How do Nu-males and cucks get women in the first place?

I am willing to adapt nu-males techniques to just get and try out how it is to be in a relationship with a woman and get out just before Tyrone gets in

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They actually ask women out, and then sometimes the women say yes.

Try it some time.

>nu-males techniques
Being a supplicating white knight faggot isn't really a technique, its more just like absolute desperation. If they did actually get gfs I highly doubt they were nu-males to begin with.

I dunno about numales, but soibois do get gfs who then buy Switch games for their bfs.


They have a personality worth getting to know and are passionate about things as opposed to ambivalence and depression of a robot

they have money and are optimistic. they're the perfect practice bfs and a good safety net once roasties are done riding the cock carousel.

>defending women and giving them gifts
>"im uh gud person" lets girls stay at their house rent free
>gives them free food and cigarettes and weed and enables their sedentary lifestyles
>giving women more time to start drama and stir the shit pot
>1 woman hyper-socializes with multiple numales and cucks and uses them to give her rides to each others' houses
>she'd never have to work a day in her life
>if she gets bored all she had to do was say "hey that other dude talked shit about u", sit back and cackle at the fallout

dont get yourself fucked over, robutts

cut literally all fucking whores from your life

keep life simple, keep it just about you


They're just sycophantic beta-males that do the bidding of their masters.

The only things determining whether they're orbiters or beta-bucks is the amount of money in their bank account and the fickle mood of the hole in question.

this about being the largest possible yes man imaginable and then also being a pay pig, succumbing to their every wish and demand. thats how they do it

My life has always been about me. I've always comforted myself by thinking that I'd be alone all my life and that makes me strong. The delusion is slowly fading. I need companionship

T. Roastshit

>>"im uh gud person" lets girls stay at their house rent free
>>gives them free food and cigarettes and weed and enables their sedentary lifestyles
>>giving women more time to start drama and stir the shit pot
woman hyper-socializes with multiple numales and cucks and uses them to give her rides to each others' houses
>>she'd never have to work a day in her life
I'm a woman and I do all of this lol. Other than the talking shit. I want my nu males to get along so I can make them suck each others dicks for my amusement.

they become the husband, always
husbands (numales) are providers

Being a doormat/emotional tampon and persistence
Jim Halpert is the poster boy for numales.

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Women love settling down their used-up holes for nice, obedient betas. Next question.

actually if you get to know these onions couples it turns out the woman is earning more and providing for her s0i b0i
i dont really get it but i know multiple couples with this dynamic
i dont get it at all, i wish i could understand how and why this happens

Nu-males get girlfriends as long as they provide.
But they are going to get ditched for Chad or Tyrone later when the gf gets bored.

thats bullshit, you only believe that as a coping strategy, get rid of your cognitive dissonance
if only you knew how bad it really is, these s0i b0is arent providers THEY'RE PROVIDED FOR
they literally sit on their ass playing SWITCH while their gf goes to work

They have money. Women know they are betas and subscript to SJw propaganda.

Aren't nu males and soibois the same thing?

Jow Forums cope.
cant handle that a ridiculous cartoon caricature theyve made is more desirable than their sheep minded selves

Most onions boys work, but there are absolutely women who enjoy having a submissive feminist yes-man who will be the stereotypical housewife.

They are still going to go out with Tyrone and Chad later when they get bored, luckily their onions boys are likely to support them and will probably watch from the corner.

they're just bull preppers, not boyfriends

nah you don't understand women user, they'll settle if the nu males make it easy for them to settle.

LOL i know multiple couples with this female dominant dynamic, their gfs and wives aren't cheating on them and this isn't just some figment of my imagination
we're not living in the fucking pioneer days, women no longer need men to provide for them, women are doing better in education and employment
the man stays home playing the Nintendo Switch games purchased with his wifes paycheck
women dont want men, THEY WANT TO BE THE MAN , they want to feel EMPOWERED and in charge do they get these s0i bfs to adopt the housewife role

>make it easy for them to settle
how do they do that?

They don't. They get a woman before they turn into nu-male cucks, then the woman in question turns them into nu-male cucks before divorcing them.

>their gfs and wives aren't cheating on them
Just wait user, it will happen.
These thots are not going to stay loyal to a switch boy for the rest of their lives.

He dated women before he got with Pam while he was working with her.