Lets settle this once and for all

Lets settle this once and for all.

What MAKES you a robot and what DOESNT make you a robot?

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Are you looking for necessary conditions or sufficient conditions?

It's not an exact science. Wanting to die so you can be with you waifu is a good indicator.

I had to do child therapy when I was 12 due to self-harm

Virgin = robot
Non virgin = Normie
It's not a fucking rocket science

Sufficient condition, not necessary.
Sufficient, not necessary.

Perhaps, mental illness (of some minimal degree) is necessary?

im leaning towards necessary but either are fine.

In that case, virgin and some degree of mental illness are both necessary imo.

You see these are decent answers, but the second a robot on here opens up about having anything to do with girls be it that girls took in interest in them but they were too autistic or they had girlfriends overall, they'd get outed as normies,

I'm a 27 yo kv with a small dick. That's enough to make me a lifetime robot.

If you have social contact and have hope to lose virginity = failed normie

Though not a complete list these are a large chunk of the absolute disqualifiers:

Have your license
Have ever had a car of your own
Have ever had a job
Have ever had a girlfriend
Have ever had sex
Have ever romantically kissed somebody
Have ever romantically held hands with somebody
Go to college/university
Do not live with your parents or government assisted housing (in other words, if you have your own place or rent.)
Are not poor
Have friends who are normalfags, chads, or females. Tempted to say having friends at all but maybe you get a pass if they're just as fucked up as you
Are attractive

>avpd, schizo-anything, aspd, OCD, autism, depersonalization

normie/failed normie/tumblrette/only here for attention:
>everything else

it's not hard

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people go camping with girls and they remove their clothes inside the barracks?

>Have your license
>Have ever had a car of your own
i could see how this could disqualify you but everyone has their own situation.

>Have ever had a job
Cant agree with this because alot of the wage cucks on here have no choice.

>Go to college/university
Again, everyone has their situations, and if you are living with your parents, they might force you to go.

the rest are pretty good disqualifiers.

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>good looks
>slightly above average dick size
>talk to a couple grilz over snapchat
>the only 2 girls ive ever actually been friends with
>been """out""" with both of them, many years ago
>only recently started talking to them again because lets be fair, with my piss poor social skills im not going to make any more female friends any time soon
>in the friendzone with one of them, she knows very well how i feel about her, doesnt want me to stop talking to her even though she wants to be friends and i want to be more than that & we both know it kills me inside
no question about it, i'm definitely a failed normie now
used to be a robot but i tried to migrate to normieville and it spat me RIGHT back out in here

in that case, do you think alot of failed normies should get off this board?

cant say im in the same situation, but ive tried getting into normieville for the first time in my life and man was i rejected.

the fat angry uggo's here probably do want us to fuck off
no question about it actually
doesn't mean we're gonna

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honestly user, its not like we'll ever get to know.

factual statement

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when i lose my virginity & finally become the normie i'm growing into i'll gladly fuck off just for you

Im not a robot because Ive had the sex many times and have irl friends that like to go out and do things.
Im not a normie because I hate socializing with new people because Im awkward until I get to know people and I'd rather spend my friday nights shut in playing vidya than drinking with my buds.

being out of the norm by a lot
not being happy
not having love
hating yourself
hating the world
Having health/mental issues

any of the above MIGHT be a 'qualifier'

yeah they don't really add anything, just a lot of cringe and redditposting

well no, failed normie implies they have already failed


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>robotic aspects:
23 virgine
barely any friends, the ones i have i dont
see for months.
>non-robot aspects:

not that sad/or depressed about it, not that interested in getting with a woman, also not gay.

Nah you're a failed normie/incel. Real robots don't obsess over roasties and their pussies.

but i just said that i dont care about getting with a woman, im not sad about being a virgin.

>What MAKES you a robot and what DOESNT make you a robot?
still a virgin at 25
small dick
Doesn't make:
sizeable group of friends

its true but thats not what a robot is

Robots are virgins as a result social retardation
Im a robot
I dislike meeting people, its nothing but a hassle
always the same mindless topics and its not like i feel anything towords anyone anyway
even if i had a gf i wouldnt want to be around her more then like once a week for a talk and maybe sex
I just dont feel anything

If you came here after or during when moot posted the sticky and had this place flooded with faggots, YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT.

Robot = male virgin social outcast

If you are not male you are not a robot
If you are not a virgin you are not a robot
If you have any sort of social life you are not a robot

They are virgins, that's where they failed as normies. How new should you be to not understand this basic concept?

