Do you have repressed memories, Jow Forums?

Do you have repressed memories, Jow Forums?

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fking nice anime MOnster was. a bit slow at the beginning but nonetheless a masterpiece.

no that's winslow from catdog

>abrupt ending
>many, many filler episodes
>the lieberts' backstory could have been fleshed out considerably more

I know I bullied a lot by family and in school. But I've repressed most of the specifics I mostly just remember how I felt back then

*was bullied. I didn't bully

I'm not sure if it counts as repressed since I remember it now? I repressed it for a long time though until very recently.

Basically when I was a kid (8-10?) I somehow figured out my dad's password on the family computer, and I would log into it to get admin access to install games on my account. One time when I logged in his email client was up, and I saw that he had a ton of emails from I think old school Google groups, and they were all sex stories. They were all about like, sexual slavery and sexual torture. At that age I had no fucking clue what was going on, I was fascinated though and read a ton of them. I thought it was really weird and it kinda freaked me out, so I pretended not to see it. Keep
In mind that this was a strict Christian household

One day, I was on the computer and asked his help with something, and I was logged into his account without realizing it and he saw, and he completely lost it. He started yelling and screaming, he kept asking how I logged in and what I was doing, I liked and said that I didn't know I was in his account. Somehow I ended up back in my bedroom, I was laying there hyperventilating because I was really scared, my mom was trying to calm my dad down and getting him to stop screaming, she couldn't figure out why he was so mad about me being in his account. I don't remember what happened after that, I just remember laying in bed listening to them argue 5 feet away. I thought I was in trouble for installing the games without asking, but I realized recently that he was probably freaked out that I might have discovered his porn.

My dad is a very different person now and I love him very much, but he was so emotionally abusive when I was young, and clearly had a lot of secrets.

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how the fuck would anyone know that

I which i could repress memories.
Things would be so much easier if my brain was capable of such advanced bullshit.
Sadly, im master of my own mind, which means i have to deal with all of my bad memories.
A small price to pay to be sane but sometimes i wish i could just forget.

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there aren't any fillers in monster

I think I might have been molested by my 16 year old baby sitter when I was like 4ish? I remember small parts of her kissing me but I dont know if it actually happened or my childhood mind played a trick on me. Either way Ive told no one about it to this day because even if she did I remember her being hot and me wanting it. Im 26 now and still wonder if it really happened or not.

You are joking right? Like the last half of Monster was practically all filler

How in gods name am I supposed to know if i have repressed memories if I have them repressed you fucking idiot

it's the most true to form adaptation I've ever seen dude, you might classify some of Tenma's stunts as filler because he's helping people along the way and those patients don't have long term significance but that's an actual part of the story, they didn't embellish anything that wasn't already there

It probably happen user, the mind of a 4 years old isnt yet capable of creating such advanced shit on its own.

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to answer OP's question, I don't remember 80% of my life basically, but I'm great at factual recall and telling people things that I can objectively account for, so I guess most of my existence is repressed or something

I was not even talking about the show, the manga is mostly filler because that is how weekly production manga is

okay well by that logic you can apply complaints about filler to literally any manga ever written so I don't think that's a valid critique if you're going to dismiss the entire medium in one fell swoop, besides the mangaka have to turn a profit somehow... but I disagree because I feel like even the side stories added to Tenma's character development and a more immersive fictional world

Yet at the same time, they spent way, way less time fleshing out Johan and especially Anna.

The main thing I remember is her sticking her tongue in my mouth and me being weirded out and her just explaining "thats how grown ups kiss"
That one memory is all thats keeping me from writing it off as a fever dream.

Possibly, but I remember watching a few junkies and whatnot die unnatural deaths and being constantly abused. So if anything, I was probably raped? Some evidence proves so, but there's a lot of missing gaps. I'm also prone to memory loss, so I have no idea really.

idk how tf would I know lol??

>Repressed memories
Don't have any that I can recall, no

I was injected with drugs many times and only remember it happening once. I probably forget many other things during that period as well.