I wish real life was more like Jow Forums

I hate these fake nice people, I wish people irl where more like here. Harsh, uncaring and comedic bashing everything they don't like having autistic disagreements and endless arguing. Sharing their embarrassing stories and stuff I don't like how fake normies are, how much they care about their appearance. It's all a facade.
Jesus Christ, what is this feeling. This feeling of hate.

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I agree. The small talk and fakeness I have to put on around people is really tiring at times.

In such a world you'd still be a loser

you can't do that. instead you can kys.

Damn. Getting this aggressive unprovoked. I sure do hope you don't think YOU would fare any better.

Oh god no. I'm having a hard enough time just not randomly punching normies. If everyone was like on r9k, I'd end up in jail within a week.

He can kill some normies before killing himself

The fact you think that was in any way aggressive proves my point. One sentence and you're already acting like a victim, yet you want a world where everyone is volatile.

>person brings up a completely random scenario for fun
Yeah, you're fucking autistic, buddy.

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I've never really realised it (or really thought about it) until now but you're right, that's why I like Jow Forums: it's the openness and the realness of it all

Yep and there's the part where you don't actually have a rebuttal. Reposting sentences with dumb words and all caps isn't an argument.

Yep and there's the part where you didn't have a point other than doubling down on your first shitty one in the first place. Admit you're wrong and move on. It's okay.

Jow Forums is pretty akin to real life. Both are about manipulation to provide a personal comfort level. The major difference is that Jow Forums is only about the manipulation of thought by thought, rather than manipulation by appearance, morality, or popularity that is experienced in real life

>The major difference is that Jow Forums is only about the manipulation of thought by thought

In what way are people being manipulated?

Checked, OP. A revolution is essential

Congratulations, you've now seen the truth, the matrix in which you live. Now you know of the cage the suffering can begin

It is openess and realness but we aren't neurotypicals. We see the thoughts of fellow autists. God knows what normies think about all day in their heads..

Meanwhile some normie:
>Hey OP you scrawny limp dicked faggoy whats up?
>y-you too...

>I want an uncaring world
>Stop being aggressive

The worst part is that most people won't even have a bant or an obviously facetious and sarcastic argument because they take everything way too fucking seriously. I don't know what it is about these meatbags and I've been trying to figure it out my whole life.

However what OP isn't right about is wanting to "kill normies"; so please take me off the list thanks FBI.

Normies is a codeword for jews

But I'm not OP tho

I just am unironically a nice poster. I'm too meek to really talk much in reality, but I hate it when people have autistic angry arguments that rage on about stupid shit.
I just want to make people smile damnit.

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God damnit youre such an insufferable cunt

Not him but Jow Forums has it's own hivemind running.

Yeah but it's not on same level as somewhere like Reddit where you can literally upvote/downvote opinions you like/dislike.

I unironically nicepost as well, not in a "I want you to feel better" way but as in "yes you are a retard but we all make mistakes", you don't have to be cruel to be real, nor be fake to be nice
seeing others as inmates in a penitenciary land that is the world fills you with indulgence, without laying on courtesy, and without being the edgy nigger kind of user who insults a diestra y siniestra just to provoke an emotional reaction

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yes but you can detect hive minders in a second and just ignore them

No thats not that easy

when im high on lucy its the funniest thing ever. seeing how much time they actually spend on this

man i'm so hungry
man i'm so thirsty
man i'm so tired
i wanna fuck this chick
woah i'm driving home from work
i'm gonna fuck my gf
after i eat and watch my favorite tv show
then we'll go out

and shadowban the meanies :3