You are unequivocally a robot if you:
>Are still a virgin at age 25
>Have literally no irl friends

You are unequivocally not a robot if you:
>Are not a virgin
>Have had chances to lose your virginity with a 4+/10 girl that you turned down
>Have kissed a girl (and she liked it)
>Have a shit ton of irl friends (more than the average person)

Anything other than these leaves you in a gray area. You could still be a robot or not a robot, but these qualifiers are definitive.

That's true to an extent. If you're still a virgin by 18 - maximum 20 you'll always the soul of a robot that slumbers within you regardless of forthcoming sexual escapades. It's like an inescapable scar that's left on your character and social development.

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if you're here, you're a robot

even if you're getting paid to shill here
even if you're here solely to piss people off
even if you're making over $200,000 a year
even if you fuck lots of women
even if you're a father or even a grandfather

if you're here, you're a robot

the only real answers.

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Robots don't complain about people being "autistic" or pathetic or other words for abnormal. Failed normies do. If you go into threads for people you perceive as weirder than you and whine about it, you're not a robot.

another question,
Does anyone else think you can stop being a robot? Or is it just a permanent scar on your life?

This is the official chart.

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this board is 90% failed normies

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>shy introvert
>no social life because I had to move for my job and my few friends are busy with getting married and having kids
>used to regularly piss in bottles
>spend all my free time either on Jow Forums (been regularly visiting this place for 12 years), playing vidya or playing with fa/tg/uy toys
Not robot
>had a gf for a couple years but getting a gf felt like a miracle that will never happen again
>graduated college
>have good job and doing pretty well financially, don't love my job but it's tolerable and could be much worse

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the failed normies have turned this board into tumblr

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You may develop healthy social skills and walk, talk, and breathe like a normie, but you'll always have the missed opportunities and 'what if' memories.

What if I was more ambitious in highschool, could I have made more friends?
What if I asked the girl out that I had a crush on, would she have said yes?
Would my nostalgic memories consist of fun parties and plentiful laughter with close friends instead of cooped up in my room by myself playing vidya?
Would I have gotten to experience innocent teenage love?
Would I have developed healthy networks that would have landed me a stable career and longterm relationship?

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Only bald people can be robots

>Have your license
no, failed 2 times and gave up. not from the US and it's pretty hard to pass here though
>Have ever had a car of your own
no, but bought 2 cars for my parents
>Have ever had a job
>Have ever had a girlfriend
>Have ever had sex
>Have ever romantically kissed somebody
>Have ever romantically held hands with somebody
>Go to college/university
>Do not live with your parents or government assisted housing (in other words, if you have your own place or rent.)
>Are not poor
>Have friends who are normalfags, chads, or females. Tempted to say having friends at all but maybe you get a pass if they're just as fucked up as you
yes, but we're not that close
>Are attractive

>are attractive.

what if i'm not by conventional means? I have a good face shape but look like i have graves disease.

also those things aren't exactly what makes you a robot, they are just a side effect of what really does. Not LIKING socialization and NOT BEING ABLE TO.

this desu Jow Forums and r9k are dead

None of you are robots. Quit larping and get off my board.
You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (5.05% content).

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go fuck yourself you nu-normalfaggot from reddit or tumblr and while you are at it leave aswell


I too am studying for the lsat


kek, they suffer more existentially (meaning just by being conscious) then all 3 put together.
theres nothing good about being a walking target for normies to prey on.

>nu-normalfaggot from reddit or tumblr
the fack that you even know what the fuck this means shows what a faggot you are

and what makes you think that you massive all knowing faggot?

Thanks for the high iq response, that describes me.

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>Have your license
The fuck is that
>Have ever had a car of your own
>Have ever had a job
Technically yes
>Have ever had a girlfriend
>Have ever had sex
>Have ever romantically kissed somebody
>Have ever romantically held hands with somebody
>Go to college/university
>Do not live with your parents or government assisted housing (in other words, if you have your own place or rent.)
>Are not poor
>Have friends who are normalfags, chads, or females. Tempted to say having friends at all but maybe you get a pass if they're just as fucked up as you
>Are attractive
Now even failed normies such as I wouldn't be here if they were would they.

