Who /struggling/ here?
Who /struggling/ here?
Reporting for duty. Haven't hit the gym in a week and have been skipping classes lately but I did some calisthenics easterday, better than nothing.
got bullied today by my friends
bigger than pretty much all of them so feel bad beating them up and shit, also peace loving so i usually just sit there and rage silently (i know im a pussy)
already depressed beforehand, this pushed me over the edge
i just want to not want to kill myself every day
Life isn't going quite right lately... The rut gets deeper daily.
What'd they do, user? If you were forced to actually beat them it must've been bad.
financially doing ok
gf is beautiful and i love her, but i realized last night that she has never hugged or kissed me, or even initiated holding my hand.
She has accepted my hugs and kisses and what not, but she has not once initiated these things.
does she not like me?
I was going so good before going on vacation. Exercising every day, eating right. Then when I got back almost 2 weeks ago things have gone to shit. I don't want to do anything, just gaming all the time and watching netflix
She might just not be lovey dovey
Wish I could find a girl that wasn't always trying to cuddle and other gay shit
i go to a design school, and i was helping out one of my friends with illustrator, hes kind of autistic but im really good friends with him cause hes not too bad of a case, hes loyal as fuck, and we have too many common interests to name.
while im helping him im bent over the desk and using the mouse and keyboard, while im doing that they start throwing shit at me
"oh look at this smartass" "oooo look at the gamer kid" "he just googles everything and then comes here to pretend like he knows shit"
then they started kicking me in the ass, all 3 of them just taking turns kicking me in the ass while im trying to help out this guy with illustrator, i could have chopped it up to banter if they didnt throw all the nasty comments and overkill wit the kicks, it felt like i was back at middle school for fucks sake.
so i just walked over to my seat and silently raged for the next 2 hours until the class was over, the guy that started up all that shit (hes like 5'4'' and 100 pounds, im 6'1'' and 190,i literally cant do shit to him cause i will 100% be the bad guy either way) came up to me and tried to throw some banter, my fist almost flew into his face but i tried my hardest not to do it cause im civil and i know that would just create more problems. and so now im here, feeling the rage of a thousands suns, -1 friend potentially 3 and a bad stomach ache due to the anger prolly.
Thats probably it.
We dont really act like we're a couple in front of people, but she sleeps on my chest all night every night.
Talk to her now about how she feels. Don't brood on it, figure out what's going on so that if it's bad you can spare yourself a lot of pain.
>she sleeps on my chest all night every night.
Doesn't sound like you have an issue then user
Fuck them. They're not real friends. Have some self respect and stand up to them. And if you can't, you're your own worst enemy.
last gf of 4 yrs was all over me so maybe im just not used to this distance.
I can't say i dont enjoy it, its just something that i would have assumed meant there was an issue with the relationship, but yea she does love sleeping on me both in bed and on the couch when watching movie.
Will talk to her about it today though
also the distance and overall lack of lovey-doveyness is making me a bit apprehensive about telling her i love her. havent told her yet but its been 6 months and we spend most days together.
A talk will be had
M8, how are they your friends? Stop pretending you have friends you retard, you are acquaintances with an autist, who probably doesn't like you either.
thanks man, only reason i didnt is cause they just call everything "autistic" no matter what, if youre worked up over anything youre just autistic to them. its hard standing up to someone thats literally lost in their fucking head and even worse that they have people backing them up cause theyre """""the cool kids""". fighting three on one is already difficult, fighting like half the class on one, is near impossible.
got that one right, thats why i dont feel too betrayed, im just fucking mad
sounds like you've already made up your mind.
Ok m8 as someone whos been bullied the whole highschool years take my advice please beat the shit out of them forget the consequences YOU NEED TO BEAT THEM UP is the only way you'll get out of this feeling of rage because trust me the highschool ends all those fags live their and YOU you have to live with that rage that never goes away it makes you bitter man that everyones avoid
what I'm saying is
Why would you let another man use you as his personal punching (kicking) bag in any circumstance, let alone in public. Those faggots aren't friends and act like fucking children. It should never get to the point where another guy thinks he can fuck with you, and especially not cross the barrier into aggressive physical contact.
