Cat looks happier being a NEET

Cat looks happier being a NEET.
Look at his saddened face after being re-hired.

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You're projecting. Cats have no emotions outside "hungry" and "bored."

>Cats have no emotions outside "hungry" and "bored."
Prove it.

Its because of the angle of the picture. Cats cant really make facial expressions other than moving their eyebrows, so the bottom angling makes him look sad but I'd wager he's happy to keep his job.

Hunger isn't an emotion.

So then only one emotion.

>fear, loneliness, happiness
4 so far

One of my cats farted as a kitten but did not know what it was (because kitten) and got scared, excited, and ready for murder at the same time. It didn't seem like boredom or hunger to me.

What were nothing but mindless physical impulses you interpreted as emotions.

Why are cat haters such faggots? Is there a scientific explanation for this?

One could say the same thing about you.

>Boo hoo he doesn't think my brainless animal is the deeply emotional intellectual I think it is!!!
Why are cat lovers so pathetic?

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>owning a pet(entertainment animal slave)
>defending the intelligence of said slave to save face so your entertainment can seem more legtiimate
>not just accepting you enjoy abusing your will and superior intellect over a lesser being
when are animal 'lovers' going to just accept who they are? I mean I know most of them are braindead fucking retarded but cmon. This shit is getting pitiful.

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I wonder if you've even owned a cat

In what way is feeding and giving shelter to an animal "abuse"? Just because we get something back from them like affection doesn't make them a slave. My cat could run off anytime it wanted, but it doesn't. Stop projecting because of your abusive childhood

Interesting mentality. That you could care less if your animal that you care for left is a justification for having it to begin with. Its odd to imply you both care for it and dont. Very benevolent of you. It also seems like you imply its the same for everyone? As if you defend all pet OWNERS as being in the right for allowing the animal to live in exchange for your own emotional and intellectual satisfaction, a proper transaction indeed. Also interesting you tell me not to project then make baseless claims about me. I have projected nothing. You own an animal for your own entertainment and have convinced yourself its ok but you want it to be. Your keeping it alive for your benefit not its, you said so could leave at any time.

dog owners tend to be the type of people who turn arbitrary shit into a competition, "i have the best breed" blah blah blah
i love cats because they are cute, sweet, and love to chill out. easy to vibe with

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speaking of cute that is a cute bum

>cute sweet and love to chill out
Ive never met a chill cat but maybe youve just never run into a cat that still had its claws? All they do is swipe at you for anything. Hell I knew this one pussy that a friend owned that wouldnt let even the owner touch him. He'd swipe no matter what, if you needed him to move the claws came out. All he did was get in your way or sit in the exact spot you didnt want.

The owners would laugh but its not funny, its legitimately annoying. The only benifit a cat can bring is the removal of rodents. If its not doing that then it should be drowned.

Felines cant feel sadness you retard.

>love to chill out

I have dogs but I view them as stupid animals and not children in animal suits like you mentally ill toxoplasmafags.

Is it possible to go one thread without some inane argument breaking out?

>doesnt like to argue
>just wants to sit back and have everyone agree with you
>supports the ownership of animals
sounds about right

It's possible to discuss and / or disagree but in a reasonable, sane manner.
You're just autistic dude. Goodbye.

I have yet to be unreasonable. Walking away from an argument because you are upset is somewhat reasonable but also childish. The same mentality necessary to think owning a pet beyond its usefulness leaves you morally in the right.

>Supporting the ownership of animals
How cruel of you user

>doesn't know the difference from having a discussion and an argument

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If you dont have them for a reason beyond your own entertainment then yeah, its questionable at best.
>thinks hes right to begin with

All my cats had claws and met plenty of wild ones, they just detect that you are a faggot, that's why they swipe at you.

So I should instead abandon my pet in a box somewhere? Very ethical of you

I would be devastated if my cat left you retard and I never said otherwise. I am just stating that it has the freedom to do so. I don't trap the thing in my house. My cat has a great life and I do care for it- I rescued the damn thing from being an abandoned stray in the street because I cared. Do I enjoy the affection it gives me? Yes, why the fuck wouldn't I?

I suppose I am a bad person for wanting friends so I can socialize and have fun with them. Wow I am sooo selfish for wanting things in return sometimes

Only swiped at the owner actually, it couldnt swipe me because I would kick it out of the way instead of acting like it was an equal.
Im not seeing how its not ethical. Its only through years of slavery and ownership at you could even see it as abandoning. Its an animal, if it cant live in the wild then its weak. Its dependency on you is your fault. The fact you took away its ability to survive without your benevolent care is what is un-ethical. Your world view is warped.
>'rescued' it from its natural habitat
>would be devastated if it left me
>actually sees it as a friend
I thought we where having a rational discussion here not discussing your feelings. If you cant think with your brain then fine, but dont pretend like that animal is anything but your entertainment. Its no different then your computer, you feed that too dont you? Only difference is an animal is a living being.

Wow you really sound like a bitter prick.
> Its an animal, if it cant live in the wild then its weak. Its dependency on you is your fault.
It is a domesticated breed of animal designed to live with humans since the Egyptians you retard. It was starving in the street and I saved it.

I seriously don't get your issue with having a two way give and take relationship with an animal. I get companionship, it gets loved and fed. Where is the issue here that makes you so buttblasted? Do you not have friends? Are you not friends with someone because you get something back- social benefits?

That's the world for you, no point burying your head in the sand. People want something for something else, give and take. Doesn't mean that friendships and companionship cannot exist alongside it.

