Is it really healthy to take cold showers

Is it really healthy to take cold showers

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Have you ever met someone who did all this shit in their lives?

It's entirely irrelevant to everything but your electricity bill.

Drinking lots of water lmao stop trolling

I have no idea and I don't give a shit. I want it warm and comfy.


>Cook healthy food for myself daily
>Own a successful business
>Healthy sex life, going on a date this weekend
>Drink water constantly
>PPL 6 days a week, cardio on Sundays
>Over $100,000 in the bank, just bought my first house
>Go to sleep at 10:30PM every night

Yes, I am that person. If you weren't such a downer you could be too.

How is this in any way hard?

I haven't met anyone in ages, last I heard some people were talking about elections and reality TV shows. Also everyone got fat all of a sudden.

Not gonna make it.

golden showers are magnificent for me so far, i've been doing them for 4 months.

You know you have taken too many redpills like me when i find nothing in your life to brag about. Congrats, you have normie comfydom. Just keep ignoring that inner part of you thst wants to be free.

Also drinking water constantly is fucking retarded.

I'm fully prepared to be jealous of you, but i need to first know are you a manlet?

other than water, food and exercise I do the exact opposite

If you do sensible bed time and healthy eating you can easily do the rest

>Brags on a Uzbekistani pinball machine enthusiasts forum

Do you even need to ask?

>ive had so many red pills i dont seek to improve myself
You literally haven’t even taken the first red pill

Golden shower feel great after a good workout.
I doubt there's another benefit though except feeling relived when you step out of the hower.

Also, shower with natural Alep soap or Savon de Marseille, instead of greasy body soaps. It's much cheaper and gives a better feeling on the skin once you used to it. Giives a nice soft skin, good for acne, itching skin, and is a natural deodorant too. It makes you smell a nice natural masculine smell, my gf loves it

May also be good for your electricity bill and if you care about your environment

"Golden shower"

Meant "cold shower", wtf

>Golden shower feel great after a good workout.
welcome to Jow Forums

Except fulfilling career its spoot on. Not that I have a bad career. I'm very good at my job. But it's just a job and not something i'm passionate about except for me having good work ethics and wanting to get promoted.

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>drinking water constantly is fucking retarded.

Have all except social life
I'm considering killing myself, to be honest
Being socially weird/awkward feels so bad, it's like you're an outcast from society

Embrace weirdness my dude. I've seen some weird motherfuckers that have 10/10 swagger just cause they hold their frame and dgaf

i mean scalding hot water isn't great for your skin, but ice cold showers are borderline masochism