Holy shit boys. I just touched a girl I'm not related to. It's been over a year and I forgot how soft girl hands are. Afterwards I started blushing and had to walk away but I feel like Chad right now.
Holy shit boys. I just touched a girl I'm not related to. It's been over a year and I forgot how soft girl hands are...
Best ive ever got is kissed on the cheek and sharing drinks from eachothers straws.
A lot of people get even sex etc, but don't give it any value and don't care about it.
You value a hand touch and it will stay with you forever. You know what? I love you.
Actually good job user. It's all about the little steps. In what context was it?
Nice. Was she kissing you on the cheek as a friend or romantically?
>A lot of people get even sex etc, but don't give it any value and don't care about it.
That's because the magic goes away with familiarity.
Don't say words like that when you don't mean them.
>In what context was it?
My aunt is an acting coach. We were at her house and one of her clients was at there. My aunt introduced her to me. I waved at her but she walked up to me for a handshake anyways. She was a woman in her 30s or 40s and an actor so obviously good looking.
Well i went to a club and didnt know what to do. I kind of danced and spoke to a girl for a bit. Her friend cane up and talked for a bit and asked whats my favorite drink. I said beer like a tard and they said Vodka lemonade. I then agreed and i brought 3 vodka lemonades and i was dragged to a quieter area to sit where they said "Thanks so much" and both kissed me on the cheek.
I ended up sharing drinks with the girl next to me and we swapped cups to drink eachothers.
When we did that i made sure to drink a sizeable amount of her drink to make up for me paying for it, was worth it i would say i didnt feel cheated.
Congrats, I don't remember the last time I touched a girl's hand, it's been 2 years at least.
Haven't kissed a girl seriously since 12 years maybe. Feels weird
Nice. Sounds like you got used for free drinks but who really cares. Glad you had a fun night.
Yeah you forget you've gone so long without these things until you do them.
That would be weird. Do you miss the intimacy?
user you were being used for drinks
>That would be weird. Do you miss the intimacy?
Not that user but from 14-16 i had a grilfriend that i went pretty far with but she cucked me and left me for Chad and we never fucked. When i was 26 i got some roastie that i was seeing and trying to dick just to actually finally do it but when we were making out it felt so foreign and obnoxious i stopped it before it turned into sex and stopped seeing her. Now im 27 and ive just given up on the idea of ever feeling intimate or having sex.
Went to an asian massage parlor and the happy ending she gave with her soft gentle touch made me cum so hard. I made sure she shoved her finger in my butt to get that prostate too.
Wow. I hope it doesn't feel too bad to be that way. Hopefully it isn't too late for me.
Happy you enjoyed yourself. I don't think I could let a stranger touch me there ever.
>I waved at her but she walked up to me for a handshake anyways.
Your next step in improvement should be to respond like the client did. A handshake is a type of bodily contact that can be both construed as non-awkward and friendly.
a handshake beats a wave in both politeness and sincerity.
Next time you meet someone new, gather up a burst of courage and just say "Hi, I'm user, nice to meet you" and go for the shake. Don't wait long after meeting someone to go for the shake, but if you mess up, don't worry bout it. Try again on the next new person.
I get too nervous to approach people. I only interacted with her because I got cornered and couldn't ditch.
What makes you too nervous to approach people exactly?
By knowing the cause, we can work on a solution.
>What makes you too nervous to approach people exactly?
I just get scared. I kinda stop thinking and go into run away and hide mode. I'm really socially stunted.
What does a girls body feel like? Do they feel small soft and fragile like I always imagined?
>Wow. I hope it doesn't feel too bad to be that way. Hopefully it isn't too late for me.
It's about as good or bad as it sounds. Obviously not great but when i stopped worrying about it i felt better.
Hope you get what you want out of life
Don't know about whole body but hands are very soft and smooth. Like a baby.
Thanks for the good wishes. I hope everything is ok with you man.
I've never seen a girl kiss a guy "as a friend." At least in the central US that's flirtatious.
Sorry I don't know. I'm not around girls much. Just thought a kiss on the cheek could be either because family members to that to each other sometimes. Sorry if I'm wrong.
I've only once touched a girl's boob, and it was on accident at work when it got to close to the counter I was cleaning. I barely even got to feel it, just brushed it, but I still rocked a boner I had to hide for like 2 minutes. She seemingly didn't notice or acknowledge it at all. That was like 3-4 years ago or so and haven't gotten close since.
There could be people like that anywhere. I know there are in Europe. I just wouldn't accept that explanation from anyone in my area.
One way I practiced greeting people was kinda weird, but it worked.
I searched up videos and clips of people casually saying hello and shaking hands. And then I practiced in my room. I stuck my hand out, said the words and everything.
I felt like a fucking weirdo, but the repetition and familiarity with it helped me to be able to do it.
Yeah I don't know for sure my grandmas both do that so I thought it was normal.
I could try that but I worry if the introduction is really good I'll surprise them by not speaking again.