Just take the living-in-a-van pill already

Just take the living-in-a-van pill already

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Down by the river ebin?

I would if I had a van and could drive, quite literally.
It's an extremely freeing experience.

You'd have to be so brave to live in a van with no protection, I'd die of a panic attack

This could be you but you're not willing to wageslave for 6 out of 12 months.

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>hey what's that can down the-

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thats a nice van

I'm sure they use condoms or she's on the pill. Having a child would ruin their lifestyle.

How do you play pc games in a van? Or cook meals? Or take showers?

You play on a laptop. Some vans are equipped with kitchens. Some even have showers, but those are exceedingly expensive. I'm not sure how they take showers to be honest.

That looks like it would be fun for about a day before the van gets cluttered and you start to resent the feeling of your partner's overwhelming body heat. Not to mention to amenities or good food. RV would at least be better but there's the stigma + more expensive + legal shit with parking.

>Van has mechanical issues
>Have to give up my entire apartment to let some cuck fix it
No thanks.

It's against the law to sleep in your car. When you're homeless it's difficult to find a place to park overnight without people/police telling you to get out.

Because Im not FatBoyGetDown nor do I have some feastival hoe to trick into taking along with me.
Ill just look like some scraggly guy in a white van driving around playgrounds and sleepong in it.
Chris Hansen will be popping my tires and stabbing me in the dick by the end of the first day.

>It's against the law to sleep in your car
land of the free everyone

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Also as if anyone could remain that attractive with no showers.

In most areas it isn't but you'd have to check local laws. It's usually illegal in large metropolitan areas with high homeless populations, but even then the laws get bad rap and are frequently repealed, like in LA for example. Either way you're not likely to be arrested or otherwise punished for sleeping in your car, police just don't care about it enough usually.

>tfw you will never get half your shit rained on

Hello fellow Metokurist

>he doesn't know about compactor bags


How does one even afford to buy these vans plus maintain its petrol costs etc.? It seems more affordable to just get an apartment or something

It's a pretty care free life. I have a laptop 3ds and cell phone for when I'm resting. My mom still pays for an unlimited cell phone plan even though we haven't talked in more than a year. I have a cheap gym for showers. I have a propane hotplate and grill that I can use in the park for cooking. Free boiled water at 711 for oatmeal, ramen, etc. My cousins comcast xfinity internet that lets me use hotspots all over town. Libraries and coffee shops to relax with better internet. Get to meet all sorts of cool people, travel around, and live how I like

>nice van dude, but how can you afford living in it without a job?
>Oh I'm an ex banker/model/accountant/agent/trust fund

Every time

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If I had an RV that I could find a place to park and had an internet connection without being prohibitively expensive.
I'd rather live on a megayacht.

i can just imagine it getting so smelly and stagnant in there

Just get a decent paying job and stop being a dumb fucking retard and live in a nice apartment already

If you're a poorfag then you probably were never going to make it get a trade

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Don't forget all the insects. You will not be able to keep them out.

this sounds nice actually but like it would make one insufferable
i could probably do this every other year since I'm a school teacher so i already get summers off..i could just take every other year off and do this.


I can rent a place for 3 to 5 years instead of buying a car to live in.

>just get a job
>just get an apartment
>just get a gf
>just get married
>just have a family
>just be like everybody else

Do not listen to this creature that wishes for you to be normie

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God you're pathetic. Keep being a dumb autist I don't feel like giving you any advice.

>cops knocking on your door every night
>it gets hot as fuck or cold as fuck, and theres nothing you can do
>no bathroom
>no wifi
>have to constantly worry about your van being broken into
>van starts to stink of dirty laundry
>cant make your own food, have to live off canned shit and fast food

the cons outweigh the pros

The smart people here would think of the logistics of it all.
You can't live in a van if you can't afford to buy a van.
You can't travel all over the place in a van that gets 20 miles to the gallon with out GAS MONEY.
You can't afford to have creature comforts without BUYING a inverter to power the craigslist shit you pick up off the street.
You can't just travel all over and not BUY food to eat everyday.

How do you survive without money?

>I'm a former realtor, and get money from my rental properties.


