What video games do robots like the most?
What video games do robots like the most?
Competitive multiplayer games I suck at despite having played them for years that now only exist to make me angry and hate myself even further.
Prison architect is my favourite
i have like 600 hours in that game
Vanilla was much more simple than legion.
I play dead cells at the moment. There are 2 games I always play more or less. Csgo and the binding of isaac rebirth
just passed rank 100 in image related the other day
>dead cells
i was kind of thinking about playing that.
is it good?
I mostly play Overwatch and Hearthstone. I wish I had someone to play Overwatch with.
Total war.
Especially Medieval 2 Kingdoms and Rome (The first one).
Pretty much just total war games and stellaris. All other recent games have been nothing but disappointment with the exception of the witcher 3
i play overwatch a bit user, im only plat in ranked though
well I am a fucking silver. Are you NA or EU?
this is definitely worth a recommendation
fast paced games and twitch shooters. tried getting into grand strategy and stuff like factorio but my patience all goes into studying with none left for anything more than counterstrike matches
I personally like RPGs in which I can immerse myself and get totally lost. Anything to distract from real life. Most multiplayer games make me nervous, so I avoid them because I don't like letting people down and having them yell at me for messing up.
>TF2 for the bants-filled shitposty fun
>Minecraft/Terraria for comfy exploration
>C:S/Civ5/Factorio for micromanaging everything like an aspie
>AHiT for great platforming and cutesy everything
>Gear Up for constantly tinkering with part combinations for your tank
>any DooM game (besides 3) for going on a mindless rampage
and for some reason Getting Over It rarely makes me mad although I suck at it, can be comfy.
Yeah it's quite good. Combat is very smooth and fun.
I mainly play retro games. Especially first-person shooters. Doom, Quake, Blood, etc. Also been playing Super Mario World romhacks recently. When I want something easy and relaxing I play Harvest Moon or Rune Factory.
Dark Souls, STALKER, Paradox strategies, CSGO and Insurgency
I like league because it provides me a quick dose of serotonin, and forces me to interact with other human beings. I also used to play wow, and I would probably still be playing it if I hadn't turned into a massive schizo autist. Watching people talking in chat and then looking at my friends list and the zero fucking sucks and makes me feel like dying.
Lately I've been playing hotline miami, truly a great game
i play starcraft 2 since it went f2p last winter its great and demanding game
i suck though
Vanilla WoW server, so addicted
Warcraft 3 custom games
I love me some Eras
Not really because the gameplay that is relevant in Legion is so small and compartmentalized that you don't need an overarching knowledge of the game's mechanics, other class abilities, buffs and mat locations, and PvP to be advanced in the gameplay.
>tf2 for the bants-filled shitposty fun
This why you're a vrigin lmao fucking weird ass. grow up
im from eu but play on na bc the servers are aids, but if youre silver i probably cant even queue with you lol
robots don't play online games, normie cunts. go fucking die. how fucking pathetic do you have to be to pretend to be a loser online.
Trying too hard to fit in my reddit browsing friend
I don't forsee a time when I will be bored of this game.
Now that Todd has cucked me I can only find pleasure in Bethesda games
Ayyyyyy lmao
Been playing this shit on and off for 18 years
DOOM lad. Gory, ruthless, powerful, strong. Rip and tear, until it is done.
I don't think it's a robot's game, but I bought it recently and can't stop playing.
Grand strategy games like EU4 and CK2. Next time I get some money I'm getting Vic 2.
silent hill 1,2 and 3
fallout 2 and new vegas
dog I don't understand, what's the problem?
Eu3 is much better
I play Mount and Blade Warband a lot
Bump. Got to have more robots input.
Kerbal Space Program, War Thunder, TF2, CS GO and Skyrim.
War Thunder, Hearts of Iron, TF2, Dark Souls I, II, III, Total War Shogun, Total War Nabeleon, occasionally Warcraft III, used to be a real sucker for Half-life ''trilogy'' and Portal(s); Wolfenstein, Enemy Territory, Army Men, WoW TBC & Wotlk were basically my childhood. Bioshock I and Infinite were cool. Journey was pretty /comfy/ in a way, and I'll always be faithful to Westwood's C&C's. That pretty much sums it up for me.
Get the fucking fuck out of this board
It was really big with the cosplay hoes when it first came out making gamers automatically hate it. Thus making it an extremely underrated game.