We post historical figures that would post here:

Honorable but true mention:

Anyone got more ideas?

Attached: 220px-Schopenhauer.jpg (220x263, 14K)

if he had access to the Internet from street

Weininger, the original robot.

Attached: 220px-OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg (220x258, 15K)

None of the them would post here because this board is just full of prison gays and trannies.

Lovecraft, obviously.

he'd probably use someone else's wifi

Our lad Lovecraft would be a regular here and Jow Forums

Attached: lovecraft.jpg (410x640, 52K)

Diogenes would be a "wagie" poster

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Pretty sure camus, Seneca, montaigne and nietzsche would be regulars here too

Nietszsche would go on existential tirades on /lit/ and circlejerk himself into a coma

William Burroughs
Jack Kerouac
Herbert Huncke

There were a lot of robot aspects to the beat generation.

Hitler and truthfully so

Mark Twain potentially

this also, herman hesse

He would've been the Master shitposter

he probably would bully weak robots to make them tough

>anything like us
nietzsche was all about obtaining power and emposing your will on the world while we here cry because we are too weak to live in society
he would go to /lit/ or Jow Forums probably

Poe, I assume. Maybe Bukowski who was said to be quite the opposite of his literary alter-ego, being quite antisocial (still alcoholic though). Camus most likely. Perhaps Nero (the historic view of him is quite distorted, but I think he'd fit in here). Howard Hughes comes to mind as well. Heraclitus, Isaac Newton, Oscar Wilde, Kafka could all be listed here too.

>Oscar Wilde
he's a straight up /b/tard

Nah he wouldnt. Wagieposters brag about material possessions they got for free. Diogenes would bully them as well.

Hughes would probably post on /sci/ , Jow Forums and /v/ on the New Vegas threads

virginia woolf was a fembot

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no, Nietzsche was all about the transvaluation of all values.

chinaski (bukowski) is still a social outcast in his books, although I guess by "antisocial" you meant timid

charles XII to destroy this fuckin heathenry.