How do I get rid of the neet guilt?
I just want you wagies to know the threads are just for the lols and I'm actually really appreciative of you
How do I get rid of the neet guilt?
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Take the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge
get a rope or a job you parasite
realize that you probably live in a capitalist country and living comfortably off of other people's hard work is the most capitalist thing you can do
Sataniafaggot thinks he can make any judgement calls on quality of character
>How do I get rid of the neet guilt?
Start working out.
Youre guilt is not induced by the fact that others wageslave while you do not, it seems that way but reality is different.
What you truly feel guilty about is not doing anything productive with your time.
If you use some of your free time (which you have plenty of) to train your body, you will start feeling a lot better about yourself.
Im not pulling this out of my ass, a lot of succesfull NEET use that tactic.
I've been doing psychedelics and the overload in serotonin gives an afterglow feeling for several days after you trip, no guilt as a shut-in hikki of 5 years anymore. I'm glad to be alive. It helps that I'm about to get SSI and feel like I'm contributing through my prescriptions that I let my family use sometimes. Nobody bothers me and I lay in bed, talk to cute girls online and listen to great music. Go buy DXM from RoboCough, get some LSA from Amazon, buy LSD from the deepweb illegally or something and take it. Sit back and relax my NEET friend, follow Uncle Remus guide to getting SSI if you haven't and try your best to enjoy your neetdom.
aaand the guilt is gone
stay mad wagie
>i believe that all people are created equal
Say that to a down syndrome kid or a blind person.
What a fucking load of bluepill bullshit.
That's some grade A boomer posting right there
Noone chooses to be born into this shit. You're not taking money from people you're just dealing with the cards your dealt.
People who actually think you're sponging off a government that creates money from thin air can go fuck themselves. Son't expect your minimum wage to increase much in future no matter how much better the economy gets. Even if they abolish welfare...
Fuck Hilary. Fuck Trump. Wake up. Stop being a pleb.
Don't be guilty. I'm sure you have your reasons for not working and I am happy to pay taxes to support you. If you are scared of working you should still try it you may make a friend. Take care user
I don't work because I have autism and can't manage to place myself into a routine. I've tried work many, many times through training programs and school and I'm starting a new program next month but this time I'll get my own job counselor and I get help from my therapist
i would be very happy if i were you
>Say that to a down syndrome kid or a blind person.
>What a fucking load of bluepill bullshit.
You arent as smart as you think you are kiddo. Blind people are more proficient woth their other senses and downs syndrome is considered a gift in many cases
>downs syndrome is considered a gift in many cases
>I don't work because I have autism and can't manage to place myself into a routine
t. self diagnosis
Good for you for trying. Not everyone can fit societies' image for a normal life. I'm glad we have taxes and welfare to help our neighbors who need it. Good luck with your future employment opportunities
t. boomer
there are bad jobs. someone with a masters in computer science shouldnt be working at mcdonalds
have you seen the downie weightlifters in the olympics?
they are strong? Bullshit. I was an aide helping autists and downies in HS, i shook one of their hands and it was so soft i felt like i could break it just by squeezing if i tried. and i thought my hands were soft.
you realize retard strength is a myth right? They actually have WORSE muscle development, its just that they have shit motor control and can't really control how much they use their muscles as much as normal people.
I'm autistic and I have very low muscle tone, they're really floppy and I get beaten by girls in arm wrestling matches all the time.
>All the time
Lol how often are you arm wrestling chicks senpai?