Stand the fuck up for yourself faggot. You don't need to immediately crank them, but you need to threaten violence if they don't fuck off. They have 0 fucking respect for you.
For some reason I can't handle anger or stress well. I'm actually so upset right now that my face started to go numb a little while ago. Every time I get stressed, frightened, or angry it feels like my blood boils and my heart is looking to erupt from my chest. I can't imagine very many other people experience this, since I don't see many complaints of the same kind.
No fucking clue what to major in when I start school this January. I went with the trade school route, which I throughly enjoyed, but I hurt myself, so that's no longer a viable option.
fitness has also suffered but I'm doing what I can by doing simple movements like pull ups and dips.
This. Most "confident men" today are only confident because they don't have to fear getting their skull cracked open with a rock. Sometimes circumstances call for savagery. If that faggot ever acts up again you look him in his eyes and tell him: "Meet me outside, NOW." Then take that smug fuck and beat the ever living piss out of him.
Literally all I do is study, lift and work I have no friends anymore and can't afford to do anything
Keep plugging user, you'll make it
Look on meetup.com for shit to do. There's free dance classes, coed sports.
You have excellent self-control but you really should stick up for yourself. The mongoloids out there in the world only respect strength.
They aren't your friends. At one point in my life I let people treat me like garbage because I believed that they were my friends. I just wanted to be part of a group and didn't realize that a friendship doesn't work like that. Walk away and you won't regret it.
thanks for the advice fellas, i definitely wont talk to him anymore if he ever fucks with me again ill escalate it and stab them.
thanks man, i really try to practice a lot of patience and levelheadedness, i just dont know whats the limit
definitely, im not emotionally attached to them at all, they dont mean anything to me. to be frank i would be 1000x more shaken to lose my autist friend than them.
>She doesn't like me back
know this feel too well user.
i feel like i'm slowly losing my mind. im 20 and i have really bad anxiety. i get panic attacks and i feel dissociated and on autopilot everyday since christmas. my gf broke up with me in may and im still kind of hurt from that. i just started my 3rd year at uni away from home and every day i get more and more depressed that i will never feel good again. i have a lot of friends that i talk to about this and see a therapist, yet i still feel super lonely throughout all of it.
She left me after 15 years
Have all this free time and dont know what to do with it/cant motivate myself
W-why user? I-is everything okay?
yeah sounds like you're getting cucked. my gf loves hugs and kisses, shes always all over me.
Girl I loved and was loved back by for over 5 years turned out to be a huge slut after me helping her get a fuck better job in IT. Like 5 months in she had a 2 week bang session with some dude that came over from her company HQ. Later learnt from friends in the company that she was flirting with that dude since 1 month in. She pretty much ran for dick with every guy that smiled at her.
This happened a couple of days ago. Later on stringed together facts that I probably dismissed due to being in love and shit and she was probably fucking around like a whore all these years.
I called her a fucking whore and cut all ties with her and I know shit'll get better but man. I feel like shit at the moment.
>far, far from family
>far from friends
>far from anywhere i'd consider home
>culturally distant from people around
>still desperately on job hunt
>probably have to move across fucking continents soon
>still have high bp after going from 105kg to 80kg
>my close friend is being a judgemental bitch who speaks too much
y'know at this point i think its only pewdiepies daily videos that keeps me from falling into deep depression lads
>She left me after 15 years
jesus, what happened?
returned to uni city from home after a great summer and realized how much i dislike this place. major is good but zero social contacts, all friends live at least 300km away.
new gym is opening soon next to me and afraid my hernia will start acting up and my wrist issues flare up again, which resulted in me losing all my gains of 11 months last time it occurred, took 4 months to heal.
surgery soon so no real motivation to lift since recovery will last at least a month
fuck man, i‘m sorry
Just grew apart, which is quite sad
>3rd year in Uni
>grades are shit. Can’t do what I want to do. Have to settle for similar classes (electrical engineering instead of mechanical)
>hardest year so far and I need good grades
>try to force myself to do good
>but no motivation or drive to do it
You are in a rut, not because of you, but because you haven't chosen your own "path" in life. Think about it, your friends and parents told you what to eat, what to read, what to watch, what to learn, where to work, what you should do in your life. You are following it like a little bitch and it is draining you of your "soul". Make your own decisions in life and learn to say no. I have been doing this for a year and I already feel X100000 better and I am optimistic as FUCK about the future. Life keeps getting better. Snap out of the matrix bros!!!
