I want to kill myself. change my mind

I want to kill myself. change my mind.
F/22/not really beautiful n shit, depressed etc

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f too, would you like to talk outside of this thread?

i can relate to those things too unfortunately so i know where youre coming from

Why do you post bait threads, OP? Is it because you're a big guy in real life, and need to compensate?

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most people arent beautiful most people are depressed

Since you already want to kys, why don't you post a timestamp.
We could evaluate your looks level better than you could.
Also you could probably gain 10's of orbiters, and maybe even find a bf.

No one cared who OP was until he put on the mask

btw. I do have a bf. He just don't seem to understand. I don't want to be a disappointment

there u go. kind of

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If your s/o can't support you when you are feeling suicidal then maybe they arent as significant as you thought

>have a bf
Even fat ugly girls can't be robots gtfo
girls can't be robots

bait or shit
fuck off

well, it's my second boyfriend and the first one was abusive. my standards are not high.
he's a good guy tho, i just feel like he doesn't know how to behave when i have my -moments-
(I have depression and anxiety so I hope you can kind of understand what I mean)

i wish i were a robot. no feelies

>I don't want to be a disappointment
To whomst?

That is not a timestamp, the girl in pic related looks 4/10.

Do a backflip thot

I'll take 4/10.
I Don't want to be a disappointment to my bf. I thought I'd never give relationships another go and i did. now i'm not sure if it was the right decision

In what way are you disappointing him?

>she has a boyfriend who loves her/cares about her
>wouldn't be her boyfriend if she wasn't attractive, at least to him

Unironic attentionwhoring. You roasties are all the same. Kindly fuck off.

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being a depressed piece of shit all the time

Idiot. Just hang out and talk to the dude. Guaranteed that's all the motherfucker wants. If you like him as well that will make you feel better as well. Stop being retarded

maybe you aren't the problem. you are just being yourself, i mean sure you can change if you feel you should ,but you shouldn't feel bad about being who you are, depressed or not. learn to love yourself.

im depressed alot but i dont berate myself for it.

>change my mind
Livestream it, cunt

Goddamn you look like dog shit

nice choker you slut, do you like to be choked by your boyfriend during sex? I bet you do.

But why the fuck are you depressed?
Post discord roasty.

>change my mind.
Anyone who says this doesn't need me to.

well if it makes you feel better id rub my dick all over your face

you can do it, talk to that guy, take that leap, never give up. Depression smells fear, be strong

Post nudes before you go babe

Just do things you enjoy, that take your mind off the depression. Worked for me.

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that picture is so fake. i wish it was real

Go have a kid, will fix your "depression" nicely

I dont' care. I don't know your personal story. Please fuck off with this pity charity you dumb faggot

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>on r9k
really makes you think

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