>tfw anxious cat spends any time I'm not in the room with her eating all her fur off

I dont sound like anything, im typing this. You can assume my emotional state all you want but im arguing logic here not feelings.
>domesticated and designed to be a slave to humans
Im glad we agree.
>whats the issue with me owning another living being
Do I actually need to refute that point?
>Do I not have friends
Animals arent friends, they are animals.
>humans are the same as animals
Do I need to refute this too? Holy fuck? Do you sincerely see yourself as equal to a fucking house cat? If I fed you could I own you?

You are not friends with that animal, its around because you feed it. It could care less about you as a person because it couldnt even begin to comprehend what that means.

I own a cat--they are objectively fucking retarded, mean, and make for shitty companions.

the Jow Forums biological deterministic mindset is creating a generation of absolutely retarded posters, holy shit

humans were able to ascend as a species due to domestication. to idealize feral animals makes no sense. it is through cooperation and mutual benefit that humans prevail.

if you like wild animals so much, move and live the primal life with africans. they are clearly superior.
dumb faggot

this user gets it
I have a cat anyway
it's terrifying how much I've conditioned her

>mutual benefit
Im glad we agree, cats are great for taking care of rodents. Dogs for security, hunting and medical purposes etc. Plenty of animal have uses that I am glad we can take advantage of.
But saying that because this cat is my super bestest friend who totally loves me like I love it so its ok that I own it, is a different story user. This has nothing to do with Jow Forums or whatever non-relevant group of people you dislike for completely non-relevant reasons.

I never said humans are the same as cats my dude, you are arguing a strawman here. I do however think that humans can have some sort of relationships with animals, just different to human friends. And yes, please do refute why owning a living being is bad. I hope you are vegetarian because otherwise you are a massive hypocrite.

Cats were never "slaves", they were paid in food and shelter and had the job as mousers. And the cats are free to leave if they want to, which mine doesn't so where is the problem?

Yes, my cat is affectionate because I feed it, it is still a kind of affection. I assume being a cold bastard you have never bonded with an animal (animals probably detect that you are a bastard as soon as you enter a room). Honestly you have no grounds to argue this subject since I can see you know nothing. I'm done with this retarded discussion

You kiddin? I love killin animals user. My argument is its dumb of you to pretend your different then me. If I dont like an animal I kick it and it does what I want it to because i am better then it. You pretending like your friends with some dumb animal is whats wrong here.
>job as rodent killers
Does your cat do that? Or are you just paying it to be your 'friend'?
>animals sense im a bastard
Most animals bound right up to me till I make them fuck off. Most people say im great with animals, I am. Dont get me wrong I dont dislike the things but no one raises them right. They have no obedience or training because of people like you that are just that desperate for a living being to pay them any attention.
>done with the convo

Why is it every time someone talks about cats, some fucking faggot comes in and has to argue why cats are shit or why we should feel bad for having them as pets
I just want to have a comfy cat thread

Any ways, post your cats anons (or dogs)

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>I love killin animals user

Its not just cats, any animals really. Its just that cat owners are annoying. Nothing wrong with posting about cats but thats not what this thread is, is it?
Cruise control for no reason? You dont go hunting? You dont have fun bringing back a buck to eat? Dont go fishing or anything? Im sorry you see owning an animal as different then killing one but the only difference I see is a few years and some wasted potential. You wanna go full sperg about it thats fine but again, im here for rational discussion not your feelings.

The OP did post about a cat. So I I think posting cat pictures would be relevant.

Fuck off dude, this was to be a comfy cat thread until the first reply shat on cats and turned it into a pointless argument thread (and I wouldn't be surprised if that poster was you)

I guess its relevant but its not really what the thread is about? Ill post some anyway, why not.
Why would your lack of surprise mean anything to me? It wasnt. This thread couldve been about anything. You choosing not to just accept the kind of person you are is the only reason this thread turned into something you dont like. If you cant accept yourself then this will only happen again.

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You're a dick for sure lol
>I kill animals
>caring for animals as pets is cruel and stupid
>I'm good with animals
what even is your argument

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genuinely feel sorry for anyone who has never felt pure love from a cat

He's just being edgy to look cool on an anonymous site where no one knows who he is. Newfag for sure

That says a lot about you as a person

Not that user but I agree. My cat visits me a lot and loves to be pet

Brexit totes are got enbowled die robot die

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>You choosing not to just accept the kind of person you are
Honestly I don't even understand what you are rambling about anymore mr edgy

Pretending youre different then me for owning pets is cruel and stupid. I kill animals for food. Im told I am good with them, I consider myself good with them because I dont see them as friends, they are useful tools.
If you cant follow a basic argument then maybe this discussion isnt for you.
Whats edgy about hunting? Im saying that if you think owning an animal and killing an animal are all that different then you arent thinking straight.

>they are objectively fucking retarded
because they dont listen to your commands? lol

dogs literally rip peoples throats out but ok

>and make for shitty companions.
you dont want a companion, you want something you can order around like a slave and will obey your every command

I get your thinking dude and I have no problem with animals for meat, but you being pissed that some people like animals as companions is just stupid. Let people do what they want

Always this sad argument. I treat my cat really well without being harsh or spoiling him. Cats just suck. They're dumb and selfish and mean. Meanwhile, a dog I knew for all of five minutes as a kid took it upon himself to keep me from falling off the couch because he thought I would hurt myself.

Never said I was pissed, just silly that animal owners want to act like they are doing the animals any favors. Its the opposite.

You should probably treat it better then.

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I treat my cat well and she loves me back and gives me affection. I'm not sure what to tell you then. Every cat I've met has been nice

>tfw cat lurks r9k with you

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cats also make great pets for NEETs

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you know cats make that specific impression to signify they aren't a threat, right? They're just being friendly.

Looks like my cat user. That's a sweet kitter you got there


Animals are intelligent and we've no right to enslave them