Begone, Stacy/Veronica

what grade do you teach? do you enjoy it?
it's hard to imagine a robot being a teacher, in front of a class

Lmao, the normiepill aint so bad.
I used to be like you, from 16 to 28 i was a NEET.
Doing nothing all day but play vidya, jerk off, work out, drink and smoke weed.
I even had enough NEETbux to pay a hooker every once in a while.
I was living the NEET dream 200%.
But then one day, i asked myself; is there all there is to life? There has to be more right?
But there wasnt more, not with that lifestyle.
So i figured i would try the normie pill.
Why not, i have nothing to lose and if it sucks i can always revert to NEET.
So i tried it and sincerely gave it a fair shake.
Now here i stand, 2 years later and im happier than i ever been.
It was really difficult to get to that point but now, the NEET lifestyle just seems pointless and boring to me, i dont want to go back.
Just try it, what do you have to lose?
If it sucks you just go back.

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also: you live in a fucking van

who wants to be in a relationship with someone that lives in a van?

just curious, it seems like it would make more sense to spend a little more if you have the money and get an RV/motor home, so you can have a bathroom, a small kitchen, wifi , all that stuff. I could actually see doing something like that. but it just seems too inconvenient to live in a small car or volkswagon van


also something absurdly annoying about people working really hard for a long stretch then taking some time off to bankrupt themselves then do it again

just work really hard for a long stretch then invest and live off the passive investments for fuck sake its not hard

t. my friend worked 6 days a week 12 hour days in construction, saved $100,000, and spent it all on a 2 year holiday

motherfucker just invest that shit and you'd have the principle leftover at the end of the holiday and you could live off the interest

after a while you get too old to work that hard, you have kids, a girlfriend/wife, and youve just wasted all the time you had the energy to work like a fucking retard

Normies always trying to convert robots to their brood. Just leave us be we don't want your lifestyle. Stop trying.

>everyone should be as retarded as me and find purpose through doing meme work

cringe and pink pilled

You were never like us normie. Please return to facebook with all the upstanding citizens.

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I would, but I'd never have sex ever. I could live underneath a staircase and sleep on a mattress and bs fine, but no woman would ever go near me. It's amazing how much effort I have to put into pretending to be somebody I ain't just so I don't end up...well...like Jow Forums.

look dude, im not sure how young you are, but it seems you have a very unrealistic view of passive income. every day on these boards i hear someone say "dude if i could just get like 200 or 300k, id just live of the interest bro! all id need is 1% a month, thats easy!" . wrong. most interest is calculated annually. to get 2k a month, youd need like 12% annual return on your 200k or whatever. that aint happening. NOTHING yields those kinds of returns.

If I were to live out of a van I'd rather buy a surplus tent and camp out on blm/national forest/federal land.

Like holy fuck, forget all the other issues, where I'm from you'd probably die of heat stroke sleeping overnight in a metal oven


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Your coping mechanisms really are transparent, predictable and pointless.
The time will come in your life when you will regret all this.
But i suppose you have to hit the wall by yourself...

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This. With an other-worldly rate like 15% you still could not live off of the passive income on 100k.

Be homeless and still have gf, must be great to be chad

100k deposit as a mortgage, get $400,000, buy for $500,000, lease out the property for $400p/w, cover your mortgage and holiday costs easily


>implying I'm normie because I god a decent paying job and used my financial literacy to be NEET for the rest of my life

The game is easy you just people prefer to be defeatist brainlets than actually take some time and learn something

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>god a decent paying job
Sounds like a normie to me. You spend too much time on r9k that you fool yourself into thinking you arnt an upstanding citizen. Just be happy that life works for you.

Unironically thinking about it desu senpai. I'm considering all options that would allow me to fuck off from this fucked up society.

Yep, this one's too normie to even realize he's normie.

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That's why you should pick a model that's specifically easy to fix and learn to do that.

Been doing it for fucking ages I agree though it takes a certain type of person to do it also having a partner on the road is just a recipe for disaster. I dated a girl for around 2 months before she moved in for the next road trip we broke up in a week of travel.

you know how indians take showers?
like that

>one second later
"hey what do you want to do now"

An RV makes more sense, but nah I prefer living in a home. I can't live without internet/video games.

those are big numbers for a jewish money squeezing device
better show some proof if you want to be taken seriously

In the rain?

