Tfw the xanax kicks in

>tfw the xanax kicks in

Comfy as fuck

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I've always found it weird that normies treat Xanax like a fucking party drug

A party drug? I'm sitting here in my room. And I'm definitely not a normie

unironically kys you fucking degenerate pos

Xanax users should be gassed. Degenerate white trash.

Where can i buy Xanax?

what does it do? i've had prozac but it did nothing.

describe effects ?

>don't want to go to a doctor because haven't been in 10 years
>can only get xanax from dentist who gives like 10 at a time
life is suffering

It's a benzo so just makes you calm and you don't give a shit. Sober me takes on bar and knows that's all I want for the night. When I wake up I've taken 3 more. Kinda like being drunk a bit

>needing drugs to feel comfy
hell I'm feeling even comfier right now knowing that I don't

>tfw the xanax kicks in
Enjoy your brain damage retard

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Xanny saved my life I used to be extreme to the NEET till I got some off the **** *** now I got a job and go to college without getting pissed off at everyone around the area.

Prozac is an SSRI (anti-depressant) and it takes a few weeks of continuous daily dosage for the effects to start kicking in. Xanax is a benzodiazepine similar to valium/diazepam which basically makes you unable to process anxiety which completely chills you out, the effects of which kick in shortly after dosing. Because of how effective it is at basically killing anxiety they are highly addictive for people with anxiety disorders (ie, most people who browse this board).

Can't you get some research benzos? No need to go to a ((( doctor ))). I can personally recommend clonazolam

You will inevitably run out and fail to secure more xanax.
Its not a matter of if it will happen, more when will it happen.
The withdrawal symptoms of benzos will really fuck your shit up.
I hope you enjoy not sleeping for 3 days, while being totally restless and your body itching everywhere.

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you can't make op anxious, he's on xanax



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that's exactly what he meant
a normie would pop xanax in a party or social gathering instead of using it as a comfy booster

Dependence only happens when you take the drug daily for a period of at least one month

well do what you want op but this guy is right
youre digging your own grave
you will wish you die...

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>Dependence only happens when you take the drug daily for a period of at least one month
For physical dependence, yes thats true.
However for psychological dependence, it only takes 2 times.
If he become psychologicly dependent the required month can happen very easily.

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