again. It dies but it will be reborn.
There are still farmers in the third world nation that are still doing their shit manually. I know, I lived here. Automation hasn't ruled every single part of our lives, yet. Sometimes being an underdeveloped nation makes you appreciate work a bit more.
I don't want a system like communism to ever resurface. I'm just pointing out how brainwashed most people are that they automatically disregard the "success" of communism. Sure it collapsed but it did create mass panick among the aristocracy to create reform or risk their nation succumbing into communism
Maybe, but that will happen through the economic collapse of the current system of capitalism. It will affect you greatly just like everyone else. It's not something I'd want to live through.
I can agree with this. We are on the path of destruction. Its not a matter of what but when. The end is nigh for the western world.
Lol, behold the power of ad hominem.
Sincerely is that the best you can do?
i'm just trying to keep it on your level
I don't really get these types of threads. Everyone has a different vision of the perfect world therefore there wil always be people against the system. There's a paradox that every utopia is anothers dystopia
Still it does collapse but capitalism never dies.
Sure. Sure. Communism will only last so long as the people does not see through the lies and fed the same lies over and over again. It relies on propaganda to make itself successful, when it does not.
Capitalism does not need propaganda, it only needs manipulation, exploitation and statistics to prove itself "successful", hence why most people have trust in this flawed system. Its flawed but it works, for awhile.
fuck off commie. Under communism you work just as hard but you dont have a choice you stupid nigger
>capitalism doesn't need propaganda, it only needs propaganda
shut the fuck up idiot. You dont know what are you talking about. We was not that bad before communism and moving fast to liberation and transition to democratic power.
>3rd world shithole
do you even understand what does 3rd world mean moron?
Communism was a disaster that deprived us of victory in the first world war. killed millions of best people of our nation and ensalave population again returning all to the collective farms. And it was only begining.
Capitalism will work just fine until it has us completely deplete the world's resources in the pursuit of making useless plastic trash and whatnot for no greater reason than to gain profit. Then the human race will go extinct on the barren rock it destroyed.
There are no such thing as utopia. We are all living in our own perceived dystopia right now. No such thing as " living the dream". You are just lying to yourself if you believe that your utopia exists.
You're delusional of you think you have a choice now in capitalism. fucking balding roach.
Reminder that at least after millions of years after we die we become fossil fuels and are mined by extra terrestrials who use our "corpse" to power their moving vehicles, heating and flying shit.
As a defender of capitalism and as a dumb wagecuck, I will just say capitalism advertised better than communism will ever be.
That's literally what the saying means user - i would have explained it in more depth but i'm lazy
This is your brain on libertarianism
>implying humanity's final war won't destroy all biomass before it can be turned into fossil fuels.
>As a defender of capitalism
We call this cuckolding on this board.
Of course I have a choice in capitalism.
The choice of purchase whenever I want to.
The choice of work whenever I want to.
The choice to starve to death whenever I want too.
Also the choice to get welfare and be a NEET.
Yea go suck communist dick and try being a NEET in a communist system. Get gulaged you piece of shit. Work till you die of starvation or maybe comrade jamal will shoot your brains with a tokarev for not working too hard for the glory of comemenism.
hindsight is 20/20
>defender of capitalism
literally choking on your bosses dick and loving it
your ability to be a worthless NEET is because of social democracy and not because of capitalism, so your only choice is to work or
Welfare isn't a capitalist policy.