Why did he do it Jow Forums?

Why did he do it Jow Forums?
he could have started lifting and made it

Attached: imnMPjT.jpg (640x861, 140K)

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He did lift. Shit bat thread. Next!

Because he was a fucking incompetent retard.

jesus fucking christ that jawline is amazing

because he was a failed normie with no social skills. Lifting wouldn't do much.

Imagine knowing so little about st. Elliot that you would make this thread even ironically.

He's beautiful. You can't deny that.

Lol not origami

He got tired of being rejected by people he was interested in romantically/sexually. He should've just became a drug addict and he would've lived

I noticed a recurring trend with spree killers like this being people who tried to "make it" and maybe failed and/or realized that they would never catch up to their sexually/socially successful peers.

They're often struggling, older students with no social circle who spend a lot of time online. I think it's actually their ambition and drive to not be losers that pushes them over the edge.

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he did lift he had a bodybuilding dot com account

I've read the entirety of his posting history on there
he admitted to not lifting several times

of only he was born a female hapa.
they are perfectly cute.
look at Nancy from Momoland, she has an irish-american dad and a korean mother and she is cute af

Attached: 180707 Nancy.jpg (2000x1500, 344K)

it's shooped, wanker

i'm pretty sure he i saw him say "i do lift but i prefer wearing clothes not showing bulging muscles" or something like that

bodybuilding isn't really about bodybuilding, it's just like a giant men only forum

i've had bitches begging for my dick and i don't event look asc good as him, i even have an under average chin

yeah, the real pic is nowhere near as glamorous, he looks borderline Oblivion quality IRL

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he was too mentally warped my dude. Abnormal childhood and years of losing to his peers set his own mind against himself.

This is the sman who got visibly angry every time he saw he couple in public. He wrote about an the sight of an attractive couple making him so angry that he decided to go over to and pour coffee on them

Seriously, just read through his "manifesto". Specifically, just read the latter parts where he talks about his life from the ages 18 onwards. This guy had no fucking chance and it didn't have anything to do with his appearance

Some people are just not very strong, mentally.

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It's a shoop. Here's the real version.

Attached: images.jpg (195x259, 5K)

he was a self entitled faggot who was doped up on too many r9k memes. or he was just retarded or something

He could have got grills but he never asked any out

he was so detached from reality and saw everything in terms of Jow Forums's bizarro world.
he could have had a good life but lacked the critical thinking to see that the redpill is a buch of psuedoscience for the most part. building a world view from an echo chamber instead of logic with fuck up your life, regardless of the side of the political spectrum

>had a bmw
>was a solid 7/10
>rich parents
>solid education
He had all the makings of a chad, but his autism ultimatly doomed him.
Hes a living proof that having everything given to you for free makes you less of a man.

Attached: SunPepe.jpg (900x506, 38K)

Maybe even Morrowind

Here's what he would have looked like lifting

Attached: Caius_Cosades.png (600x1000, 1.13M)

Lifting has literally not ever helped even a single person
>inb4 zyzz
Would not have had any problem if he had ever tried, even prior to lifting, and even despite the fact he was abnormally thin.
The only thing that matters is if you're a normalfag or not. While ER wasn't a robot, he was still disconnected from classical normalhood due to his mental illness (which is why the mentally ill can't truly be robots).