>out of the norm
>not happy
>not having love
>hating myself
... Complicated
>hating the world
>health/mental issues
Oooh boy do I yes

>virgin but 23
>technically never had the chance to lose my virginity
>kissed a girl (and she liked it (but her boyfriend did mind it))
>loads of people I know and am on good terms with


>social skills
>no gf
>life revolves around me
>alternating self-knowledge/self-pity

i felt sorry for a kid being fatshamed. noone wanted to play with him so i did. we did some sports, fat fuck felt, got concusion and used me. He lied i tripped him on purpose whilst it was an accident. that way he got his attention being a poor victim.
i had to see a fucking shrink because "i was dangerous to others". My parents were brought in for questioning. My dad was being asked stuff about his childhood infront of me. i could tell they thought he's beating me. I told the shrink it wasnt my fucking fault but she never believed me. She kept telling me stories how her father beat her, as if my father beat me and she wants me to admit it. it still boils my blood when i think about it.

>post menu
>hide post

This option has been created so you can use it.

I'm 24

>Have your license
>Have ever had a car of your own
>Have ever had a job
>Have ever had a girlfriend
>Have ever had sex
>Have ever romantically kissed somebody
>Have ever romantically held hands with somebody
>Go to college/university
>Do not live with your parents or government assisted housing (in other words, if you have your own place or rent.)
live with parents
>Are not poor
wprking class
>Have friends who are normalfags, chads, or females. Tempted to say having friends at all but maybe you get a pass if they're just as fucked up as you
no friends
>Are attractive
definitely not

All of these are wrong. Being a robot is at the very core being unable to achieve after tireless effort the baseline at which others start. Be it wealth, looks, emotional stability, mental health, self esteem, etc... To be a robot requires a resentful acknowledgement that you will always be less than zero.

If you interpret some user's robot criteria list as an invitation for personal survey responses, you are indubitably not a robot.

here's (You)r (You), (You) fucking attentionwhore, the worst normie of all

I have been accused of being a robot

The prosecution's case
>ugly as fuck, slit eyes with pig snout nose
>rail thin skinny, ribs sticking out
>no female has shown affection towards me, not even family
>no female has shown an iota of romantic or sexual interest in me
>so fucking ugly that my parents said that they could not get an arranged marriage from the home country
>even the poorest girls said no once they saw a picture of me

The defense's case
>ivy league stem degree
>m7 mba
>fluent in multiple languages
>worked in wall street and silicon valley
>career skyrocketing
>home owner while in my 20's
>if current career trajectory holds, will be a millionaire by 30
>penetrated dozens of females via sex tourism

Interesting thing is my 5.5" x 5" penis looks huge on my 5'3" body. Literally every sex worker say how impressive it is. Yes, I know it is in their financial interest to flatter me. I can't tell if they are being genuine because I am not attuned to sensing the emotional state of people.

>interpret some user's robot criteria list as an invitation for personal survey responses

Guess I'm not a robot haha amirite guys

At least you are getting some form of confidence boos

I know, my greatest luck is that my autism is mild and profitable. I got into programming by making market trading bots for Eve Online. I've been into programming and finance ever since.

What kind of bullshit gatekeeping crap is that? r9k is not a board exclusive to the dissabled and hikis. Cars are great. It's fun to drive cars and if you don't even like Initial D you're an absolute fagol.



This wasn't oregano. Some damn fine taste in here.

image she shit the bed and you woke up covered in her poop.

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Why do all you normies still feel the need to identify yourselves with a group? I guess you haven't been outcasts for long enough.

>What MAKES you a robot
My physical appearance
>what DOESNT make you a robot?
I'm able to have intelligible conversations, but only on subjects/topics I'm interested in. Otherwise, I can't seem to open up.

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A robot is defined by social incompatibility. This is usually symptomatically expressed by social isolation.
There are necessary, and sufficient, conditions to be a robot, following nomenclature in the literature. Necessary conditions include:
- has never had a girlfriend or boyfriend
- has never had an extensive friend circle
Note that a friend is not the same as an acquaintance: being invited into someone's home at least twice is a sufficient condition for being friends with them.
- difficulties starting non-trivial relationships with people.
Sufficient conditions include
- Dying while respecting the necessary conditions.
There is unfortunately so far no decent way to define sufficient conditions less strictly. Necessary conditions described here are of course non-exhaustive.

To clarify for the less academically-inclined: completing a single sufficient condition guarantees robothood. Breaking a single necessary condition guarantees non-robothood. This is what these terms mean.

You forgot the most basic condition - being male

No, that's not a necessary nor a sufficient condition.
The reason why there are no known fembots is because every single woman in the world appears (emphasis on appears) to be failing all three necessary conditions.

ewrflhJDBFLJHDSBFJ No not archive please lol