Imagine getting ALL your shit wet when you get into your car home

Learn something, like what?

Those bags wouldn't be up there if they weren't waterproofed.

speak english you demented faggot

dw i wont reply anyway but just for the future

How to pass a job interview, how to drive a car, how to do a proper handshake, how to keep a good family relationship, how to talk to women, how to buy a house, how to raise kids, how to pay takes, how to vote

sure let me just take out a $400k mortgage first based on the advice of an anonymous idiot

>Reddit spacing
Consider putting your head through a noose.

just google it when you're done making fun

>autism posting

never be here

>learn how to be a normie like me

that's gonna finna be a yikes from me, dawg

>>Reddit spacing

lmao, it's literally a superior way of formatting text

>the virgin blocktext
>the chad broken spaces

It's pretty hard to get lower than 8% average effective. Most rates are going to be around 15% on a good non-extreme year and 4% on a bad non-extreme year.
I know what you mean about the kids and their skewed view of the value of money, but 12% off 200k is still 24k per year which is borderline livable in some places. You would in reality need about 500k to live for real at normal (sustainable) return rates however that's true. But if you can accumulate 100k at around 25 and then just get a barebones job that merely covers your cost of living, you will have your 1m at the age of retirement.

we're talking living in a van, not living in the real world, 24k is enough for bare necessities in a van

lotta jews itt
>get a job goyim
>buy a house goyim
>pay land tax goyim
the whole point of van living is to be free of jewish control
>b-but what if...
ifs and buts faggots

I haven't yet worked out the logistics so I don't know if that's true. I prefer the conservative estimate based on normal living.

the other way to win is to become very wealthy

requires abit more efffort, a lot more intelligence, and some luck

It requires 0 intelligence, infinite luck, and very little effort.
And very wealthy means billion dollar range. Anything short of that is irrelevant. t. society.

>the other way to win
there is no winning with jew tokens

>It requires 0 intelligence, infinite luck, and very little effort.

yeah ok you fucking retard go become a profitable financial analyst and figure out where to find yield without intelligence and very little effort YOU FUCKING LOSER


freedom is winning
the more you have the more free you are

if you disagree become homeless or a prisoner

You said 'very wealthy', not 'borderline broke'. Stop backpedaling please. If 'profitable financial analyst' is your benchmark for 'very wealthy' I must look like the god of money to you. Wow.

>money is freedom goy!
>btw keep paying your taxes!

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So would a desktop computer be too much power or is it laptops only if I want to play vidya?

>wanting to play vidya from the past decade

yeah they are very wealthy, stop talking though, youre a fucking idiot and its sad

um, well, a lot of games were produced in the last decade
I'll get to play the games from this decade in the next decade anyway

become homeless or a prisoner

>dude the system is so unfair taxes omg why cant i just live in a libertarian shithole where warlords roam around and rape me


>Having a child would ruin their lifestyle.
they could just take it out to the middle of the woods and drown it in a river or something

>become homeless
earth is my home lol
>>dude the system is so unfair taxes omg why cant i just live in a libertarian shithole where warlords roam around and rape me
gotta love strawmen

you just fucking made fun of the idea of taxation you dumbfuck retard

drink shit

The last game worth playing was released in 2008 but it was a sequel to a better 2007 game. Therefore there is no reason for anyone with even a modicum of taste to care about the last 10 years in vidya.

>you just fucking made fun of the idea of taxation
good goy

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>gotta love strawmen

it cant be both a strawman and what you literally believe you fucking nothing

youre so fucking dumb

Is your reasoning this?

X is normal, therefore X must be bad?

If yes, you're an absolute moron.

Park outside a place that's open 24 hours a day. Walmart parking lots are a safe bet for staying the night.
t. lived in my car for a month

You aren't a robot because you choose it you dumb fuck, you're a robot because you can't be a normie, it's not a choice

It's not comfy at all
It sucks
t. fell for that meme last summer, drove around the US in a van with my gf
It sucked

four yousle

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If you were a NEET for a decade how did you get a job? I assume you are very poorly paid.