le 56% amerimutt from the underworld here. just one question.
whats it like to be 100% white? burgers aren't filling the void anymore. I WANT MY OTHER HALF DAMNIT ILL NEVER STOP SUFFERING OVER NOT BEING ABLE TO JOIN MY BRETHREN GOOOOOOOOD
le 56% amerimutt from the underworld here. just one question.
whats it like to be 100% white? burgers aren't filling the void anymore. I WANT MY OTHER HALF DAMNIT ILL NEVER STOP SUFFERING OVER NOT BEING ABLE TO JOIN MY BRETHREN GOOOOOOOOD
You at least have a bbc right?
Its ok, nothing special really, i just have.... you know, whiter skin? And my facial features are not that profound as other races (big lips, forehead, hueg ears etc)
I don't even know if I am or not. My dad's Italian ancestry comes from the Emilia-Romagna region in italy and thats as dark as it gets for me. I have paper straight mousy brown hair and green eyes, otherwise, I sleep, eat, breathe and crap just like everyone else. I don't think it actually matters.
Has its ups and downs. Just be happy with who you are; you can't change that.
it feels kinda good to know that im ugly because god hates me and not because my parents are from different ethnic groups
I am literally 56.25% white. Dad is white and great great grandfather is white too. Everything has been fine for me. Dont let Jow Forums memes define who you are. Decide it yourself. Act white and people will treat you as a white.
it's actually more of an Jow Forums meme. Jow Forums hates it with a passion.
>be Russian
>do DNA test
>only 99.7% European
That's white, user. Unless you know for a fact they're terrone, you're white.
>my facial features are not that profound
>has long protruding bird nose
Better than my results. American here
Kek your ancestor got khanned
No they had blue eyes. I'm pretty sure i'm a wypipo.
>tfw german/slav mutt
Back to your containment.
sage, report, and hide all threads like this one
But the guy doing the KHAN'ing was also his ancestor
t. Angry goblino
Lighten up a little man, it's all fun and games for now.
Just find a 44%, qt3.14
Jeez Louise, no need to be dramatic. 56+44=100 so if you find your 44%er than you can have 100% white babies.
Mostly I just give myself unrealistic expectations of success because the stereotype is that white people are rich and successful. Even though I know I'm as poor as most nig nogs.
I never doubted I was at least 95% Euro. I always thought there'd be a trace amount of Native American and African in there, at least one or two fence jumpers in the genealogy, you know? But not only is my genetics 100% Euro, I'm almost entirely "British", meaning, I guess, Anglo-Saxon. I thought there would be significant German in there, a little Scandinavian maybe, probably some French. Nope, totally insignificant, I'm as British as an American can possibly be, even with many generations of my bloodline being here.
And it doesn't mean anything, because I'm just another "white American" to anybody who cares about this sort of thing.
It can never be.
I'm sorry OP. Once you stain it, it never comes out. The best you can do is procreate only with other mutts in an attempt to form an entirely new race over several generations.
You can be one of the forebears of this, at least. The races continue on as they were, and you leave a new legacy behind.
a race of cryptids
Well, the alternative is killing them all, but let's save that option for last and see what we can do to mitigate the issue otherwise. I'd say to just send them all into South America or something.
>mfw darkie