Is Mark Rippetoe homophobic?

Is Mark Rippetoe homophobic?

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no, he’s just fat

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>assuming gays have purses
No, but you are.

He is an old guy, probably on his way to his 60's, so definitely yes, he comes from the times where being a fag was frowned and you got beat up for

I agree though, I once saw a guy with a black duffle bag and red gloves, it look horrible. Black on black is the best.

Good times

Only a homophobe would assume a man with a purse is gay.

Are lifting gloves really that bad?

Being repulsed by illness is the natural state of man

holy shit that's so edgy, how can i be as cool as you two?

Anyone used to not care about gays, but grown to hate them and LGBT "culture" in recent years because of all the transitioning children and drag queen shit they keep pushing? I really thought they'd be normal citizens when they got married, I even supported them marrying. Now I realize slippery slopes are true and I'm disgusted by the lot of them.

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I wish I could buy you a Jow Forums pass for owning those homophobes epic style

They make your grip worse and impede normal adaptation.

One upboat for your sir

Only if you dont have a matching purse

no one is "pushing" anything except tolerance you fucking moron. you realize queers and transfags have existed since the beginning of time right? this isn't some new fad or invention

the ONLY thing that is relatively new is openness about it. if you honestly don't like it, kys

>Forcing little children to have sex changes
>'It's just tolerance guyz'

Something can’t be a trend if it’s always existed, how could anyone argue with such logic?

name 1 (ONE) person who's been forced to undergo a sex change against their will

i'll wait

David Reimer

Based and redpilled

>Against their will,
well since children cant concent to something like that, id say every kid thats undergone hormone treatment at

I made the post and this is EXACTLY why I hate you fairy bitch.

Drag queens are LITERAL FETISHISTS coming into the classroom to indoctrinate children. Fucking dumb faggot, and transtrending is a real phenomena you lying piece of shit.


Nah, I'll just bully at risk LGBT youth till they do it :)

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Wrong. Playing with dangerous hormone replacements has become a trend in progressive circles.

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Obviously nothing to do with the transgender movement.

Every vulnerable child who has been forced into this lifestyle by "progressives" and killed themseves as a result

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shut up fag


Your PRAISE KEK is showing

The entire modern transgender movement is built upon the guy who did it.

Womanhood is innate and biological :)

>inb4 some faggot discord starts astroturfing
>implying they aren't already

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>also from ss

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Hello, with the faggot who wrote this post?
Yeah, uhh... leave.

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Literal PRAISE KEK faggots are less cringe than faggot tranny freaks

Normal people see shit like this and are filled with revulsion. Also nice hand waving of kids who chose to detransition, stick to your sources that say everything is peachy and nothing is wrong.

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probably, and good
I wish faggots would get the fuck off Jow Forums

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And what is this tolerance you speak of based on? It's easy to be tolerant; even the most limp-wristed cowards can be tolerant easily. All you have to do to be tolerant is to not care about what people are doing around you. If that is all it takes to be tolerant, then I can say that it is based less on compassion and more on apathy.

Tolerance would thus be an expression of apathy. Is what you want an apathetic population?

Listen fagoots. I know this is not Jow Forums but guess what. Jow Forums is like this. you probably thought you would be fine as long as you avoided going on pol, but nope, the reality is different. Theres many sites for you if you want to surround yourselves with like minded people, you can talk about fitness and such in those websistes too.


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he's right you idiot. nothing to do with homosexuality.
If you use gloves in a gym you're not a man (nor homosexual nor heterosexual, just not a man).

>queers and transfags have existed since the beginning of time
citation needed faggot
that's the most retarded thing I've heard this year.
queers and transfags are the byproduct of a degenerate society

Yes. Read what OP's pic says. You'll never see a guy who puts up serious numbers with gloves on, straps at best.

I have extremely sweaty hands, though.

Why is the tranny faggot cuckold shit so popular with wh*te people?

>it's now edgy to be repulsed by faggotry

Lemme guess, next you'll say I'm cutting myself for criticizing niggers?

That's what you call a joke, and clearly the joke there is that you are a girl, not a homosexual.

Don't let pc victim culture convince you to start looking for problems around every corner.


here you go buddy. let me take a wild guess at your "rebuttal". here we go:


i can TASTE your tears you dumb maga praise kek fat fuck

I think you mean red on red, homie

And then there's this cookie cutter...

>red on red
square up, cuz

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>ugh maga praise kek so cringe
>child drag queens and ?

This is why everyone hates you and thinks you're a freak. Post body.

>get btfo
> body

lmao. i would link my post to the CBT but what's the point?

imagine unironically thinking that homosexuality is some recent trend, and then getting that entire wiki article shoved in your face. holy shit. i've never seen anyone THIS btfo. i almost feel sorry for you, desu

Maybe if you went to an actual university for a real degree and not some McCollege where you wasted your time on sociology and fighting with the lgbt club for 32 gender bathrooms you'd understand why Wikipedia is a garbage source

lots of straight guys have purses. not gay, but definitely faggots

cope harder :^)

Nope. You called someone else fat and I called you out. Looks like you're projecting. I wasn't even the person you were talking to, I know mental illness has always existed it manifests in animals in fact.

>the rest of that post

LOL looks like someone's mad, better call up your helpline pal """""it'll get better"""" don't off yourself now.

Oh shit is this a rekt thread??

Raging faggot ITT

They're powerless and weak when they don't have numbers and support groups on their side

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>now it's a mental illness
lel he's moving goalposts

pic related: (You)
you almost got trips there my magapede friend, looks like kek didn't approve of your post

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Lmao good one