i feel you, brother
fuck that proper whore of a female
you need to learn to dish out banter too if you don't want to get physical
however as soon as they start kicking your ass you don't have much choice but to fight back unless you dont care about your dignity
sorry dude :(
Always struggling
Pain is inevitable
Suffering is optional
Lift for glory
>girl turned out to be a huge slut
in other news water turns out to be wet
not watching anymore pewdiepie would be an improvement on your current situation
get well soon user
im bad with words, im dumb, i cant come with a good comeback on the spot
wishing for death on a daily basis is starting to take a toll
current day pewdiepie is pretty fun
it just gives me something small to look forward to daily
beat them next time they pull that shit, believe me it'll be the best feeling ever you'll feel a new man and they either find a new respect for you or you lose the fake friends, a win/win really
>Have a shitty degree, trying to get any job related to my field but get a callback every 1/10 applications(Only to tell me the position is filled).
>Live with parents who eat exclusively fast food, I can barely afford to buy chicken and rice every week.
At least I still got my friends, and I've lost 24 lbs since starting my Cardio regimen.
Contemplating how to break up with the gf.
She's overweight and also not a virgin when we met. Trying to get her into the gym, but she wont be attractive unless she loses at least 30 lbs. I'm starting to realize I just dont feel attraction to her anymore. Shes super sweet though, bends over backwards for me, lets me do whatever. She'll be absolutely devastated if I leave her. IDK what to do
how about you talk to her about it you dimwit
say you dont find her as attractive as you used to due to her weight and that youre keen to work out a solution
Any idea of what is causing this? When did you start feeling this way. Time for a change user
Hey bro, quick question. How did you get together with your girlfriend?
I know a girl that's just like that, distant to everyone and people tell me she obviously likes me when we're out in public but every time I try to initiate something physical she just recoils.
I know she's never been in a relationship before and she's pretty autistic but I don't know how to get through to her.
always funny to me when mouthbreathers ally and legitimately believe theyre not the ones actually being the retards
get real kid
It’s because they know your mentally weak and won’t stick up for yourself. Every friendship group has one friend they “banter” with like this
>very qt girl who likes me and would be a perfect wife lives on the west coast, I'm on the east coast
>try to get job with company in her town, I'm overqualified for just about any job, even will accept a paycut
>they haven't gotten back to me after sending my resume last week
im not mentally weak, just bad with comebacks, i can take a pretty good mental and physical beating with no reaction, but this was just way across the line
jesus christ it hurts. She's unable to love back anyone but it don't lower my pain. I feel like a failure who wasted his time on hope that was never there.
>10 hour work days (not including lunch+breaks) 6 days a week
>3 hour classes Monday through Friday for a degree that gets me out of Hell (read: Warehousing)
>absolute minimum awake time: 18 hours
>lifts stall for obvious reasons
>namely stress, /nosleep/, ever more shitty diet, and lack of motivation to step into a gym
At least I was still dyel when I decided to stop being complacent with my career haha.
that's why i said "learn"
Then that’s your problem. If you can’t spar with them in speech and not make witty come backs they will tear you to bits socially. Fighting them is going to make you look “autistic” because you have to look just in your cause and come on I’ve been in fights and ever time I’ve been shitting my pants and trying to avoid it so don’t make it a “I’m level headed so I didn’t do anything”
how do i spar with words? i feel bad being mean to others...
If you lived every day like it was your last instead of living every day just like the last, you would be infinitely better off, wishing for death or otherwise.
Just take the piss out of certain features for instance hairline or height anything like that and it’s not being mean you autist it’s banter
take the initiative and call them bro
Same here brother
maybe she was abused
Have gyno in one nipple. It's really obvious and getting worse. Ultrasound confirmed it, doctor doesn't care. Recommended wearing a compression vest, and left.
save up for surgery my dude
I tried doing 100 push-ups today, just got 99. Fucking hell.