Comfy thread peeps, bonus points for cities and comfy music. (melancholic comfy shit allowed)
Also, tell me about your life user, got anything you wanna spill?
Comfy thread peeps, bonus points for cities and comfy music. (melancholic comfy shit allowed)
Also, tell me about your life user, got anything you wanna spill?
Other urls found in this thread:
This one is similar to pic related but I fucking love shit like this
This one is an all time favorite as well
Oh also the tokyo ghoul soundtrack is pretty good, I usually don't watch anime but that one show stuck with me.
Have this one too folks.
Hm.. Last selfbump I guess
go to gensokyo!
Wouldn't really call that music comfy but sure my dude
Vry Comfy .
>low crime rate
>comfy af
forgot piCcccc my bad whoops
Fuck, I really like that one.
Might be going there sometime this semester actually
Another goody, I hope this place means something to someone
Good night and sweet dreams comfy friends
Thank you for this thread, friends
I got the cold shoulder from my oneitis coworker yesterday. She gave me the "it's fine" act. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I sure as shit did something. I felt bad about it all day, but then she called me later that evening to ask me a question about work. It was a pretty inconsequential question that I'm sure she already knew the answer to, so part of me thinks she called as a sort of makeshift apology.
I get to see her again tomorrow. I'm hoping we have a good day together.
That sounds like a drag my dude, did you talk to her about it?
I fucking hate that feeling you're describing though
Nope. I went home right after. She can get moody from time to time and she seems to like to take it out on me. 90 percent we get along great, and we've got into little spats like this before and got over it, so I'm not worried.
ah alright then, then I bet you'll be fine. But you could also talk about her taking her shit out on you with her if you wanted to. Could be beneficial.
Woah! This .gif I can relate to. I've always found trains to be the most bittersweet expression of /comfy/ feels, especially during the winter. Saved. Thx, user. :)
listening to this mix right now, very relaxing
maribel and renko are the best
Nah, I don't mind. We work a pretty stressful job, so I like to let her vent sometimes. I know she's not doing it out of malice.
I appreciate that stuff my dude
Ah, what work is that if I may ask?
Original fucking contribution #2.
Original fucking contribution #3.
Also, was there something wrong with my #1 contribution or why did it got removed?
Original fucking contribution #4 - chilling edition.
Good shit mate. But I dunno I can still see #1
thx user. For some reason I can't see it anymore. But w/e. Main thing is that it's still here.
Also, Original fucking contribution #5 - extended chilling edition.
Fucking saved mate. Good stuff
A couple more and I'm off to bed.
Original f*cking contribution #6.
Original f*cking contribution #7.
Last of 'em.
Original f*cking contribution #8.
g'night everyone.